Jumat, 30 September 2011

Down Syndrome Awareness

Another awareness in this beautiful month "October". 

Down Syndrome Awareness Month.

I could babble a lot about Down Syndrome but I don't think that we should understand something to accept it or the people who have it. We must love and respect all people no matter what, Is not that unconditional love ?. 
Watch the videos they are worth it :) 

please click on " Watch on Youtube" it's so worth watching. 

Kamis, 29 September 2011

Famine in Somalia

An info graphic depicting famine in Somalia by the numbers shared by The Washington Post.
Seven hundred and fifty thousand Somalis may die of starvation this year. That’s equivalent to wiping out every single person in Washington, plus 150,000 more.



A Son Returns to the Agony of Somalia

ONE has to be careful about stories. Especially true ones. When a story is told the first time, it can find a place in the listener’s heart. If the same story is told over and over, it becomes less like a presence in that chest and more like an X-ray of it.
The beating heart of my story is this: I was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. I had a brief but beautiful childhood filled with poetry from renowned relatives. Then came a bloody end to it, a lesson in life as a Somali: death approaching from the distance, walking into our lives in an experienced stroll.
At 12 years old, I lost three of the boys I grew up with in one burst of machine-gun fire — one pull from the misinformed finger of a boy probably not much older than we were.
Read The Whole Story : NYTimes.com

Rabu, 28 September 2011

Breast Cancer Awareness

I am still scared of the time when I thought I had it here, here and here
The doctor said I should come and visit her after six month and if there is nothing wrong, then no need for more visits. Sadly, I didn't go until now, making it almost another 6 months :(  

Anyway, here is more about Breast Cancer Awareness which falls in this month : October.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) (also referred to in America as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month (NBCAM)) is an annual international health campaign organized by major breast cancer charities every October to increase awareness of the disease and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The campaign also offers information and support to those affected by breast cancer.
As well as providing a platform for breast cancer charities to raise awareness of their work and of the disease, BCAM is also a prime opportunity to remind women to be breast aware for earlier detection. (Source)
During Breast Cancer Awareness Month each October, people raise money by organizing activities such as theme parties or a "pink day" (when employees wear pink clothing or accessories) at work. The money raised is donated to the organizers' choice of breast cancer care or research programs.(Source)

There is a MALE breast cancer, too. Shocking !!! 

Here is a project called (Scar Project) . 
Before you click on the link you have to know that most of the pictures are disturbing -but is not what all diseases are, disturbing- that shows women's breasts after they have gone under the knife and some contains nudity. 

Minggu, 25 September 2011

Today's Biggest News For Women in Saudi Arabia

I said it before, that women wont gain any rights but with political orders from the head up. I am actually happy for these news, not very optimistic but hoping. And whether we are optimist or not, this will open many doors to women, doors for rights we lack in Saudi Arabia .
Yes, starting tomorrow religious leaders are going to either agree on that decision, calling the kind a reform and finding verses and sayings of the prophet that support that OR they will issues fatwas-and I already read one-of this being a decision against Islam and blah blah... but in four years-hopefully no more- everyone will accept it and encourage it.

I will blog about it in 2015, heck I may run for an office ;) 

Three articles you can read about today's biggest news for women in Saudi Arabia.:

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Sabra and Chatila

A must read about this terrible massacre happened on September,16. 1982

We're More Alike Than Different

People all over the world are just more alike than different, no matter what color, ethnicity, religion or disability we are .

Let's celebrate our differences before our similarity :)

Selasa, 20 September 2011

عائد الى حيفا- غسان كنفاني

"ياللغرابه ! ثلاثة ازواج من العيون تنظر الى شىء واحد ... ثم كم تراه مختلفا "

"... ان الانسان هو في نهاية الامر قضي "..

" .. إننا حين نقف مع الانسان فذلك شىء لاعلاقه له بالدم و اللحم و تذاكر الهوية و جوازات السفر .."

