Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

The Poorest Nations

First of all,
  let's define poverty :-

Poverty is the lack of basic human needs, such as clean water, nutrition, health care, education, clothing and shelter, because of the inability to afford them. (Source)

And that's for people . As for countries, GDP is used to tell if the country is poor or rich. 

What is GDP? 

The gross domestic product (GDP) or gross domestic income (GDI) is a measure of a country's overall official economic output. 
It is the market value of all final goods and services officially made within the borders of a country in a year. It is often positively correlated with the standard of living,though its use as a stand-in for measuring the standard of living has come under increasing criticism and many countries are actively exploring alternative measures to GDP for that purpose( like the PPP).
GDP can be determined in three ways, all of which should in principle give the same result. 
They are the product (or output) approach, the income approach, and the expenditure approach.
The most direct of the three is the product approach, which sums the outputs of every class of enterprise to arrive at the total. 
The expenditure approach works on the principle that all of the product must be bought by somebody, therefore the value of the total product must be equal to people's total expenditures in buying things. 
The income approach works on the principle that the incomes of the productive factors ("producers," colloquially) must be equal to the value of their product, and determines GDP by finding the sum of all producers' incomes. (Source)

Now, how did they determine the poorest nations ?? 
By the following :-

A thousand dollars or less per person per year in GDP - the consequence of poverty, genocide, years of war, lack of natural resources, poor farm management, and limited access to clean water and health care.

Here is the list of the 20 poorest nations ( they are mostly in Africa) :-

Republic of Haiti

*Population: 9.2 million
*GDP (ppp): $11.5 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $1,338
The poorest nation outside of the African continent, Haiti has been beset by natural disasters, poor health conditions, drought and famine. 
The country experienced some of its worst years under the 30-year rule of physician and brutal dictator Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier, who was succeeded by his son, “Baby Doc” Jean-Claude. Under the rule of these men, Haiti experienced a massive brain drain, which it is still recovering from. 
The recent 7.0 earthquake in Port-au-Prince has not helped matters.

Burkina Faso
*Population: 16.2 million
*GDP (ppp): $17.7 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $1,304
The infrastructure of this west African nation has been plagued by frequent droughts and several coups since the 1980s. 
This country’s main export is cotton, which due partly to these intense droughts and heavy fluctuations in the industry, has been an unreliable cash crop.

Federal Republic Of Nepal
*Population: 28.9 million
*GDP (ppp): $31.5 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $1,205
Land-locked and isolated, one-third of Nepal’s GDP comes from small-time agriculture. Like Burkina Faso, the country has experienced much political instability over the past few decades. While the nation has significant potential for the development of a hydroelectric power infrastructure, this instability, coupled with the nation’s propensity for natural disasters, has left this resource largely untapped.

Republic Of Uganda
*Population: 33.4 million
*GDP (ppp): $36.9 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $1,195
Uganda has a great deal of potential with its vast natural resources, particularly precious metals and minerals. However, more than 80% of the population is employed in agriculture.  The underdevelopment of a mining infrastructure, as well as a general lack of industrialization, is largely due to large-scale civil unrest and international conflict with neighboring countries the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Republic Of Mali
*Population: 13.7 million
*GDP (ppp): $15 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $1,172
Another agriculture-heavy region, densely populated Mali relies heavily on its tobacco industry, which makes up at least 50% of total exports. While the government has attempted to develop an industrial infrastructure aided by the IMF, the UN, and several other philanthropic organizations, Mali has experienced major setbacks. In particular, the unpredictable and unreliable availability of utilities, including electricity, water and telecommunications has deterred foreign investors and hampered development.

Republic Of Rwanda
*Population: 11,055,976
*GDP (ppp): $9.9 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $1,149
Rwanda is one of the countries on this list which shows signs of hope. The genocide in 1994 left the nation’s infrastructure in ruins and its people in the depths of poverty. Like several others on this list, this nation is rich in minerals. Efforts to develop this resource, aided by the international perception of increased stability after nearly 1 million deaths during the genocid , have caused mineral production to replace coffee and tea as Rwanda’s main export.

Republic Of Guinea
*Population: 10.3 million
*GDP (ppp): $10.3 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $991
Guinea retains significant potential in agricultural and mineral resources, as well as hydroelectric development, but a wide range of issues, including a literacy rate of less than 30% and political uncertainty, has left these industries underdeveloped.

Federal Democratic Republic Of Ethiopia
*Population: 88 million
*GDP (ppp): $70.9 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $954
One of the largest and poorest of the African nations, Ethiopia relies heavily on agricultural exports (particularly coffee) to sustain GDP. Heavy droughts, poor farming practices, price fluctuations, and a two-year war with Eritrea hurt the industry, causing many coffee growers to switch to other crops. In 2005, the IMF forgave the country’s debt, which has led to improved conditions.

