Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

Another reason to Lose Weight

 Midges love tall men and overweight women , Scientists at Aberdeen University and Rothamsted Research have found.

The study showed that ( tall men and overweight women were statistically more likely to get bitten, the research showed. Midges tend to fly well above head height so, when they descend on groups of people, they are more likely to land on tall men first. The survey found some evidence that women with a large body mass index were also favoured by midges, perhaps because they produce more of the chemicals, such as carbon dioxide and lactic acid, that attract the insects. It is likely that overweight men are just as much at risk of midge bites, but there were too few in the survey to stand out). 
while some are lucky enough to be called "unattractive" as the study explains (The researchers confirmed a previous intriguing finding – that some people seem to be unattractive to midges. They found 15% were rarely bitten, and the impunity ran in families, suggesting a genetic link.
"People who don't get bitten produce natural repellents that are extremely effective," said James Logan, an entomologist who worked on the survey.
The tests showed those who were spared midge attacks produced a specific mixture of two chemicals, geranylacetone and methylheptenone.
"The chemicals work together. If you mix them in the right ratio, you get a fantastic repellent," Logan said.  

So there you are my fellow "overweight-extra weight-a few kilos or pounds" women, this is a good reason to lose the extra weight we have been eager to lose. Unless you want to be called "unattractive" by a bunch of midges : 0

4 komentar:

  1. bad news for some one who is planning to gain weight like myself.. should I change my plans!

  2. I had no idea midges existed outside of Scotland I thought it was a scottish word. They're so annoying!

  3. Faith,

    Well, you are already "unattractive" to them, so.... do you love them that much to change your self for them !!! lol

  4. Jaz,

    Seems like they do. even the name is awful , no offence, lol.