" أليس الانسان هو مايحقن فيه ساعة وراء ساعة و يما وراء يوم و سنه وراء سنه ؟ "

"سالت ماهو الوطن ؟ و كنت اسأل  نفسي ذلك السؤال قبل لحظة. اجل ماهو الوطن ؟اهو هذان المقعدان اللذان ظلا في هذه الغرفة عشرين سنه ؟ الطاولة؟ ريش الطاوس؟ صورة القدس على الجدار ؟ المزلاج النحاسي ؟ شجرة البلوط ؟ الشرفة؟ ماهو الوطن ؟ خدلون ؟ اوهامنا عنه؟ الابوة؟ البنوة؟ ماهو الوطن ! بالنسبة لبدر اللبدة , ماهو الوطن ! اهو صورة ايه معلقه على الجدار ؟ انني أسال فقط "

" و عاد فنظر الى (دوف) وبدا له مستحيلا تمام ان يكون هذا الشاب من صلب تلك المرأة "

" .. كان عليكم الا تخرجوا من حيفا . و اذا لم يكن ذلك ممكنا فقد كان عليكم باي ثمن الا تتركوا طفلا رضيعا في السرير . و اذا كان هذا ايضا مستحيلا فقد كاان عليكم الا تكفوا عن محاولة العودة.. اتقولون ان ذلك ايضا مستحيلا ؟ لقد مضت عشرون سنه ياسيدي ! عشرون سنه !ماذا فعلت خلالها كي تسترد ابنك ؟ لو كنت مكانك لحملت السلاح من اجل هذا . ايوجد سبب اكثر قوة ؟ عاجزون؟ عاجزون ! مقيدون بتلك السلاسل الثقيلة من التخلف و الشلل ! لاتققل لي انكم امضيتم عشرين سنه تبكون ! الدموع لا تسترد المفقودين و لاالضائعين و لا تجترح المعجزات ! كل  دموع الارض لا تستطيع ان تحمل زورقا صغيرا يتسع لابوين يبحصان عن طفلهما المفقود .. و لقد امضيت عشرين سنه تبكي .. اذا ماتقوله لي الان ؟ اذها هو سلاحك التافه المفلول ؟ "

" زوجتي تسال ان كان جبننا يعطيك الحق في ان تكون هكذا , و هي ,كما ترى , تعترف ببراءة باننا كنا جبناء , و من هنا فانت على حق , و لكن ذلك لايبرر لك شيئا , ان خطأ زائد  لايساويان صحا " ولو كان الامر كذلك لكان ماحدث لايفرات و لميريام في أوشفيتز صوابا .."

Minggu, 18 September 2011


 المجاعة تجتاح الصومال والعالم يراقب من بعيد
لميس فرحات من بيروت

تمنع حركة الشباب الاسلامية في الصومال دخول المساعدات إلى المناطق التي تسيطر عليها، بعدما ضربت موجة الجفاف والمجاعة الصومال مخلفة عشرات الآلاف من القتلى. وناشدت الامم المتحدة المجتمع الدولي للتدخل وعدم الوقوف مكتوف اليدين.

بيروت: هل سيقف العالم مكتوف اليدين ليشاهد 750 ألف صومالياً يموتون جوعاً؟ ضربت موجة الجفاف والمجاعة الصومال مخلفة عشرات الآلاف من القتلى، في الوقت الذي تمنع حركة الشباب الاسلامية دخول المساعدات إلى المناطق التي تسيطر عليها.

