Sabtu, 27 Agustus 2011

I Got My First Hate Email :)

Some did try to trick me before or portrait me as against Islam, but this is my real first hate mail, 
I just hope it's a true and honest  . lol 

Don't worry , I am posting it below so you can enjoy the fun :) 

Hey hater, I am giving you the special treatment: a post, a label and the red color. 

just because you are ugly short and practically a loser and men don't like you you shouldn't say bad words about men
i cannot belive you stand up for "women's rights", that's just disgusting
women suck and should not be allowed to even walk out of the house
i love it how you, an ugly depressed little human, try to compensate your ugliness and lonliness with books & stuff

you are so pathetic it's gross
i am so glad you are trapped in saudi
i kinda like this country

From CaNT TouCh WaT ShiNeZ

I wonder what's that shine that can not  be touched !! 

I can say a lot to this person, but let me say this even if I am :

ugly and short, 


men don't like me, 

stand up for "women's right" 

,little human,




and trapped in Saudi 

at least I don't send hate emails to people I hardly know, people I keep visiting their sites. 
I spread love my dear, not hate. And if you are as brave then comment below with a name and an address so we can read your "wisdom" :) 

 I don't mind being called all the above but not "trapped in Saudi", do you like reminding me of my misery , huh ?  :) 

You will always be special to me for being my first "hate email" , do you believe how pathetic I am that I got my first "hate email" on the eve of my blogger second anniversary...oh that would make you even more special, 

P.S: I will keep your email save with me 

PP.S: The sender is from America, from California specifically :(
So sad, I was thinking of visiting it one day :(  
unless he/she is using a program to bypass a proxy !!!!
I wonder why he/she used the term "stupid" to describe me, cuz he/she know I am smart, the previous two lines proves it, lol 

33 komentar:

  1. I had someone attempt a comment going on and on about how horrible and disgusting women are, they left the comment twice thinking that it would go through even though it's moderated....not very intelligent. This sounds like the same person, they obviously take joy in trolling blogs and being a pig, maybe his wife left him? or his female boss fired him?? Who knows but this person has no life.

  2. Muslim,

    It sounded so, lol. This guy is the really pathetic.
    Guess what? the email came from America!! unless he/she is using a program to bypass proxies. And from California :( , such beautiful place.

    Beside, it's my first so I got to celebrate it, lol

  3. LOL! That comes from the land of the free... where did go the freedom of expresion?? and the freedom of belief? Wafa you nailed that person!

    "Those who hate us are secret admirers who have no idea why we are popular" I read this somewhere... there is some truth in that. and I think that Muslim Convert is right too! who knows! LOL

  4. Aseel,

    And he calls me "shorty", that really hurts lol
    but I have a special place in my heart for "I kinda like this place" part, that would be so bad on Saudi Arabia resume !!! lol

    3obalk getting your first hate email :P

  5. لووووووووووول
    هاد اللي طلع معاه؟؟
    مش مفروض لا نحكي ولا حتى نمشي بالشارع

  6. UmmOmar,

    ليش ياام عمر كدا ليش ؟؟ انجليزي لو سمحتي علشان ماتضاف لعيوبك انتي كمان لما يجيكي ايميل من المحروس و بعدين لازم انا دحين اترجملها.. علشان على الاقل يعرف انو اعرف انجيزي ..و اعوض بدل اللسته اللي قايلها عني..ههههه
    UmmOmar says:
    lol. That's all you got. We can not walk or even talk in the street, lol

  7. I like your attitude! What a rude person. So sorry that came from the US, but we have a lot of rude, hateful people here, sadly. Hope this doesn't ruin your day. :)

  8. masha2 allah!!!
    what a beautiful post wafa'!

    ,,,congrats on your success of converting something ugly like that into such a beautiful post,

    actually i was smiling while reading and wondering to my self:do these creatures really exist between us?!!!!

  9. BAHAHAHA MAKE ME WANNA LAUGH. its ok dear, u knw u r BETTER :*


  10. ah Wafa', I am so sorry. I get these fairly regularly, just pray for the sorry soul and don't let it touch your dignity. :)

  11. Whoaa! sad troll iz SAD :[

    it actually sounds pretty similar to one hate email I once got, or what do I know maybe trolls are just the same kind lol


  12. Asma,

    I am very calm wallahi, it's actually a very funny email. If all emails could carry so much fun, lol

    And you have a very beautiful blog btw, I am a regular visitor even if I am lazy of the comment side :(

  13. aman,

    it's very funny indeed :)

  14. Susanne,

    No dear, you don't have to apologize for him being American. He may or may not, beside losers have no specific country, they are residents of the world :)

    You wont believe how this email make me laugh a lot, it was so funny, lol

  15. Naysan,

    thank you dear, plus he was so funny. It sounded like a very pissed off child, lol

    Oh and they do reside among us, but we are way better than to fall victims to their sick thoughts.

  16. Farsilla,

    it did make me laugh a lot, lol

    And thanks a lot for your kind words, you are so sweet :)

  17. Kinzi,

    He/she was my first, that's why I celebrated him, the rest wont get the same treatment, lol

    Thanks a lot for your encouragements and beautiful words :)

  18. Zainab,

    hmmm you actually have a great point. trolls are just the same kind. It's similar to "great mind think alike", but with ".....mind think a like", fill in the space, lol


  19. you are soo lucky XD

    please send to him your signature , with both to language Arabic and English XD ( I'm serious !!) put in scan and then send it to him/ her

    write with my love to my first hater XD

    also let us open the ceremony of sending the signature by you posting about your signature to him AFTER sending it to him/her , you know he/she still have the right to be the first one to have it XD

    oh that's so funny , i wonder what he/ she think about me ? I'm also shorty, loser ,stupid,trapped in Saudi, don't have a job XD

  20. Freedom,

    oh you are worse than me then, lol
    or is it me worse, I mean I am old too so you have the advantage of being young, yet still a loser like me, lool
    make your email public and believe me you are going to get your first hate email pretty soon cuz you too are wonderful lady defending women's right and human rights :)

  21. Haha, that's hilarious. Give that idiot a prize for the biggest idiot of the century.

    You know what Wafa? I think this is a female, not a male commenter.

    I used to get those when I started blogging..."you're a bad wife...why would your husband marry non-Arab, he'll be disappointed...your husband should beat you" etc.

    Something inside told me it was females not males writing them.

    Anyways, you handled it with grace.

  22. Salma,

    she is jealous of course, lousy woman, lol

    You only have to laugh at such hate directed to you from someone you don't even know !! pure .... words lost me, lol

  23. When you get hate mail it usually means you're doing something right :P Keep speaking your truth!

  24. Hayley,

    I thought the same, lol

    And I will do so for sure :)

  25. Yay hate mail! Sweetie, you should thank this person for making you the centre of his universe :P

  26. C,

    I should send him/her a thank you letter, lol

  27. Rain,

    He/she is something , huh ? lol

    Love you too ya 3asal, don't stop passing by. you are missed :(

  28. What a pathetic email. Was that really the best he could come up with? Made me laugh. Hope you're able to laugh at him too.

    You're a wonderful and great person Wafa', don't ever forget that. Don't let the haters bring you down.

  29. Becky,

    exactly, that's what i thought, is that his best ? since when does being different than someone's point of view would mean that you are bad !!

    Thank you for the kind words my dear, and with people like you around me, people like him need a lot of energy to bring my down :)

  30. Yeah, like I said, these people are just pathetic. Don't let them bring you down.

  31. Becky,

    They wont believe me :)

    Thanks for the support my dear :)
