Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010


How much of our emotions and feelings are shown in our faces? 
How one face affect his/her relationships with people around them ?
Why do we define beauty according to faces not bodies or minds for example?
Do beautiful people have more or less in this world because of their faces ?
What about the ugly ones, do they deprive from so much simply because they don't have a beautiful face ?

What is a beautiful face ? 
Do we all agree on one definition of beauty?
How about the affect of our ethnicity , culture and backgrounds in deciding who is beautiful and who is not ?

Is beauty as equally important for men and women ?
Unfortunately, beauty takes a huge share -most times- in dealing with someone. Some people are simply refused at jobs because they are ugly. We know how sometimes the lack of beauty stops a woman from getting married- especially in our society- . young kids are left out if they are not beautiful.
How do even kids discriminate against such things? How do they know how to ? Do we teach them ?

One of my most intelligent students have a very visible burn scars on her face. It takes mostly half her left face. 
I know that no one treats her badly at school. But i don't know how are things among her colleagues. I know that some will stare at her - some in a polite way- . After all i know i did first time i saw her. And we like to stare at people , so how about someone with this burn scars ?.
This year her level have drop down hugely . she is ambitious and i have talked to her so many times, but she seems so down in a very scary way. I wonder why ? .
I remember in a discussion someone said that she will not get married ever because of her face. I keep thinking of her and wish  that she is not one of those who wanted to marry so she won't get hit by reality. I wish she continues being so ambitious and have a huge career and a very full life so stuff like this won't hurt her though i know that all of these are going to be wishes.
What really hurts me is why didn't her family find her a good surgen or any surgen so she will have a surgery to save her life. Cuz this is reality. Our society is so harsh especially with people who are scared in any way. 

This week i read so many beautiful articles about faces and their construction for different people, it gave me hope for everyone, including my student :) 

P.S: be careful some of the pictures below might be tough for some.

Surgeons have completed the world’s first full face transplant in a groundbreaking operation lasting almost a day.

A 35-year-old man, known as Jerome, received a dead donor’s features at the Henri-Mondor hospital in Paris last month.

(The Henri-Mondor Hospital in Paris where surgeons have performed the most sophisticated face transplant to date)

‘It’s a world first – there have been partial face transplants before, but nothing like this,’ said a source at the hospital.
In 2005, Isabelle Dinoire, now 43, underwent a 15-hour operation in Amiens, in the north of France, after her original face was torn apart by her pet dog.

(Isabelle Dinoire, pictured in 2006 almost one year after she received the world's first partial face transplant in Northern France. The UK has yet to perform such an operation)

A triangle of face tissue including the nose and mouth was grafted on to the mother of two. 
But Jerome, the victim of a genetic disease, is the first patient to undergo a full transplant.
It included eyelids, facial muscles and the lachrymal canals which will allow Jerome to cry ‘naturally’, said Professor Laurent Lantieri, the surgeon who led the operation.
‘He’s good. He walks, he eats, he talks,’ he said.
‘A beard is already growing on his new face. I’m proud because it’s happened in France.
'The risks are infection and rejection.’

(French doctor Laurent Lantieri said he believes his operation should be viewed as the first full face transplant)

Revealed: The miraculous recovery of the woman who became the image of the London 7/7 bombings


Clasping a gauze mask to her face and being guided across the road by a stranger, she had no idea she had just become a victim of terrorists.
But the picture of Davinia Douglass and former firefighter Paul Dadge running from an Edgware Road station became one which symbolised the suffering of the July 7 bombings.
Now, on the fifth anniversary of the attacks, the 29-year-old has talked for the first time of her remarkable recovery, and shown the stages she went through to get back her near-perfect skin thanks to 'wonderful' treatment from surgeons.
But she has said psychologists at the Chelsea and Westminster hospital were too busy in the months after the attacks - leaving her initially to deal with the mental scars alone.

Hundreds of people were injured and 52 innocent victims killed in the attacks on July 7, 2005, by four bombers.
Mrs Douglass was standing feet from terrorist Mohammed Sidique Khan when he exploded his bomb on a train pulling out of Edgware Road tube station.
Skin on the entire left side of her face was scorched by the 'ball of fire' which ripped through the carriage.
'The train was just pulling out of Edgware Road station,' she said. 'I was thinking about the half day's leave from work I had scheduled and that I should really be in work by now to get everything done before I left at lunchtime.