وأطلق مسئولون بالأمم المتحدة الخميس تحذيرات شديدة من امكانية وقوع كارثة قد تعصف بحياة نحو750 الف صومالي بسبب نقص الطعام ، مناشدين المجتمع الدولي بالتدخل وعدم الوقوف مكتوف الأيدي.
ونقلت صحيفة "نيويورك تايمز" الأمريكية عن مسؤولي الامم المتحدة - في تقرير بثته على موقعها الالكتروني بشبكة الانترنت- قولهم ان جماعة الشباب الإسلامية المتطرفة بالصومال تعرقل وصول أية مساعدات من وكالات الاغاثة الخارجية إلى المناطق التي تسيطر عليها، مشيرة إلى ان 750 ألف صومالي لن يجدوا الطعام خلال الأشهر القليلة القادمة هذا فضلاً عن عشرات الآلاف الذين لقوا حتفهم قبل ذلك.
وأشارت وكالات الاغاثة إلى أن الأمطار سوف تهطل قريباً على الصومال، إلا ان ذلك سيحدث قبل نمو أية محاصيل زراعية، كما أن الأمراض مثل الملاريا والكوليرا والتيفوئيد والحصبة ستكون قد اجتاحت السكان "ذوي المناعة الضعيفة" الأمر الذي سيؤدي إلى وفاة أعداد مهولة من الشعب الصومالي.
وذكّرت الصحيفة ببدايات عام 1990 حين عانت الصومال من مجاعة مشابهة وقامت مجموعة من "البلطجية قساة القلب" -على حد وصف الصحيفة- باعتراض شاحنات المساعدات الغذائية المتجهة للصومال مما اسفر عن تجويع الأطفال الذين تحولوا إلى  صور مروعة لهياكل عظمية في الرمال.
وأشارت الصحيفة إلى أن العالم كان أكثر استعداداً للتدخل عام 1990، فقد احتشدت الامم المتحدة وراء اكثر من 25 الف جندي أميركي في بعثة كلفت ملايين الدولارات لصد المسلحين المتطرفين وتمهيد الطريق لإرسال الإمدادات الغذائية للشعب الجائع.
أما النقيض لذلك، فهو ما حدث الاسبوع الماضي في القمة الاقليمية "الباهتة" لبحث المجاعة في القرن الافريقي والتي عقدت في العاصمة الكينية نيروبي، فقد اقترح رئيس الوزراء الاثيوبي ماليز زيناوي بناء ممرات انسانية بالقوة لمساعدة قافلات المساعدات الانسانية بتسليم شحناتها للمناطق التي تسيطر عليها جماعة الشباب، الأمر الذي لاقى ترحيباً من عدد قليل من الدول المانحة الغربية.
وأشار العديد من المحللين إلى أن القوات العسكرية الاجنبية لم تنجح في حل المشكلة الصومالية ولا يبدو أنهم سيستطيعون حلها في الوقت الراهن، فهذه المجاعة ليست نتيجة منع جماعة الشباب إدخال المساعدات الغذائية الى البلاد، بل نتيجة دولة محطمة تسبب فيها مخربون.
واتخذ المحللون مثالاً على ذلك العاصمة الصومالية مقديشو حيث انسحب منها جماعة الشباب تاركين الحكومة الانتقالية الصومالية مسيطرة على مساحات كبيرة من المدينة، وبدلاً من ان تترجم الحكومة سيطرتها في مساعدة الشعب الصومالي، قام جنود الحكومة 
بنهب شاحنات المساعدات وإطلاق النيران على الناس الجوعى.
المصدر : ايلاف 


AU Blames International Indifference for Somalia Famine Deaths

An African Union report says many people are dying in famine-stricken Somalia because of international indifference to their plight. AU officials are urging the United Nations and the donor community to move quickly now that Somalia’s al-Qaida-linked militants are in retreat.

African Union Commission Chairman Jean Ping said Somalia’s famine is needlessly claiming lives that could have been saved if early famine warnings had been heeded. 

Read the whole story: voanews.com


Famine Ravages Somalia in a World Less Likely to Intervene

DOLO, Somalia — Is the world about to watch 750,000 Somalis starve to death? The United Nations’ warnings could not be clearer. A drought-induced famine is steadily creeping across Somalia and tens of thousands of people have already died. The Islamist militant group the Shabab is blocking most aid agencies from accessing the areas it controls, and in the next few months three-quarters of a million people could run out of food, United Nations officials say.
Soon, the rains will start pounding down, but before any crops will grow, disease will bloom. Malaria, cholera, typhoid and measles will sweep through immune-suppressed populations, aid agencies say, killing countless malnourished people.

Read the whole story : NYTimes.com

more :

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

The Help

My thoughts and review of "The Help" 

Blowing Off Steam

When I was younger, I was a very mad person, very. And angry most of the time. lots of reasons for that, but growing up things are cooling down for me or maybe I am just learning to blow off my steam when I am angry in the wrongest ways..such as food or sleeping. Beside, the wisdom of being old. 

I am less angry now and hugely less mad, but still things can irritate me so quickly. I think my students thinks I am crazy when I yell at one of them for the stupidest thing and then go back to teaching with a smile. It can be this quick to forgive and let go for me.

