Minggu, 04 September 2011

Question 4

Which would you rather admit: your age, your weight, or your salary?

I have no problem with my age !! or do I ? cuz I keep insisting that I am 37 in the Gregorian calendar not the Islamic one, in the Islamic calendar I am 38. 
btw <<

I can tell you my weight but when I lose the extra kilos I have been trying to lose for the last 10 or 15 years , I am close :)

My salary !! no I wont say that, it's no one's business but mine, right ? 

So on another thought, I don't think I would admit any !!

*If you have any question to ask, feel free to do so :)

14 komentar:

  1. Wafa it is really nice to get to know you through these questions and I really enjoy reading your posts :) .. I want to ask you what would be a great day to Wafa? :)

    cheers my friend :)

  2. I've no problem with any...should I?

  3. i too have no problem admitting my age and weight.

  4. Aseel,

    Glad you enjoyed the posts my dear and your question will be answered in Question 5 :)

  5. Izdiher,

    Thank you sweetie, glad you love them :)

  6. Rain,

    you still young, and thin.wait till you get older and fatter :P

    seriously, no you shouldn't. I love all ages and all shapes :)

  7. Ze2red,

    I guess the more women have no problem with admitting their ages and weights, proves that we are super women and we aren't the image they portrait about us :)

  8. الشعب يريد إسقاط السرية عن راتب وفاء

  9. Haitham,

    "وفاء تتقمص شخصية القذافي "

    من انتم ؟؟ من انتم؟؟


  10. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL you cracked me up Foof

  11. Rain,

    :) <<< the smile of an innocent lady, lol

  12. naysan,

    in 4 years, I will be 42. Hope I will be as proud :)