'Then there was a loud bang and a ball of fire appeared from my left hand side and seemed to go right round me and then quickly retracted.
'After the explosion, the carriage was actually very quiet. Everyone was too shocked to scream or shout. the lights in my carriage went out, but the lights on the other train and the other carriages on my train were all on so it wasn't dark, it was dusky.
'No one knew what had happened, but I wasn't in any pain. I couldn't see very clearly as I lost a contact lens.'
Mrs Douglass, who was on her way to work as a corporate tax trainee, said she initially had no idea how badly she was injured, even when other passengers screamed in horror as she walked through the wreckage.
'I walked through the entire length of the train,' she told the Evening Standard. 'I remember people screaming and sounding shocked as I walked through the back carriages.

'I didn't realise I was injured, I was still in shock. I remember telling people that I needed to get to work.'
Mrs Douglass was given a mask to protect her face by an emergency services triage unit set up in an Marks & Spencer opposite the station. She was led from there to the makeshift A&E station set up in the lobby of a nearby Hilton hotel by former fireman Paul Dadge, who she has only met twice briefly since.She said: 'I went from being convinced that I would be seriously scarred for life and that my life would be ruined, to being hopeful that the medics who were looking after me would be able to put me back together as I had been before.
'The worst point was at night when I was awake, alone in the hospital bed and wondering just what the future held.'
Mrs Douglass gradually went back to work after a few months of treatment at Chelsea and Westminster hospital. But she said despite the 'wonderful' physical treatment she received, she could not see a psychologist during her recovery as the few employed were overstretched.
'I had help from a post traumatic stress counsellor,' she said. 'But there were no dedicated psychologists attached to the burns unit.'

She got married on Valentine's Day last year to business consultant Erik Douglass, 37, and said she has returned to using the tube every day. She is now campaigning for a dedicated psychologist at the hospital where she was treated.

'It still baffles me to this day how people can be so brutally cruel to each other,' said Mrs Douglass. 'To say that I wasn't worried about another terrorist attack would be a lie, but I truly believe that the security forces and the police are doing everything they can to keep us all safe.'
Her consultant surgeon Greg Williams, who runs the unit at Chelsea and Westminster hospital, said: 'We're not magicians, but we do what we can to get the best possible outcome for patients. Some people's burns heal better than others.
'But even people who have almost no scarring at all can be very traumatised by the incident that cause the injury, and their families can be traumatised.
'The mental healing process can be incapacitating for some individuals, who withdraw from day to day society.'

This one is my favorite :)
Amazing recovery of toddler with 32% burns on his face who healed with NO scars thanks to revolutionary treatment

This is the smile that Isambard Ebbutt's mother feared she would never see.

He suffered horrific burns when he poured a cup of scalding tea over his head as a baby.
But despite not having a single skin graft, he is almost unrecognisable nearly two years later.


Isambard, two, has amazed doctors by appearing to suffer no lasting damage from the accident.
He was just 13 months old when he poured the tea over himself in September
He suffered 32 per cent burns to his face and torso, and doctors at Frenchay Hospital in Bristol feared he would suffer severe scarring or contract potentially fatal infections.
But he recovered quickly enough to return to his home in Torquay in only ten days, and his remarkable progress has continued.

Yesterday Isambard's mother, Natalie Ebbutt, 37, who has five other children with husband Chris, said: 'It is so poignant that a cup of tea can kill but I don't think that parents are aware of the damage it can do.
'I see adults walking around all the time with hot drinks near children. I thought he was going to die.
'There is never a day that goes by when we don't think how lucky we are to have him in such a perfect condition and see his smiling face.'

Isambard was treated by experts from the South-West Regional Paediatric Burns Service, who have begun working with scientists from the University of Bath to create a new dressing to protect burns victims from infections.

The 'Bacteriosafe' technology will release antibiotics from nanocapsules triggered by the presence of bacteria which cause infectious diseases. The dressing will also change colour when the antibiotic is released to alert medics.
Mrs Ebbutt added: 'I knew that the biggest chance of losing my child was if an infection took hold.
'All I could do was cross my fingers and hope for the best.
'To think now that there is a possibility of avoiding serious infection and complications with this project is amazing.'

More of his story

Do you know what really kills me in any face ?  The Smile "sigh" i love Smiles  A LOT.
What about you what attracts you more to any face ? 
Do you really believe that a face shows what a person really is ? 
Are faces our true identity ? 

I wish every one a happy and smiling face :)

16 komentar:

  1. No, I don't believe at all that a face shows who a person truly is.

  2. Such a gr8 soul u have wafa`, really :)

    Thx 4 this post.


  3. This post has been removed by the author.

  4. This post has been removed by the author.

  5. Wafa' that was another amazing post mashallla
    thank you
    Of course our relation with others determines the way we perceive them.. you never know what happens to your student.. she might get luckier than many other super attractive people and simply fall in love with a guy who sees through her.. I pray she gets it all.. Allah can and so why not :)

  6. My Getaway,
    like you i don't believe so but sometimes it shows emotions and emotions and feelings can show who the person is, right?

