Selasa, 27 Juli 2010


I know many of us use the word " Depression"  lightly. We use it when we are sick sometimes, if we are a bit sad or feel upset or mad . If we are faced with a sad or tough situation and we couldn't apprehend it then we say we are depressed. 

We use the same Arabic word مكتئب , اكتئاب also very lightly. 

I know i do but i am trying to avoid such big words, cuz i believe of the power of words. And we shouldn't be disrespectful with illness that other may suffer severely with. 

But what is depression ? 

According to ,The word 'depression' is used to describe everyday feelings of low mood which can affect us all from time to time. Feeling sad or fed up is a normal reaction to experiences that are upsetting, stressful or difficult; those feelings will usually pass.

If you are affected by depression, you are not 'just' sad or upset. You have an illness which means that intense feeling of persistent sadness, helplessness and hopelessness are accompanied by physical effects such as sleeplessness, a loss of energy, or physical aches and pains.
Sometimes people may not realise how depressed they are, especially if they have been feeling the same for a long time, if they have been trying to cope with their depression by keeping themselves busy, or if their depressive symptoms are more physical than emotional.
Here is a list of the most common symptoms of depression. As a general rule, if you have experienced four or more of these symptoms, for most of the day nearly every day, for over two weeks, then you should seek help.
  • Tiredness and loss of energy
  • Persistent sadness
  • Loss of self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Not being able to enjoy things that are usually pleasurable or interesting
  • Undue feelings of guilt or worthlessness
  • Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness
  • Sleeping problems - difficulties in getting off to sleep or waking up much earlier than usual
  • Avoiding other people, sometimes even your close friends
  • Finding it hard to function at work/college/school
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of sex drive and/ or sexual problems
  • Physical aches and pains
  • Thinking about suicide and death
  • Self-harm
i did feel some of these symptoms but mostly for a few days and not the whole day. But i guess i need to be more careful cuz this is not a children's game. 
The sad thing is that i guess i know some people who might suffer from depression without knowing. But what shall i do?  advice them to seek help , where ? and how ? 
Mental problems or diseases are a big thing here and people who see a shrink are always label to be "crazy" that's if they go in the first place. has done a beautiful post on 10 things to say and not to say to someone with depression.
Here are the list:-

I'm Here For You
What to say:
You’re not alone in this.

What NOT to say:

There’s always someone worse off than you are.

( I tend to say that a lot which to think about it deeply hate to hear from others)

You Matter
What to say:
You are important to me.

What NOT to say:

No one ever said that life was fair

Let Me Help
What to say:
Do you want a hug?

What NOT to say:

Stop feeling sorry for yourself

( another guilty words of me)

Depression Is Real
What to say:
You are not going crazy.

What NOT to say:

So you’re depressed. Aren’t you always?

( i think about this all the time when i speak to someone about his problems though i never said it out loud but i guess people can feel our thoughts)

There Is Hope
What to say:
We are not on this earth to see through one another, but to see one another through.

What NOT to say:

Try not to be so depressed.

You Can Survive This
What to say:
When all this is over, I’ll still be here and so will you.

What NOT to say:

It’s your own fault.

I'll Do My Best To Understand
What to say:
I can’t really understand what you are feeling, but I can offer my compassion.

What NOT to say:

Believe me, I know how you feel. I was depressed once for several days.

( so bad ,so bad)

You Won't Drive Me Away
What to say:
I’m not going to leave you or abandon you.

What NOT to say:

I think your depression is a way of punishing us.

I Care About You

What to say:
I love you. (Say this only if you mean it.)

What NOT to say:

Haven’t you grown tired of all this “me, me, me” stuff yet?

We'll Get Through This Together
What to say:
I’m sorry that you’re in so much pain. I am not going to leave you. I am going to take care of myself, so you don’t need to worry that your pain might hurt me.

What NOT to say:

Have you tried chamomile tea?


So what do you think? are you guilty of any of those NOT TO SAY things. I am. 
But ,and not to defend myself, i guess sometimes that i am too down to even be able to help myself, let alone help someone else. Am I selfish? Are we ?
Shall we stop offering our help to those in need or even feeling down if we can not give it 100% ? 
Shall we be expert to know what to say and what not to say? 
Should we all learn more about such illness so we know how to deal with them? 

Sometimes i am too tired to help someone especially those who cry and complain all the time. I have my own load and i am down most times, life is not all smiles and joys. 
And i am one who doesn't express what i feel most times, yes i seem like to complain a lot in my blog, but this year is the only time i talk about stuff that happening in my life. Mostly i complain about public stuff but not what's inside of me. Even now when i cried my father i do it alone and no one knows about it. Lots of people think of me as "hard" cuz i don't show it and get so surprised when and if i show it. 

I don't know. I feel so sorry and upset over this one person i am sure is depressed but i think i can not help him anymore .

10 komentar:

  1. Besides the term being used lightly, depression has become a trend. Suddenly, I find myself surrounded by young ladies who find it fashionable.. I don't know whether it is to impress others or to flow with the stream?? Once you pick up a girl and throw her somewhere else, the depression she was living...ZAP! You just wonder what spell has cast on her!
    Usually, sitting with someone with real depression, You'd feel held back being unable to understand what the individual is waiting to hear from you. Thanks for mentioning what to say and what not to. "I think your depression is a way of punishing us" - this is funny!! I can't imagine someone saying that!!!!

  2. This has some great things to say instead of what we typically say! I may have to reread that list again to etch it into my head. Thanks for sharing these!!

  3. The term is used lightly, BUT also culturally there is just no acceptance of what it means to have any kind of mental illness. I come from one such culture, and I see it from my hubby's as well.

    For every person who sees it as a trend, it is a reality for many others, and I don't think that we can ignore that. It takes a lot of work.

    This is a great post sis...I have to share this info with my hubby.

  4. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great tips thank you AGAIN :)

    I can’t remember if I always say the wrong thing or not but I tend to keep silent sometimes and run out of words which is 10 times worse. I also think these tips won’t work for every one.. depends on the personality, for example I’d feel much better when my friend gives me that “stop feeling sorry for yourself” attitude rather than a pat on the back.

  6. My Sky,

    exactly, as if it's a beautiful thing to be depressed. I guess we are more of "not content" than "depressed". That's how i notice with a lot of people i know.

    People do say the worst things during advices sometimes.

  7. Susanne,
    i guess we really need to learn more about depression and what to say and how to help.

    You are welcome dear :)

  8. Sister,

    i was just telling a friend how our society doesn't accept mental illness and that would made others react to it badly.

    thanks dear :)

  9. My Getaway,

    Glad that you liked the post and you are welcome dear :)

  10. Faith,

    You are welcome :)

    i don't think that being silent is bad.
    sometimes when i am sick or sad, it's very helpful when someone just sit there and listen to me and cry with me.
