Rabu, 14 September 2011

From Bad Mood To ...

My mood has changed completely today.
I was a bit happy that it's weekend tomorrow after a whole long week of starting school -despite skipping two days off my self, I was sick- .
Anyhow, my mood has changed completely an hour ago when I received a sack - literally a sack- of 15 books from Amazon :D

books do really change my whole life completely.

I must of have done something good today :)

10 komentar:

  1. Yay for books! Don't you love how exciting they are? The sense of adventure and learning that are in them? I can't wait to read your thoughts on them! So glad to see what you ordered! Now to choose which to read first, huh? :D

    By the way, I read your 9/11 post the other day and no comments were permitted so I meant to write you on FB and say that you are important to me and I love you! I think anyone who had the opportunity to meet you would love you as well. :)

    Have a good weekend!

  2. Susanne,

    I swear it feels like I have been told I won a million dollar already:)

    I am going to - I mist- finish "The help" first, I am so excited by it. And then the tough decision to choose one from the new ones, probably "nomad", but not sure yet.

    You know my dear, that you and people like you makes me so happy to even start this blog. Even if I didn't get anything out of it, the mere knowledge that I have met you makes me so happy. It's always amazing how people so far away can mean the world to you. And you are one of them. Thanks for coming into my life my dear. I love you :)

  3. Wow, that's looks like one good good stack!

  4. Ola,

    the look of them is just amazing :)

  5. wow...i am feeling jealous :P
    seems like this time the shipment is about religion/philosophy...hmmm....do post synopsis of whatever book you read here... will wait :)
    have a nice time :)

  6. Muhammad,

    since it's easier getting novels around here and since I have like million of them, I decided to change to non-fiction .

    And i will definitely post about them :)

  7. Oh no, A History of God makes me feel guilty... I really need to get back to reading that...

  8. Becky,

    how come? is it because it's so good or ... ?

    I will be sure to make it my next book to be read.

  9. It is good, it's very good, but I was doing all of those big posts on it, and so I got sidetracked,and am horribly behind on it :P

  10. Becky,

    I remember the posts. why do you think I bought it !!!. It's your fault that my library is full :P

    I am torn between reading it next or the Jeffrey lang's book.