  7. Haitham,
    Thanks a lot for your nice words :)

    And you are welcome :)

  8. Faith,

    Thanks a lot dear :)

    i saw her earlier today and i was looking at her, looking past the scar and all and just remembering how beautiful she is.

    I pray for her to find the right one who will love her and cherich her :)

  9. anisa,

    i wrote two replies and then i delete them all. cuz it seems that i was upset. You know that we shouldn't write while upset or mad.

    And i am asking you the same. don't comment wheil upset, you comment twice and in both you accused me of :-
    (She doesn't look like your Haifa Wahbi. But she is beautiful to me.)
    well, to me haifa is not pretty at all, you know why cuz i don't like her. And i don't judge based on faces. I actually liked your friend a lot with the amazing perosnality she has. And i am glad that she is who she is and people get to know past her one eye :)

    (So pls, don't judge too fast), where did you get that i judge too fast on anyone ? unless you mean the superficial !! or maybe my English is not that good for you to get what i mean with my post.
    anisa, i was talking about "my soceity" , not yours or the whole world and unless you are Saudi then you don't know what i was talking about :)

    (Pls don't tell her she's not good for love just bcoz of the scar) now nothing upsets me like this line , it even make me mad. You don't know me and where did you get that i told her that in my post ???? .
    Please be careful before commenting.
    And i never was talking about Islam or Muslims, so don't try to demonize me or make me less Muslims !!!

    i post your two comments despite the way you were harsh. Thanks anyway :)

  10. This post has been removed by the author.

  11. There's much much more to a person than their face! This is what I believe. I think it is all about the soul! And it is your soul that shines through. I have met people who are not attractive yet their soul is simply beautiful and it makes them beautiful. I have met very good looking people who I simply couldn't wait to run away from so fast because they were so ugly in the inside.

    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is sad because society today puts so much emphasis on looks and materialism that it has, honestly, lost the essence of what really counts!!

    In reality, you can be the most gorgeous of all but when you get old, you are going to wrinkle and die just like the rest of us! You can only do so much with plastic surgery and the like.

    Bottom line, real beauty, in my opinion, is the inside! Your deeds and actions is what says a lot about you! Face has nothing to do with it. I also believe that everyone who smiles will look much much better. As the saying goes, "a smile is worth a million bucks"! There is truth to this statement. :):):)

    Here is a little example I will use to clarify everything I said;

    You have Julia Roberts and Kim Kardashian. Aesthetic-wise, Kim is better looking but in actuality she is really "ugly"! Julia isn't as pretty yet she is "beautiful". Makes sense??? LOLO

  12. I do think our faces say a lot about us. They aren't the ONLY indication of how we are (or how beautiful or not our souls are), but we can tell a lot about people by how they smile and how their eyes light up at us with genuine love and care and kindness. Likewise we can detect harshness and coolness and anger by our eyes and expression.

    I love smiles and warm, friendly eyes. :)

    Enjoyed this post!

  13. Manal,
    "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is what i always believed.

    ( In reality, you can be the most gorgeous of all but when you get old, you are going to wrinkle and die just like the rest of us! ) i learned that lesson long time ago when i read the book "tuesdays with Morrie". amazing how we all end up the same no matter what. That shows that no one and nothing is just in this life. Only in the eyes of Allah we are :)

    And your example of Julia and Kim make huge sense indeed :)

  14. Susanne,

    that's true about our faces. I guess even the smart ones can tell what we think by the look of our faces and how we react to things.

    yea, i forgot to say how smiling eyes are amazing, too.

    Glad you liked the post dear :)

  15. I think A LOT of our emotions and feelings show on our faces, and it definitely affects our relationship with people around us. Like if they smile at you, appear friendly - or frown instead. In face-to-face interactions our non-verbal communication is unconsciously (and consciously) read by others.

    I think there are many definitions of "beauty" ... like even me and my husband disagree on who is pretty, or attractive. I remember a girl on campus back when I was in college, who had a disfigured face because of being burned by a down electrical line. People avoided looking at her ... her face was a bit strange ... if you know the person you can get around the first shock of seeing them like that and get used to it.

    I'm not sure if beauty is equally important for men and women. There is tremendous pressure here (in the US, at least) for men to look a certain way. One specific thing is to not really have any hair on their legs/chest/back ... even though there are men that are pretty hairy. But now that I think about it, I believe there is more pressure on women to look a certain way (wear makeup, be thin, etc.).

  16. Aynur,

    i guess to pass how our faces reflects our emotions, need us to be to be way forgiving and loving and caring. and i know that not all are like this. And yes beauty is not the same between people and especially our definitions and men's completely differ.
