Senin, 09 November 2009

i am a Lucky Woman :)

i think i didn't know that i have amazing friends !!!
today while chatting with friends in the first period one of them left the room to come back with a beautiful chocolate cake and an amazing gift for me !! the reason ? my birthday :) . i couldn't but shed some tears and wish her great happiness for that beautiful surprise :)

i was in the best of mood during the whole day and tried my best to spread it around me .

ok that is not my type of songs, but i love this song, it's strange how we listen and laugh at words that we don't like to say personally, are we hypocrite? and i love the way Egyptians enjoy their time with all the depressing around them :)

10 komentar:

  1. Very happiest of birthdays. Or joyeux anniversaire (ahem, since you display an interest in all things French, lately:-))

  2. Wow! That is amazing :) happened to me once, and it was so cool of my friend.
    Happy birthday babe :)

  3. I hope you left me a piece of that cake! I love chocolate cakes and haven't had any in ages :(

    I didn't listen to the song but I remembered el3enab el3enab and arkab el7an6oor wat7an6ar because they are from the same type :P

  4. Awwwww that was sweet :)
    LOL I love songs like that - reminds me of my cousins when we sit around in their rooms and dance in front of the mirror like kids :P

  5. happy happy birthday!
    friends are indespensable!

  6. happy birthday hun :D
    those kinda surprizes r truly the best

    may u always feel happy n spread ur happiness around u

  7. Maryamn, thanx a lot :)

    ohDear, is not great when someone does this, woow. Thanx a lot dear :)

    Poet, no cake until you listen to the song :P

    Mature, it's beautiful and refreshing song indeed, lool

    Angie, Thanx a lot dear,indeed they are :)

    nosa, thank you dear :). and Ameen .

  8. I listened to it! Now hati el cake alli 3aleeki :D
    I suffered while listening lol

  9. happy birthday babe and many many happy returns...sorry I'm late in wishing!

  10. C, thanx a lot dear and no you are not :) , you are always amazing.
