Minggu, 08 November 2009

Since When Do French Men Become this HOT !!

i love this band, i don't get a word from their songs, so i had to have a translation for each song. lately i have been listening to them even more and more. This member 's name is Sébastien Izambard and he is french, but since when do french men become this hot, i know that they are romantic and all or that's what we have been told but he is so hot and adorable, and married :( . never mind, Allah yerzogna, lol

6 komentar:

  1. This band was created by Simon Cowell by the way :P
    I have a plan to learn Italian and if it works I will translate the Italian songs the sing to you :P

  2. He is hottt, but I'm not into that type :P I need hair on a man's face or I cannot call him manly :P (My brother likes to shave everything off and I call him a girl every time i see him, hehe)
    French men are just too charming, which makes them hot :D I remember a guy in my class who was French and the girls were all over him because he was just too charming and friendly!
    I think I'll move to France- wanna come? :P

  3. Poet, is not simon the best? lol. he is rude but creative. and i am still waiting for you to finsh your Italian course,lol, for sake of the translation, of course :P

    Mature, i had enough hairy men around me, everywhere i look there they are ''sigh'', beside you can imagine him with some hair and he would still be BEAUTIFUL, lol. Can i have your Frensh mate's number, plz ,lol. what is the time of our flight?? btw, i know nothing of the Frensh language, do you ?

  4. u know a lot of ppl i know say the most romantic men r the arabs!
    they really do respect n serve the women they love.. n if they dont give them a flower.. they give them a hell lot more..
    sometimes i do agree very strongly..

    but if we look 4 flowers n candel light dances.. its only 1/4 of the arab men population..

  5. Hehe @ Nosa! B could be considered as 1/4 of the Arab men, like he's really romantic to me, maybe he's Lebanese after all :P Well babe, hot guys are either gay or married, that's the sad truth, right? *weep* *tears* *waaaaaaaaaa* I love French language, it's soft and romantic, LOOOL :P PS if that guy have hair on his face, I bet he will still look gorgeous!

  6. nosa, i wont believe that Arab men are romantic, noway dear, but there maybe some hidden ones , who knows, lol

    C, you are a lucky lady but i guess Lebanese men are the most romantic Arab. and i know that hot guys are either married or gay ,well married men are not my type and yup gay men they are really hot hot hot . now how do we know if a man is gorgeous or not is by the hair on his face, let him have it then ask him to shave and if he is STILL hot then yup he is gorgeous :P
