Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

A Heart Breaking Video

From Nabil Mojil site , this heart breaking video :(

3 komentar:

  1. This made me cry! Subhan'Allah! What's even more sad and heart breaking is that it is an animal. Imagine an animal with a heart of gold. Humans, on a daily basis, walk past someone in need and could care less! :(

    I will never forget the story of the woman who was dying in the hospital in NY city. People walked by and no one helped her but certainly just watched her DIE!

    I think maybe its time humans learn a thing or two about selflessness and compassion from an animal! Sometimes I really do wonder.....

    Thanks for sharing......:)

  2. it's so sad. when i saw it first, i was speechless. I thought it might be a joke, but it's not. Animals do care.

    You are welcome dear :)

  3. this really made my heart hurt....poor baby.
