Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Kill the Ground Zero Mosque

Have you seen this ad ?

be careful, it contains disturbing images..

It's obviously a based one, that's what i think. 

Anyway, what's the story behind this ad ?

A mosque is intended to be built near Ground Zero-the land where the twin tower in New York was before-.
And there is a resistance from some sectors of the Manhattan community. Some see this as a hostile movement against those who had been killed there (3000 person ). And some support this movement. 

While some are attempting to have the proposed mosque site declared a city landmark, which would prevent it from being developed. The city and neighborhood officials are supporting the construction of the Cordoba House. 
The Cordoba House will be a 15-story community center with auditorium, art exhibition space and a mosque.

The Cordoba House is a project of Cordoba Initiative, an organization seeking to foster peaceful Muslim-Western relations, and the American Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA).

Adding to the whole fiasco, now some voices are demanding an investigation into the mosque's funding.

The ad above is definitely against building the mosque, in a very violence way.
Two TV networks have refused to air the ad.

Now, let's forget the whole idea of building the mosque or not. It's happening very far away and it's not our call.
Do you think it's appropriate to built a mosque in a place attacked by the name of Islam and we all know that mosques are away to represent Islam ? . 

Let me first repeat something that i truly believe :-
" Islam is not a religion of peace nor is it a religion of war. It's JUST a religion. And like any religion it's capable of the greatest highest of compassion and the greatest depth of depravity. We must understand it's people who are peaceful or violent not religion "  by Riza Aslan.( an Islamic writer). 

And i believe that those 19 men and the ones behind them do represent some people who believe in  killing and terrorizing. some are very proud of them, too.
 I don't and i think big number of people don't too. 

Do they represent Islam? 
Not the one i believe in. 
I know that 15 of them are from my country, and it's now seen by most as source of terrorism. But none of them represent me or speak in my name. 

I know that some don't support them too but believe in their cause- what they claim by attacking America for what it did in the world especially in Palestine and Iraq. 

Either ways i don't think that their causes are just. Why ? 
Because they are using honorable things to justify their brutality. 
Why have most of their attacks been in Arabic and Islamic countries ?
 like Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. 

And if they find verses in the Quran that says to kill, we can find many that says don't. 

I love and respect all religions, divine or non. 
In short, i respect humanities and their relationships with their God or the lack of God is up to them not to me. 
And i love interaction between people and religions, but do we have to build a mosque there , in that exact area or even close by. Can not we have a better connection being far away ?? 

The connection between Islam and terrorism is always there and will be ,
and to show the beautiful side of Islam we don't have to build a mosque in the place where people attacked innocent ones in the name of Islam .

That's my opinion, 
what do you think ? 

9 komentar:

  1. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

    بكتب بالعربي لغتي الانجليزيه ماتساعدني في هذي الحاله اني استخدمها :(

    اول مره اشوف الفيديو
    وبالنسبه للموضوع سواء صح او مجرد كلام
    لست معه نهائي

    الاسلام ماطلب منهم يقتلون آلاف الابرياء
    وبعدها في نفس المكان يبنون مسجد
    بالعكس بيزيد من الكراهية للاسلام بهذي الطريقه
    وكأن نوضح للعالم ونقول له : قتلنا ابرياء من عندكم وبنينا مسجد في نفس المكان لان الاسلام فاز عليكم...

    انا ضد الفكره بشكل قوي جدا
    لان الذكرى تبع المكان مستحيل تنسى لو بعد 50 سنة
    لكن للاسف هذا اللي صار ويزيد المراره ان ناس تأذت كثير
    وصارت الحروب في دول فقيره ومسلمه مثل افغانستان والعراق ولبنان بسبب اللي صار

    وهذي وجهة نظري ..

  2. I'd not seen the interesting. I really like the Reza Aslan quote. It seems very true what he wrote. I know those terrorists don't speak for you, Wafa'. Just like the Crusades don't represent me. Enjoyed this post!

  3. i don't like it at all
    because innocent people died , they had families left behind with a lot of painful feeling from what happened to their mom or dad or grandfather or sis or brother

    if it's happens ( i don't want it to pray there ) because i know there are people will hate Islam more and more

    no one deserve that , they killed them without thinking about there families and the most important thing Allah will Punish them for killing innocent people .

    i hate the terrors very much , they distort Islam in front of non-Muslims

    i don't want them built a mosque there .

  4. I've read about this - dreadful, irrational hate-mongering. There's a great op-ed piece in today's (?) New York Times about it, though, which really shreds this movement for the racists they are.

  5. Strawberry,

    وعليكم السلام عزيزتي
    اوافقك مئة بالمئة على كلامك

    و من الاساس ليش نعطيهم فرصة, اعتقد في اماكن كثيرة و قريبة من الممكن شرائها و تحويلها لمسجد بالاضافة اعتقد انه يوجد في نيويورك يوجد مسجد كبير اذن ليش استفزاز المشاعر

  6. Susanne,

    you wont believe how relived i was hearing this quote from him. it's gives you a peace of mind knowing how you are going to explain here and there in Islam.It's the people not the religion.

    And i agree neither of them speak in our names :)

  7. Freedom,

    Exactly, it's like we win and here we are like it or not. I hope it wont happen as a project.

    Terrors have attacked Islam before attacking anything else with their actions.

  8. dad,
    i hate the ad so much. we gave them an excuse to attack us even more with the idea.
    i will look for the article in the New York Times.

    Thanks :)

  9. I totally agree with all of you.
    And I truly believe that if sayidna Mohammad (PBUH) was alive, he would absolutely disagree with the idea of building the mosque.

    The fact that 9/11 terrorist attack is strongly correlated with Islam, it makes no sense to me that they want to build a mosque on that same ground.

    Building this mosque would only make Islam look worse, unfortunately, because it shows everybody that Islam is celebrating the 9/11 attack one way or another.

    And it's true that these Muslims do not represent Islam or us Muslims, but this fact is unknown for Islam-haters, and they would use any excuse to act against Islam and hate it.

    One more point, America would never build the mosque there if they really cared about the people and how they feel. I mean think about it, why would America/Obama want to build that mosque? He knows that it will only cause controversy and trouble between Islam-haters and Muslims and it will make Islam look bad. So why would he approve of it? My guess is that it was all America's idea to speak in the name of 'peace' and 'truce' and whatever, and build that mosque. Maybe they did it on purpose? Who knows.

    But all in all, I really disagree with the building of the mosque.