When I am made, it's better to be left alone, no one should talk to me. I am one of the people who would stay away or within -if I have to- but don't look at you or say a single thing to you so I wont say or do something that might hurt you or I regret it. Beside If I talk when I am angry I cry a lot. If someone tries to upset me or drive me nuts, I mostly move to another place. I hate hurting people and since I am a sucker, I know that I will go back and apologize even if they were the stupidest ones : )

I love the prophet's saying about how to blow off your steam when you are angry, if you are standing to sit down, if you are sitting down to stand up. To do ablution for nothing to stop fire but water.
I honestly wish I can do that or at least remember it but it always passes me by when I am mad or angry...
"big sigh".

aAmost everyone in my small or extended family are either a mad person or an angry one. BTW, I did check they are two different things, lol

For now, food is always the answer. But hey, I am still working on losing those extra kilos from the last 15 years : D

Note: So I proved to myself and the world that I can not commit to anything for a whole week, let alone a month. I wondered when I wanted to commit to a 30something that I might lose, I mean what would happen when I am in a bad mood-which is a lot- or sick- which is second to being in a bad mood- or just lazy-third place-. 
But you know what, I am just in the mood to continue but probably in a different way this time.
Instead of questions and answers, I will write about different topics drawn from different questions. 

Jumat, 16 September 2011

About The Arab Spring

These are the two things I don't like about the Arab Spring 

It's probably in our gene as Arabs to be very sentimental or probably a lie we like to believe in ourselves. Anyhow, we love those who stand by us and hate those who don't support us, is it natural ? I think so. We are too extreme in our emotions. emotions are great but when you only think with your heart you wont go far away, you will always be stuck in here and in that moment, ask abused women who keeps telling you how great their husbands are about this...

So here are the two things:

1) Since the beginning of the Arab spring in Tunisia, we started to form "black and white lists" for everyone who is with and against the revolutions. 
People rise because-among many reasons-they can't speak, they can not express their voices and the first thing people do is to silence ANY one who is against the revolution. 
What do we want from someone who is against all this? to lie !!! and then what? he is going to be one of "us" !!! isn't always said that it's best if people be honest even if we don't like their honesty than be a hypocritic !!! 
They-especially actors and singers- have the right to say and believe what they wish and we have the right not to listen to them or watch them ever again,
but none of us have the right to silence the other. 

2) We tend to put those who say anything that support us in the highest places regardless of their actions towards others or sometimes their own people, remember Saddam !!
Right now there is no one in the Arab world is as appreciated and loved as the Turkish prime minister "Recep Tayyip Erdogan", I don't mind people loving whom they wish to love and worship, but are we this blind and ignorant in politics to believe that everything he says and do is for our own sake, that he is just doing it because he is all for human rights and feels what the people feel !!! . There is no humanity or feelings in politics. One day soon we will know the price he is asking us to pay for his support. 
And let's not forget-the same way we wont forget about our Arab dictatorship and the west records with human rights-that Turkey itself is not a heaven, Read about The Kurds. While Erdogan was denouncing what is the Syrian president is doing against his people, The Turkish  planes were attacking the Kurds. 
Please don't say they have the right to do so? The way we kept and keep ignoring the rights of all minorities in the Arab world -including the Kurds -is and will be a hug stain in our history. 

I am not contradicting myself when I say don't label those and label these. I am just saying don't do # 1 but also don't substitute a dictator with another one in #2. 

Let it shine and always be an ARAB spring. 

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Wild Wild Desert.

Right now I need to go to the dentist, it's not urgent but it's the best time. And in a few hours my mother is visiting some of her friends and here lay the problem.

My mother wont let me go by myself.  Shocking !!
let me explain a bit....

In Saudi Arabia, it's not easy to just leave the house by yourself..not that the government wont allow you but stupid traditions believes that a women shouldn't leave the house by herself unless she is accompanied by her brother or father. A mother or a group of females is another OK to leave with...So putting your abaya on and just leave by yourself is not OK for most-and I mean most literally- families.

I do leave every morning with a driver-not mine just someone I hire from around here- to work and most of the time they are asleep, but in other times including the mornings of the weekends you need to take someone with you or just ask for permission.. which is very very humiliating for a 37 -almost 38 year old woman-or any woman in that regard- .
The only way in my family to skip asking permission is if my mother goes along. And in rare occasions my sister. Two sisters without a mother, a father or a brother equal zero.
And I love it when my mother,me and my sister goes places...any place.

