Minggu, 22 November 2009

Saudi Soldiers

i don't care about wars and their reasons, i think whatever they are, they are still stupid . all i care about are the soldiers, and right now "the Saudi soldiers". unfortunately, i don't know the exact numbers of the ones that has been killed or their names, i am trying to know but can not find the right information and i know it's not easy to get them from the Saudi newspaper cuz they are used on secrecy and being hush hush about everything ,let alone war information.
Islam says that those who die fighting for their countries are martyrs, but it's not about labeling, it's about young lives cut short, families' pains and sufferings of losing lost ones, children growing up without their fathers, parents who have to bury their sons. i know that the government will take care of their families but nothing will bring loved ones. i keep wondering if they are scared of being there, missing their loved ones, thinking that this might be their last day, cursing the day they decided to join the army, wanting to just be normal guys.
some say it's not a big war , so why is it still on?
there are no excuses for wars or lost souls, but maybe knowing that they die for their country worth it ? inshallah .
May Allah bless their souls and send blessing and comfort to their loved ones
now why does not the government built a Memorial for them with their names on it. they die for their country , didn't they ?

p.s: if anyone knows the names of the dead Saudi soldiers, plz forward them. this is first name i got :-
الرقيب مظلي أحمد سعيد العمري
update:-( i found more names )

متعب بن ساعد بن جار النبي المالكي

عبدالرحمن بن محمد الاحمري

محمد سعد المالكي

update ( 23/11/2009):-

جندي اول: فيصل عبدالرحمن عبدالله الخيبري
update: (24/11/2009) :-
النقيب مظلي خالد بن عبدالرحمن الزاحم
ماجد بن حايف الشمري
مرعي محمد احمد الاسمري
update :(25/11/2009)
جندي اول عيسى يحي عامر البناوي

جندي اول عوض بن حسين الشمراني
رقيب اول هادي معيض سعد الغوازي
العريف سعيد احمد الزهراني
update:( 27/11/2009 ) : 9 soldiers are missing and here are their names
المقدم سعيد محمد معتوق العمري
العريف عائض علي سعيد الشهري
وكيل رقيب أحمد علي علي مدادي
رقيب محمد محسن سلطان العمري
رقيب أحمد عبدالله محمد العمري
رقيب مفلح جمعان مفلح الشهراني
عريف علي سلمان علي الحقوي
وكيل رقيب خالد صالح عمر العودة
جندي أول يحي عبدالله عامر الخزاعي
update: ( 6/12/209):-
جندي محمد احمد حسن الهاشمي
طلال آل صياد الاحمري
update: (8/12/2009) :-
ملازم اول مهند صالح العويد
العريف علي محمد جابر آل مغابرة الالمعي
حسين محمد نصفان
جندي مبارك سعد آل طربوش الشهراني
نايف الجعيد
جندي عبدالرحمن خلف حمود البلوي
Update: 13/12/2009:-
العريف علي قاسم العمري
صالح عبده المرحبي
أحمد عبدالله الشطيري
وكيل رقيب جابر يحي حسن المالكي
وكيل رقيب محمد الفارسي
جندي مظلي عبدالله السعن
Update: 17/12/2009:-
ملازم اول نواف سعد العبيد
وكيل رقيب مظلي عمر بن علي محمد الشهري
موسى سعد الناشبي
Update: 26/12/2009:-
إبراهيم حسن عون الشهري

8 komentar:

  1. Agreed. My thoughts are for the soldiers and their families. What makes me really upset is the casual and callous way those in power always send OTHER people's children to fight and die.

  2. What a sweet and thoughtful post.

  3. Of course they will feel scared but if they are true hero, they will never regret :) Babe you are just so sweet! God bless you too :)

  4. ابوسنان
    oh don't let start on people on power, it makes me so angry and frustrated, and it's the same everywhere.

    Susanne, that's the least i can do for the soldiers :)

    C, i believe that , too. thanx a lot sweetie and that's the least i can do for them :)

  5. Thanks Muse.
    "There are no excuses for wars or lost souls."
    I can not agree more.
    And btw, Lao-Tzu, the great philosopher of Taoism, said something like that several centuries ago.
    May the souls of those who lost their lives for their country rest in peace.

  6. Prometheus, You are welcome , the least we can do for our brothers out there :)
    May the sould of those who lost their lives for their country rest in peace , Ameen

  7. wow what happened? guess i should get to google news

  8. angie, at the southern borders of saudi arbia with yemen, there is a war-which some don't prefer calling it that- with the rebels -7otheen-from yemen and many saudi soldiers have died since it started almost a month ago.
