Minggu, 07 Agustus 2011

The Umra

These where some of the things i wanted to do differently in Ramadan this year:
Praying tarawih Check mark symbol
Reading the Quran regularly Check mark symbol
Performing Umra  Check mark symbol but probably wont be accepted !!
why ? keep reading
Warning: if you are already bored with me whining about my family then stop, this is what the post is about !

OK  how do we start !!

The whole things started at the early hours of Friday, my brother was calling his friends to go for Umra since he has no car. So i suggested that instead of waiting for my eldest brother to go to mecca ,which could be at the final days of Ramadan and would be so tough on my mom, for us to take a taxi and go with him and maybe go to Jeddah for two days. Between yes and no, things didn't work out and we went to sleep with the hope that my eldest brother will go soon.
After Maghreb , I rekindle the same idea. Everyone says OK, not so happy and eager but weren't mad or sad. Some elements changed such as renting a car instead of going by a taxi. We all know that my brother wont miss a chance to drive a car, after all it's his dream to own one Why he doesn't have one despite being almost 40 is another story. It took him some time to find one but he got it eventually, what's happened between was too much to say.

We left at around 12:30 and reached Mecca at around 6, which is a long time for a 4 hours drive.

Here is a wisdom: If you want to know if a family member love each other o, put them in a locked car for 5-6 hours,if they survive this, then they are a healthy family, if not then they are doomed !! 

Guess which one we are...

So to put four different members whom share nothing but hate towards each other and being in one small car for such a long time, it's a disaster, if you can live through this without going crazy then you can go through anything.

I wont wonder why i am crazy anymore.

I am just going to introduce the members of the play, Let's put them in age order:
Mom: a nagging lady who is so sad, mad and angry. getting older and sicker. Can not stand her son, his voice or even his coughing. It's sad when you are disappointing in the whole world, but can i blame her ?. Can i call her impatience when she had this shitty life for that long and didn't quit !!. I am proud of her and mad too. I can get mad at her from time to a very long time, right?
My sister: the one who JUST came along, she can not perform Umra.Hate her brother and keep criticizing him ,behind his back of course. Caress less about others and wants to do what she wants and doesn't care what the rest want or need. Can i call her selfish ?. I did behind her back.
My brother: a very disturbed human being who can not admit he is wrong. Thinks that the whole world is against him, wants to please his mother in a very wrong way. very lazy and wanted to stop at every pit stop on the road and gets so upset being with three ladies who got tired from the road and wants to be there early.
Me: the one who tires to analyze everything, who thinks she is right. And wants to please others in all the wrong way, until she can take it anymore and exploded eventually. The problem is no one asked me to be the middle person . Having dreams of going there and being there which will always be stopped by her family and then gets so mad and angry at everyone, without yelling mind you or maybe a bit of it. And then locked herself inside and punishes her self with too much food. Did i paint myself the cooler image !!

I expect to be mad at my brother one way or another through this whole trip, but never managed that i would be so pissed of with my mom. I hate to admit that but i did. Her nagging and anger really drove me so mad,god bless her she couldn't stop the complaining and nagging even as we were circling the Ka'abah !!
And she gets me very frustrated when she insisted that we leave Jeddah after only being there for less than 12 hours !! it would of have been cheaper if we rented the apartment for free : D

Of course, i did what i do best, i give them all the silent treatment and that is very dangerous when combined with gazing over the window to the absolute darkness, evil idea would come out of that and right now there are a lot of them.

12 komentar:

  1. hehe my mum does dat too actually, n ur bro reminds me of my father. he alwys do sumthing to piss of my mum eventho his intention was doing good. but what can i say, its FAMILY


  2. Farsilla,

    i don't want to depress you my dear young lady, but family is a big word for some of the ones i live with.
    InshAllah you will have a great and happy family with H. soon :)

  3. Insha Allah every one will be OK in your family, and there will come a time when all of you understand each other... :)

    Stay Blessed

  4. Aha family is family .Same here .But I and pray hope you do it ,insha'AlLha.

  5. Aw, I'm sorry your trip wasn't very good. Too much family togetherness can be rough. I am sorry it was so frustrating for you! Thanks for sharing about it though.

  6. Aww dnt worry this all is a part of life :)
    Stay blesses always :)

  7. Asma,

    Amen :) and thanks for your kind words and prayers :)

  8. Izdiher,

    Amen :)

    Thanks a lot my dear :)

  9. Susanne,

    it's indeed very tough, i guess that's why they invented plazas :D

    Thank you for your kind words :)

  10. aman,

    it's indeed :)

    And thanks a lot :)

  11. I'm sorry your trip wasn't very good :(

    God willing the rest of Ramadan will be easier and more peaceful for you.