Republic Of Mozambique
*Population: 22 million
*GDP (ppp): $18.6 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $933
Since becoming independent in 1975, Mozambique has struggled to bring itself out of extreme poverty. Working against massive foreign debt with the aid of international organizations, the nation has managed to garner some attention from investors and has developed a sizable aluminum industry. The growth and export potential of the aluminum industry has been hampered by a sharp drop in the price of the metal since the global economic recession.

Republic Of Madagascar
*Population: 21.3 million
*GDP (ppp): $19.7 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $932
Until 1990, Madagascar had a socialist-oriented government, which was replaced by one which has relied heavily on the IMF for economic guidance. A burgeoning tourism industry has developed, but several political crises, as well as the global recession, have hurt the nation’s best hope for growth in the past few years.

Republic Of Malawi
Population: 15.4 million
*GDP (ppp): $11.3 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $884
Although there have been slight improvements since the 2005 election of President Mutharika, high levels of poverty, HIV/Aids and corruption continue to burden Malawi, one of the world’s most densely populated and least developed countries.  In addition, the overuse of agricultural land – the nation’s primary natural resource – has contributed to over half of the Malawian population living below the poverty line. There are plans for exploiting the country’s uranium reserves.

Togolese Republic (Togo)
Population: 6.2 million
*GDP (ppp): $5.3 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $826
Experiencing ongoing political unrest since gaining independence from France in 1960, Togo is considered to be one of the world’s poorest countries.  Led by the universally condemned President Faure Gnassingbe, son of the corrupt political leader Gnassingbe Eyadema, Togo has only recently begun to rebuild its relationship with the international community after years of human rights violations.  With help from the World Bank and the IMF, Togo’s government has plans to work to improve economic growth through increased privatization, government transparency, and support from foreign donors.

Republic Of Sierra Leone
*Population: 5.2 million
*GDP (ppp): $4.3 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $759
Although rich in minerals and agricultural resources, Sierra Leone suffered a ten-year war, which ended in 2002.  Poverty and unemployment remain great hurdles for the recovering nation. The export of diamonds, often called “blood diamonds,” benefits only a small minority of the country. For much of the general population, peace and prosperity seem unattainable.

Central African Republic
*Population: 4.8 million
*GDP (ppp): $3.2 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $745
A site of constant political turmoil, the CAR has undergone three decades of bumbling military dictatorships , a decade of unruly civilian government, and an unstable transitional government established by a military coup.  All of  this has happened since gaining independence from France in 1960.  There is great potential for economic growth within CAR’s timber and diamond industries, however years of corruption and political instability have undermined this progress.

Republic Of Niger
*Population: 15.9 million
*GDP (ppp): $10.1 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $719
Featuring an arid climate which suffers from drought cycles and desertification, Niger suffers from a stifled economy that is consistently undercut by price fluctuations in uranium, the country’s primary export.  These facts, in addition to Niger’s prolonged history of post-independence military rule, keep the nation as one of the poorest in the world, devastated by disease and corruption.

State Of Eritrea
*Population: 5.8 million
*GDP (ppp): $3.7 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $679
Having only gained its independence from Ethiopia 17 years ago, Eritrea has faced many problems. Problems that arise from its position as a small, underdeveloped country that continues to experience military conflict since its sovereignty.  The country’s single party government, run by the People’s Front for Democracy and Justice, maintains total control over the economy through military force and the expansion of government-owned businesses.

Republic Of Liberia
*Population: 3.7 million
*GDP (ppp): $1.4 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $424
As a result of years of civil war and a cycle of incompetent government administrations, Liberia has suffered extensive economic hardships since a 1980 military coup led by Samuel Doe.  Fortunately, an abundance of water, timber, and mineral resources offer a chance for salvation for to the nation’s war-ravaged infrastructure.

Republic Of Burundi
*Population: 9.8 million
*GDP (ppp): $3 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $400
Having recently emerged from a civil war between the Hutu and Tutsi factions, Burundi’s economy faces many challenges.  It is landlocked, lacking in resources, largely uneducated (only one in two children attend school), and one in every fifteen adults has HIV/Aids.  Although recent political stability has proven beneficial, poverty remains extremely prominent.

Republic Of Zimbabwe
*Population: 11.6 million
*GDP (ppp): $332 MILLION (note: whoa!)
*$GDP Per Capita: $354
One of, if not the poorest nation in the world, Zimbabwe’s economy has suffered from war with the Democratic Republic of Congo and hyperinflation as a result of the overprinting of currency. A violent land redistribution campaign has scared away most potential foreign investors.

Democratic Republic of Congo
*Population: 70.9 million
*GDP (ppp): $20.6 billion
*$GDP Per Capita: $332
Although rich with economic resources, the Democratic Republic of Congo has suffered from war and corruption since its independence in 1960.  Once the second most industrialized country in Africa, it now has in the lowest GDP per capita in the world.  Lack of infrastructure and the flight of businesses reflect the effects of what has been termed as Africa’s “world war,” where an estimated three million lives were lost.

Imagine living on $332 a YEAR. That means $0.90 a DAY. 

How are we living our expensive and stupid live when 70 million people paying less than a dollar a day !!!
It's so sad. 