Now what do you do when you need to go somewhere, to the doctor or the book store -which is a place my mother hates a lot-? .If she got nothing to do, she will accompany me but she is sick with a bad knee. So after let's say two hours she is either starting to get sicker,can not walk or just bored. I know that lots of time she try to hide it but I can tell and I can not just ignore that and go on with my business or having fun.

I can go alone, right? no, because she is too afraid that something might happen to me or being abducted by a scary taxi driver that exists only in the news!!. And that's really frustrates me a lot. I mean  A LOT.

Most times I keep it hidden and says OK no need to leave now, we will go another time, but other times I just can not.. I don't yell but I say things that upset her and locked my self in my room, exactly the same way a teenager would react.

my mother fear is suffocating me, it's unbearable lots of the times.

The funny thing is that this beautiful 67 year old lady would leave alone and with scary taxi driver and it's OK. I mean can she defend herself if being abducted and I can not !!!

I am going to be 38 so soon, I am a strong and independent woman and I can not leave the house lots of times without my mother approval.

Welcome to Saudi Arabia, where women can not drive, can not leave the houses alone cuz it's a wild wild desert outside.

P.S: If you are going to comment by saying "this is only your family and that not the fault of Saudi Arabia" , then I am going to say bad things to you and block you for good. <<< in a very bad mood, let me go look at my new books again :) 

Rabu, 14 September 2011

From Bad Mood To ...

My mood has changed completely today.
I was a bit happy that it's weekend tomorrow after a whole long week of starting school -despite skipping two days off my self, I was sick- .
Anyhow, my mood has changed completely an hour ago when I received a sack - literally a sack- of 15 books from Amazon :D

books do really change my whole life completely.

I must of have done something good today :)

Senin, 12 September 2011

What's Wrong With Women !!

It's not only the crazy Qaddafi, but almost everyone. 

What's wrong with women ? why do men tend to vows to fight and rule like men and not like women? 

Why is it an insult being a woman ? or for a man to be like a woman? 

Even women get so excited when being labeled as being good -in any thing- and can manage like real men !!

A few days ago, Qaddafi vows: 
what's wrong with women ?. Is it because they are they sane, reasonable and wont destroy their countries
like him and the like of him? . And if we say that he is the craziest one out there and wont blame him for what he says, then why are we trying to degrade him and humiliate by having picture of  him like a woman !! 
Isn't him being him enough degrading !!
I honestly don't know if this is a concept for different countries, but I know for sure that's one of the worst notions in our Arabic countries: to try to put a man in a lower position by comparing him to a woman. 
Very clear messages out there for a life time lessons: 
 "something wrong with women"
" You are -as a man- way better than a woman"
" women are in  lesser positions and ranks than you"
And we wonder why do we treat our women the way we do?

Minggu, 11 September 2011


Do things happen for a reason ?. I would hate the answer "yes" .But when things happen they do change a lot of ideas and people...

I still remember what I was doing when 9/11 happen, I still remember the exact place I was sitting in.

It's a tragic event whether we like to admit it or not.. 9/11 was one of the first events that I could disapprove of immediately when it happened. The first time I was called an "infidel" by someone for making it clear that I am against "the Taliban". 9/11 opened my eyes to a lot of injustices around the world. 9/11 made me have the power to stand for the injustice and say that it's.

But how do you react against"injustices" by committing one yourself is a tough task and America has failed in that. The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq is the most clear example .

Having 14 Saudi out of the 19 terrorist changed Saudi Arabia a lot.
A huge religious debate have started after 9/11 and never stopped . We have a wider range of freedom because of 9/11. I guess the government tried to prove to the world that not every Saudi is a terrorist made huge changes.

The notion of what about us ? What about our victims ? wont make it right. You can not ask people to care about your victims while you are dancing on the graves of their loved ones.

The number of people died in the Arab spring all over the Arab countries will reach the number of people died in 9/11, if it's not already. Do we know their names? ages?dreams and hopes?. Are we ready to remind the world of them every year? What about the ones died in Iraq and still ?
That's why America is powerful, people count there, people are important.And we will only be as powerful when the people count not the presidents. When we are all the same and no one is more important than the rest.

Kamis, 08 September 2011

Right Now..

I guess that being sick for a day or a week or a month is the best way to know how you feel towards others and things..I guess these deep feelings that we are trying so much to hide can find their way to the surface when we are sick or when our hormones are missed up.

