Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Great Parents !!

Almost all parents consider themselves as great , devoted and loving ones. 
Even those who beat their children to discipline them in the name of love and those who molest their daughters and sons in the name of god knows what ?

A colleague once hit her 16 year old daughter ,who is student at the in front of everyone and when we talked to her later on that she shouldn't have done that and how its going to affect her daughter, she claims that she is doing that for the sake of her daughter and to discipline her and she keeps yelling that no one is thinking of her kids' interest better than her.

The same happened with my older sister and still. She keeps hitting and scolding her teenager sons and daughters in the name of discipline and love for her kids. 

Can not love be shown in other ways ? . 
Why we need to teach our kids lessons later in their lives, when they are teenagers and grown up kids ? Where were they when they were babies ?
 Where were they period. 

If i have the chance i would strip most parents from this title. Lots of them don't deserve it. 

And as always the news is full with stories about great parents ....


A Mother Strangle her Two Autistic children, She Wants Normal Kids. 

Mother suspected of strangling autistic children tells 911 operator: 'I want normal kids'

"Both are autistic," she said. "I don't want my kids to be like that. I want normal kids."

Saiqa Akhter, 30, was arraigned Wednesday morning on a single charge of capital murder in the death of her 5-year-old son Zain, who died Monday. Family members have said the boy was autistic and had a speech impediment.

Irving officials canceled a second arraignment Wednesday afternoon in the death of her 2-year-old daughter, Faryaal, who died Tuesday evening a day after she was revived and placed on life support.

Akhter called 911 about 5 p.m. Monday from the family's apartment.

In the 911 tape, released Wednesday, Akhter admits to wrapping a wire around the children's necks until they turned blue. Before that, she said she tried to make them drink bathroom cleaner.

"I put in their mouth, but they don't drink it," she said.

While still on the phone with the 911 operator, she washed her hands to get rid of the smell of the household cleaner.

Police found the children lying on a bed in the family's second-floor apartment along with an antenna wire they believe was used to kill the children, according to a probable-cause affidavit. Also listed among the items removed from the home were a pillow, a section of mattress and a bottle of household cleaner.

Akhter's uncle said his niece had been depressed since moving into the new apartment and reported "strange things" inside the family's home.

"It looks like she had mental problems," said Wasimul Haque, who did not elaborate on what Saiqa Akhter said she had seen. "I don't understand why she did it."

Zain, the 5-year-old, had autism and suffered from a severe speech impediment but had been improving, the uncle said. He said the boy had been in speech therapy.

Faryaal also had health problems and was rushed to the emergency room last year with a respiratory issue. A stethoscope was also taken from the home.

The children's father, Rashid Akhter, emigrated from Pakistan in the late 1990s. He married Saiqa several years later, and she then moved here. He works as a computer technician.

"He did whatever he can do with his wife to keep her happy all the time," Haque said.

The family was the subject of a Child Protective Services investigation last year after Zain was left alone at home while his parents rushed his sister to a hospital to be treated for breathing problems.

An agency spokeswoman said there were no signs of neglect or abuse.

And please no body says that she was sick, it's never an excuse. or that poor she cuz sane mothers wont do this to their kids, yes they do. 


And another affectionate parent, a father this time ..

Evil spirits: Turki, 29, lies chained on the bed in the basement apartment where he has been for six years after being 'possessed by a genie'

A Saudi man has been chained in a basement apartment for more than six years because his father believes he is possessed by an evil female genie.
'When he has fits he has convulsions and his entire body twists and his eyes become completely white,' said the father of the 29-year-old man who has been identified only as Turki.
'Then the voice of a woman can be heard coming from him.'

When Turki first began behaving bizarrely, his father took him to local Muslim clerics to recite the Koran over him.
'But most of them became scared when they heard the female voice telling them that she was a royal jinn (genie) and that no-one can exorcise her unless Turki dies,' his father said.
One cleric advised him to shackle his son’s arms and legs in chains and read the Koran to him.
'We did this. My son became quiet but is totally unaware of what is happening around him. He does not talk and is now unable to harm anyone,' Turki’s father told Arab News, an English language Saudi daily.
But genies, or jinn, in Islamic theology can be much more sinister. Some are good, others bad.
A Saudi family last year took a 'genie' to court, accusing it of theft and harassment.
The jinn was said to have terrified the children by throwing stones, stealing mobile phones and speaking in male and female voices.
Turki lives in a tiny, two-room basement apartment with his impoverished mother and her three other children in the holy city of Mecca. They survive on £150 a month from social security.
His parents divorced before he was 'possessed'.
Turki’s father claimed he himself was afflicted by a jinn at the age of nine and suffered for more than four decades until it was exorcised by a cleric.
'I used to see a woman who would at times appear very beautiful and at times extremely ugly,' he said.
On some occasions she was 'surrounded by fire' and on others appeared 'with animal limbs'.
A Saudi human rights activist and professor in Sharia (Islamic law) who visited Turki found him to be in a 'semi-coma'.
Muhammad Al-Suhali said Turki 'did not know what was going on around him. He could not eat, drink or use the toilet without the help of others'.

And we have so many cases around the kingdom like this one. 6 years of his life had gone being chained .
 He needs a doctor, loser. 
And the problem is that no one will sue this man cuz he did to protect his beloved son . 


If you are a parent, then please think a million times before hurting your kids. 
And if you are about to get married and wanted to have a baby, think a billion times first, cuz having a baby is not only about how cute and sweet and loving they are  
and how much you love them 
and how much you wanted to be a mom or a dad, 
it's way more and bigger than all of that. ....

Believe me i know what i am talking about, sometimes the hurt is way too much that your kids wont and can't get over it. 

8 komentar:

  1. and those who molest their daughters and sons in the name of god knows what ? - lmaooo! i laughed soo hard..then i felt soooo sorry for the two autistic kids :(

  2. I wish all lsn to such beautiful words as yours.

    *mabrook the new look :)

  3. it's really sad stories
    the mother is not human she's monster without any mercy on her kids

    it's so sad because it happens every day to children doesn't know what the wrong with them , they think they did bad things but the truth is their parents is the big problem

  4. I agree, lots of people don't deserve the title of mom or dad. It's so sad to read the story of the woman killing her autistic children. :(

  5. qistina,

    it's a very sad story indeed :(

  6. Haitham,

    Amen brother

    and Allah yebark feek :)

  7. Freedom,

    she is so brutal and ...

    (they think they did bad things but the truth is their parents is the big problem) well-said dear.

  8. Aynur,

    it's so sad what happen to them. And the worst part is they might wonder why :(
