Kamis, 19 November 2009

2012 and The End of the World

i just watched the movie 2012 and it's ok, the special effects made it watchable, other then that it's not that cool. and it's long movie, 2 hours !! why can not they say what they want quick ??
and again like all such movies i kept wondering about the end of the world, i know that some DO believe it's gonna be 2012 but i think it's silly, i dunno if that's cuz i really believe what has been said in the quran and hadith about it or it's just the cynical me !! .
and why do they have to keep implying in movies that things will be good and that good always prevail over bad, when it's not the case in life. right? le't be realistic, good people don't get the final good endings in real life , and life is not always beautiful and right doesn't always win against evil.
what i hate in these movies and horror ones are the cries and screaming of children, i know it's all acting but i think that no matter what kids shouldn't be put into such things even if they are false, i hate seeing kids crying even if it's an act :(

9 komentar:

  1. I've been meaning to see that movie! You are right a lot of people say the special effects is what won them over in this movie, but the plot wasn't that convincing.
    I know!!! Kids shouldn't be put through those kinds of roles, but Holleywood couldn't care less.
    I think it's silly as well but you know what? December 21 or 12 (whenever it is supposed to end) falls on a Friday... coincidence? ;)

  2. I watched that movie, its really nice, the cinema was full, LOOL everyone is crazy about it! Really pity for those kids!

  3. mature, go ahead and see it if you have nothing else to see for 2 hours. yea i read once it will be on friday, so i think we are save for another week :)

    C, i expected it to be amazing , maybe i was anticipating it so much, it's ok, but was not whzt i expected .

  4. everyones been telling me its not good. that sucks!
    i was really excited about the movie previews :(

  5. it was fun angie if you have 2 hours of doing nothing, not bordome, cuz it will make you bored, it's ok but you are not gonna miss it dear :)

  6. I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this movie. Thanks for sharing. Your avatar is adorable! :)

  7. Susanne, you are welcome dear. and the avatar i had to stole it from someone online, lool, couldn't resist it :)

  8. The makers of this film have stated that destroying holy places in their movie but NOT Muslim holy places was no accident. I think the director made the comment that he would not have a fatwa over his head because of making this movie. I found that interesting and was wondering if you had heard about that, or if you noticed that the Kaaba was not destroyed onscreen.

  9. anonymous, i have noticed that it has not been destroyed but i have not heard what you said about the movie director .