It's so funny to wish for someone to be far away from you...to be in a prison for instance... and then when that wish come true..you are in constant relation with this person that you will even spend hours thinking of  ways to entertain them from inside the prison... Is it a deeper wish to enjoy their life in far away place from you ?
yet, it feels so sad to hear them say that they are actually "living" in prison...

Lying is tough because telling your lie constantly force you to remember all the details over and over again..and since we can not then we are doomed to be caught...it's easier to just tell the truth...
the worst kind of lying is to lie because you fear people might condemned your life style...so you are doomed both way..

Question 8

On what ground...

Honestly... I don't belong to any group..

I am only a human being who cares about the rest of the people no matter what religion, country or continent they come from... And I wish that people treat me the same..

I love all people no matter what group they belong to...until further notice :) 

Rabu, 07 September 2011

Seven Facts About Me

Izdiher and Farsilla have awarded me "One lovely blog award"

with the award comes the task to write "7 facts about me" .

I did this long time ago here. It was my first tag ever.. So let's add more 7 facts about me...

1-Recently, whining has no tolerance from me, especially if you give this person ideas and they refused to look into them. I am starting to move away from such people. If this is a habit and they like to make themselves a victim, be my guest and I would listen to you, but you wont be a close friend. Seriously, I have enough negativity in my life to bring more by people who refuse to change. 

2- Number 1 isn't about people with problems, it's about people who likes whining. It's completely different than talking or discussing your problems, looking for solutions. I used to be that person, but thankfully not anymore. 

3-Believe that when God closes a door in your face, He open millions instead but staring back at that first door wont make you see the rest, and hey they wont be open for good. 

4- I believe that no one can control you unless you are weak. Especially in social and political situations like dictatorship in the middle eastern countries. And the situation of women's rights  in Saudi Arabia. 
But gaining your rights would mean huge sacrifices, who wants to be the first volunteer ? 

5- I believe that having a suspicious mind  is the first step towards complete believing. 
Knowledge would make you a greater believer. Don't be afraid to know more and to ask more, and always be suspicious of those ordering you not to ask.  

6-It's tough but possible to live a life with respect to all and every human being , the kind of life they lead, their tradition and lifestyles. 

7- I believe completely in the "nonviolence movements", if people just give it a try. 
I know that for some it's easier said than done, but I do believe that this is because we are greatly selfish. 

* lots of believing in this tag....does it mean the opposite !!! 

Well, thanks ladies for the tag :)

And if anyone loves to answer the tag, then I am awarding you the " One Lovely Blog award" and consider yourself tagged :)

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Question 7

What money can not buy ?

I guess this is a philosophical question which mean it can be not useful at all. 

But let's answer anyway. 

Money can buy anything you believe would make you happy. Otherwise you don't know how to use it wisely. 

If you need a house, money can buy that. If you are not happy with your job, the money you have can make you quit the job you have and stuck with- because of money- and create the job you love or simply live the rest of your life with your money.

Money can make you parents happy, your wife/husband, your children so it's a fair game.

Money can provide you with the best doctors/hospital.medicine when you are sick.

Money can make you feel good about yourself when you use it to help others. 

Money can make you a better servants to your God for the bliss He showers you with.

The only problem with money is that you have to substitute your previous bosses with this new boss "money" and welcome to slavery.  

*If you have any question to ask, feel free to do so :)

Senin, 05 September 2011

Question 6

Describe the longest road trip you’ve ever taken. 

They say that the length of something is a matter of feelings not the actual time. Is that true ?

I honestly believe so, the longest road trip happened almost 12 years ago, it took about 3 hours but was the longest to me. 

A few days before that trip, I came home from work to a very quiet home, you can sense the fear everywhere before even meeting anyone,then my mother told me that my eldest brother and my uncle have an intervention for my younger alcoholic brother. 
He was sent to the city of Jeddah to a specialized hospital there. 
We were happy and scared at the same time. for a very few days, he kept calling , yelling and screaming that he would kill them all if no one gets him out of there immediately. So my brother ask me to go with him to convince our younger brother to stay. Me and him were really close. 

At dawn we left, through the whole 3 hours we were mostly quiet and the moments we talked it was to come up with good ideas to convince him that it's good for him to be there. 