And the worst that despite India is not in this list, but a new measure on global poverty has found that eight Indian states have more poor people than the 26 poorest countries in Africa. There are 421 million poor people in these states compared to 410 in the 26 African Countries. 
Forget that and just think of the numbers, there are 831 million poor person in this world . 
And oh, that's not all. These are only the ones in the 26 countries in Africa and 8 states in India. Don't forget the rest of Asia, the Middle East, South America, Eastern Europe and the rest of Africa. 

You can check how lucky you are on this global rich list

 I'm the 255,443,479 richest person on earth!

Don't underestimate this number, because there are 

6,856,600,000 people on Earth. 

There are  person  6,601,156,521 poorer than me !!!!
six billion, 
six hundred one million, 
one hundred fifty-six thousand, 
five hundred twenty-one  

Who wants a bite from the most expensive baked potato??

 it's only 40 pound sterling :) 

 the salary of two month's work for a poor African. 

8 komentar:

  1. What an interesting post. I liked that link to the Global Rich List and wasn't really surprised to find us in the top 1%. Not that we are rich by American standards, but we are rich compared to so many in the world. Way to put that in perspective - thank you, Wafa'!

    Wow, what a loaded baked potato!!!

  2. The rich getting richer, the poor getting poorer; that`s all I have to say :'(

  3. الحمدلله والشكر على النعم

    استغفر الله العظيم الفقر موجود بشكل كبير ولاننسى في نهاية السنة الماضية تم الاعلان ان المجاعة في العالم قد فاقت كل التوقعات
    هناك من ( يلعب بالفلوس لعب ) وهناك من هم بحاجة لأقل الاساسيات وهي الأكل والرعاية الصحية

    ومع الاسف افريقيا هي الأكبر في مثل هذه الامور
    على الجميع ان يفعل اي شيء حتى يطور البلد من الفقر الذي هم فيه وذلك بالعمل على عمل المساعدات اللازمة مثلا للزراعة وتوفير الماء
    والتصنيف قد يكون مرجع للكل ولكنه بنظري مخجل لنا جميعا
    ومع الأسف هناك الكثير من اصحاب الأموال من يشترون هذه الأكله وبنظري هم اغبياء لأنهم يدفعون اموالاً هائلة لمجرد اشباع جوع سوف يعود مرة اخرى ويدفعون من جديد هذا المبلغ الكبير بدلا من مساعدة فقراء افريقيا
    وتشجيع اقتصاد افريقيا وعمل التوعيات ونشر التعليم حتى ينفعوا بلدهم المصنف ضمن افقر الدول

    استغفر الله العظيم
    اللهم لك الحمد والشكر على نعمك
    اللهم لاتحرمنا من النعم وازد وبارك لنا ولهم جميعا
    اللهم ارحمهم برحمتك

    اشكر لكِ على هذا الموضوع ولو انه قد زاد من غضبي لمن يدفعون هذه الاموال لأمور تافهه

  4. There is NO balance nor justice in this life and I doubt there ever will be!:(

    You know, no one really thinks of it this way! My friend always tells me how lucky we are that we are NOT rich! Lots is given to the rich yet lots is expected as well!!!!

    In a way, I think if God bestows upon you A WHOLE LOTTA MULA, you are in deep trouble if you don't share it with the world. Better to live your life average than to have so much that you become so shallow and forget about the rest who are suffering!

    The other day, I was telling my husband about Simon Cowell. That dope from American Idol. He drives one of the most expensive cars worth almost a half million dollars! I kid you not! Now, I know there are many others who do the same thing but I am concentrating on him for now because I read about him specifically.

    Anyway, I was telling hubby Subhan'Allah, does this guy know what that kind of money could do to many families in our situation? Or does this guy know what that kind of money could do to an entire village belonging to any of the countries you have on here??? How does he sleep at night is BEYOND my comprehension! :(

    Its really sad and funny at the same time how you have the poor and average giving MORE charity than the rich combined! Greed is a KILLER!!!

    But seriously, so glad I am not in Simon's shoes and those just like him on the day of Judgment......

  5. Susanne,
    i was in the top 4%, and i am complaining from the lack of enough money. I guess sometimes that silence is best when you see how lucky you are.

    You are welcome dear :)

  6. Haitham,

    scary, is not it ?? and so sad .

  7. Freedom,
    الحمدلله على كل حال

    فعلا شيء مفجع انه في ناس ماتعرف ايش تسوي بفلوسها و ناس مو لاقيه قل القليل. لاحول و لاقوة الا بالله

    المشكله في افريقيا انها دول غنيه بالخيرات لكن ماتعرفي سبب الفقر المنتشر, هل الحكام ام ام ؟؟؟ تساؤولات كثيرة

  8. Manal,

    I always believe that what we got is for our best, who knows what we will do if we are rich ourselves, maybe we wont be generous at all.

    I read once of an american celebrity , i forgot her name, who handbag was stolen. the bag itself cost 25,000 $. Why would we be this crazy ? it's beyond me and my wildest imagination !!!!
