Rabu, 25 November 2009

Happy ThanksGiving :)

Thanksgiving Day is a day celebrated mostly by Americans and Canadians, started as a religious celebration to thank God , although now it's a secular holiday. It's a celebration that should be celebrated everywhere at least to show thanks and gratitude to things we are thankful for.
It's the last Thursday of the month of November, which is today , So to anyone celebrating this day,Happy Thanksgiving and may your life and the life of your loved ones filled with love, health,prosperity and happiness always :)

so in this day or any other day, what are the things you are grateful and thankful for ?

11 komentar:

  1. thanks for your thanksgiving wishes! i'm thankful that my husband no longer has cancer!

  2. Thanks! As Muslims we know everyday is a day to thank God, but I understand the concept.

    What are we thankful for? I am thankful for my family. Even though things are difficult, we all love each other.

    I am thankful for living in a country of peace and plenty and my heart and prayers go out to people and families in places like Palestine who know neither peace nor plenty.

  3. im thankful for eveything around me..
    for how my life turned out.. coz i know its for the best

    im thankful everyday coz thats how we have to be.. everyday saying elhumdelah about something.. the more we say alhumdelah n have 9br for what we dont like, the more rewards wel get

  4. angie nader, You are welcome dear. It's a great bliss that he is cured now , May God keep your family safe , happy and in great health always :)

    ابو سنان
    The problem is that with life's trouble and problems we forget to thank :( . God bless your family insshAllah with health ,prosperity, love and great great life always :)

    nosa, you are a strong woman my dear and i am positie that your life is and will be great isnahAllah because of your will and passion. May all your life be great and happy and to achieve all that you want :)

  5. The Canadian Thanksgiving is on the 2nd Monday of October :)
    And al7amdulillah 3ala kul 7al :)

  6. Poet, welcome back .
    and yes the Canadian is on October, thanx for reminding me :)
    And inshAllah all your days will be happy and great :)

  7. Thank you, Muse :)
    I am thankful for everything!!
    Thank God for my family
    Thank God for my health
    Thank God for my education
    Thank God for the food
    Thank God for the security
    Thank God for the roof above my head
    Thank God for Islam
    Thank GOd for making me a girl ;)
    Thank God for being with me
    Thank God for the friends I have and made
    Thank God just because :))

    and thank you for reminding me to thank Him!

  8. Happy feast...
    Any feast ...
    All feast ...
    Happy days... for somebdy special like u

  9. Mature, You are Welcome dear :) and inshallah always happy , healthy with the people you love and always thankful :)

    Happy Holidays to you :)

  10. Thank you! Well, I am thankful for the usual things, but also for new friends in the blogging world! :-)

    Very cute pictures on this post. I laughed at the Sesame Street one and the pilgrim shooting the turkeys. Ha, ha! :-D

  11. Susanne, You are welcome. May all your days are filled with love and happiness and great friends :) and yea i like the sesame street pictures, never seen them so polite , lol.