We arrived, visited him and he was so calm. We tried our best, he hated being almost a zombie there with the medicines they gave them. We told him it's a phase and he will be better. I explained to him the state of violence he is when he drinks which is always, we tried every possible way. EVERY.

We lost and we left. Another long three hours, realizing and thinking what will happen next. 

The only way for him to leave was if my father go there and  take him out. A few days after that my father did, the whole family was there minus my eldest brother. 

He drove us back to Medina, he was very happy and excited to leave that place. 
He was drunk. He is still. 

*If you have any question to ask, feel free to do so :)

Minggu, 04 September 2011

Question 5

what would be a great day to Wafa? 

I love regular days, days with routine cuz I know I achieve more from them unlike the holidays. 

A great day, would be waking up not sick and active in a very quiet home where everyone is still asleep. 
Having my quick breakfast and finding out that I look good before I leave the house. 
And definitely not meeting the school principle early in the morning :D

Having a smooth day at school with no one annoying me and everyone leaving me alone with my books when I got no classes :) 

Dinner at home, listening to my mother telling me how her morning was. I am trying my best to skip napping time but it's hard, so if I managed to sleep for an hour and not miss the whole afternoon time after the aser prayer, that would be great cuz I love this time, it's long, quiet-at home- and in it you can do a lot. And I love to see and live the sun light.

Spending the whole night online would be great, but if I found another job or enroll into a useful course it would be even greater cuz I hate spending only 6 or 6 and a half hours on work and most of the day on almost nothing. 

A movie or a series is a must to watch at least daily. It takes you to a whole different ideas,languages, lives..etc. 

If it's a vacation, I would love to spend my days travelling but if I can not then procrastination is the essential for the perfect day :) 

Thanks Aseel for the question :) 

*If you have any question to ask, feel free to do so :)

Question 4

Which would you rather admit: your age, your weight, or your salary?

I have no problem with my age !! or do I ? cuz I keep insisting that I am 37 in the Gregorian calendar not the Islamic one, in the Islamic calendar I am 38. 
btw <<

I can tell you my weight but when I lose the extra kilos I have been trying to lose for the last 10 or 15 years , I am close :)

My salary !! no I wont say that, it's no one's business but mine, right ? 

So on another thought, I don't think I would admit any !!

*If you have any question to ask, feel free to do so :)

Jumat, 02 September 2011

Question 3

How did you get your name?

My mother wanted to call me the worst name in history :( , after her grandmother. 
Thankfully I was born 10 days after Ramadan so I made her complete the month of Ramadan without having to break her fasting so she calls me "Wafa'" وفاء لاني وفيت معاها الشهر .
I don't know how to translate this in English, but it's something like "keeping her loyal to her habit of fasting in Ramadan" so I am loyal. 

One of the main thing I like about myself is my name, simple, beautiful and not that spread. 
I keep asking myself do i have something in my personality in my name? and that's a common wonder in Arabic. A few years ago a friend ask me with a pride " Did your family know that your will be loyal to them when they gave you that name" , I smile and hoped so. 

*If you have any question to ask, feel free to do so :) 

Cute Picture

I couldn't resist how cute the picture is,  it speaks volumes.

Sorry, but couldn't remember where did I find it :(

Kamis, 01 September 2011

Question 2:

What would you do with a million dollars?

I have a hate/love relationship with money. I love how it looks, how useful it's, but hate it so much to be able to keep for long. 

A million dollar equals 3750008 in Saudi Riyals so I will divide the money into four parts.

The first million will be used to buy the best house for for my family with the best furniture and all .

Since I wont quit my job-  I know a million dollar wont stay that long in my hand- I will take a year off and will organize the best around -the world- trip, the best.probably will start from Brazil :) 

I don't like the way charity organization work in here so I will divide the third million around people I know they need it, I already have their names in my head. People who need it for the great well being o their families.

With about 15000 I will set a big table close to The holy mosque with cold drinks, water, sandwiches, candies, dates and so many things , then invite all the beautiful people coming out of the mosque to something, 

I have to be wise, so a 600,000 will have to go to the bank to be saved, who knows I might need it one day. 

We still got 8 riyals, what am I going to do with that !!! 

P.S: Where will I ever get a million dollar from !!
PP.S: spam people, please stop your emails informing me that I won money.You don't annoy me, you break my heart every time :D 

*If you have any question to ask, feel free to do so :)