Selasa, 24 November 2009

Religious Leaders

I meant to write about this for sometime now. So around the beginning of this month a sheik who is also a judge was complimenting the new university in SA , KAUST, and among the things he said that that mingling between men and women is not forbidden in Islam !!!!
I wonder if he knew that from the beginning, then a lot of these called sheiks know that as well, then why the hell they were keeping it a secret !!. We all read the Quran and Hadith but there are so many explanations that an average person can not get or understand easily so they usually tend to follow the words of the sheiks in their everyday life's things and stuff, plus a huge percent of Arabs and Muslims, and Saudi Arabia is not different , are illiterate and religious - a dangerous mix-.
Anyhow, back to the sheik, why did they keep things like that confidential as if they were military secrets and why they only reveal such information because the king was attacked from others for sponsoring this mixed university.!!! , didn't he know this before or he just discovered it !!
For some this is nothing, but it's and we are talking about Saudi Arabia where lots of women couldn't work in mixed places because their guardians wont let , the reason? it's 7aram as they have heard from their sheiks!! . The unemployed rate in Saudi Arabia is 12%, unfortunately there are no numbers as to the rate for women, but get this : the rate for employed women is 5% !!!! that means millions of women are without work cuz women can only work as doctors, nurses and we have few Saudis among them as it's a mixed places !!and teachers -we are not discussing some of the jobs women get in firms which mostly are not Saudi firms and they are few- , i have a sister who is unemployed and she is in her 40's !! .If they reveal such information or fatwa earlier , if they stop this stupidity about women and men mixing together and how it's the work of Satan and how cursed it's , if they stop preaching this, making it their number one priority, that might change the lives of thousands of women around the kingdom.
Is not that consider as holding out religious information which is 7aram btw in Islam !!
Shame on you SHEIK , and all religious leader who is not working for people , are not religions supposed to be about making people's life easier !!

10 komentar:

  1. I think the problem is that many such religious leaders tailor their religious views according to what the government wants. As KAUST is set up for men and women no religious leader, supported by the state, would be smart to condemn it.

  2. Hi Muse.
    I needn't say I totally agree with you.
    Religion has always been a tool either to achieve social prestige or to promote political agenda.
    Our own guys are no exception.
    Personally, I do not take seriously what they say.

  3. ابو سنان
    they should be only afraid of Allah and doesn't care about life or any position or support. I think i am not smart at all when i thought that they are purer !!!

    likewise, i don't take any thing seriously coming from them or about them. But they do affect our lives in here, that's the sad part :(

  4. That is how they should be, but often they are not. As a convert it is a hard lesson I have learned that many people worry more about people and material things than they do about God.

    Appearances over substance.

  5. Babe,cool down. Maybe they have their own reasoning about this.

  6. ابو سنان
    it's tough being a muslims with such people representing islam !!!

    c, maybe they do, who knows ? , but it's still frustrating !!

  7. Shikhs are just human being, and their words shouldn't be taken for granted. There are a lot of controversies, but they would deal with it when one-dimensional view. Their Fatwas usually come from air-conditioned and fancy offices, where in many cases they don't know how the real life is. It's good to be known that Shiks are more interested in women, while there are great issues need to be opened in the country. I think a woman working with a man wouldn't be a big problem, if they are Muslim and they, surely, fear God as we are in a Muslim country. I think Shiks are ok; they can change their views depending on what the market needs! Again, I'm not covering all Shiks in what I'm saying right now….

  8. Whispering Thoughts, they are human being indeed but who have a very important job, it's a job after all. i am a teacher and i can not teach my students wrong stuff and then blame it on my humanity, right? . anyhow, i agree completely with you, still the problem is that they affect everyone's life especially women :(

  9. Hmmm, they have a lot to answer to God for, huh? It's a shame their rulings have not benefited women greatly. :-/

  10. Susanne, indeed they do and may he be merciful to them more than they were with us especially women .
