Senin, 30 November 2009

Jeddah Aftermath: Is it the Time for Punishment ?

All Saudi news are talking about the new orders by the King about what happened in Jeddah. It's good that there will be compensation for those who died, who reached over 100, , but i wish and hope that the committee they form is not going to end with nothing and that it will name names . Justice need to be served for everyone, those who died, those who lost their property and everyone in the city of Jeddah. We will wait and see.

This is the piece from Arab News newspaper.

King Abdullah orders probe, compensation

Muhammad Humaidan | Arab News
JEDDAH: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah ordered an immediate payment of SR1 million to the family of each person who died in last week’s flood in Jeddah. The king also ordered the setting up of a high-level committee that will be headed by Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal and will consist of Jeddah Gov. Prince Mishaal bin Majed and representatives of various ministries. The committee will study the extent of the damage due to the calamity. It will also study the causes of the crisis and recommend ways to ensure that it does not happen again.
“It is painful that many countries, some with even less potential than the Kingdom, experience similar rainfall almost every day, but there are no devastation of the magnitude we witnessed in Jeddah and that saddens us,” said the king.
He also said that those responsible for this tragedy would be taken to task.
“We cannot ignore the fact that there were mistakes and failures on the part of some departments and it is our duty to identify those responsible and take action against them.”
Earlier, Prince Khaled Al-Faisal speaking at a press conference, attributed the catastrophe in Jeddah to the delay in implementing drainage projects in the city. He also cited the ongoing construction on valley passes in most of the affected districts as being the reason for the tragedy.
He assured the people of Jeddah that all measures had been taken to deal with any emergency situation.
“We are facing problems for which we should find immediate solutions. We have committees currently assessing the damage, pointing out the causes of the disaster and suggesting remedies,” he said. He said money was already being paid to people who have been provided accommodation.
“The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the second deputy premier are very concerned about the condition of Jeddah after the rains and floods,” he added.
Prince Mishaal, director of Civil Defense Maj. Gen. Saad Al-Tuwaijri, Mayor of Jeddah Adel Fakieh, director of Jeddah police Maj. Gen. Ali Al-Saadi Al-Ghamdi and director of roads and bridges in Makkah region Mufrih Al-Zahrani also attended the conference at Prince Khaled’s Jeddah home.
“The catastrophe was big. Of course crises happen everywhere else in the world. We should consider what happened in Jeddah with rationality and impartiality, not with emotions. We convey our condolences to the families who lost their members in this tragedy and assure them that the lost ones are also our sons and daughters,” said Prince Khaled. He added rescue and recovery work was still continuing and would finish in days.
Al-Tuwaijri said the Civil Defense has all the necessary tools and qualified staff to deal with any type of emergency. He said Civil Defense personnel had been involved in similar situations outside Saudi Arabia in the past. He added the Civil Defense dealt with the disaster as was required and would deal with new developments as necessary.
When Arab News questioned him why no evacuation plans had been drawn up despite the Baladiyyah being warned last month that the lack of drains and expected heavy rains could result in disaster, Fakieh conceded lessons had to be learned. He however added that evacuation plans were the responsibility of the Civil Defense. There was also the issue of where to evacuate people, he said, adding it would have been disastrous if they had been moved to the path of floods. In any case, the primary concern had been the sewage lake in a hill east of the city, he claimed.
Prince Mishaal said the catastrophe has sounded a warning bell as to what might happen in the future. “We should never allow what happened to repeat itself in the future,” he said.

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Is it the End for Messengers !!! Google Wave

Have you heard of Google wave ? . If not , then watch some of its features in this video

It's more of an email and a messenger at the same time. seems so cool. Unfortunately , not every one can have it right now, it's similar to Google mail when you have to be invited by someone. Anyhow, i just got an invitation and got my Google wave, and when you got your wave, you will get some invitations to spread and this is their message for the invitation :-
Invite others to Google Wave
Google Wave is more fun when you have others to wave with, so please nominate people you would like to add. Keep in mind that this is a preview so it could be a bit rocky at times.
Invitations will not be sent immediately. We have a lot of stamps to lick.
Happy waving!Google Wave is more fun when you have others to wave with, so please nominate people you would like to add. Keep in mind that this is a preview so it could be a bit rocky at times.Invitations will not be sent immediately. We have a lot of stamps to lick.Happy waving!">

And right now i have only 8 invitations to spread. Does any one want one? if so, please send me your Google email and i will send you an invitation right away :)

Jumat, 27 November 2009

Hope Amid Tragedy :)

I just watched the movie " Precious" and what a beautiful movie it is. It was dark at a lot of moments but you can see hope getting through these rays of despair and sadness . a great reminder that it's never too late, that you can get out of the worst situations. a reminder that your family are not necessarily the ones you were born to. A reminder that you can find love in the unexpected places. A reminder that no matter what happened to you by your parents, you still can be a good parent yourself. A reminder that people don't have to be having the same believes, values or life style to love you or you love them.
There are scenes where i couldn't but look away, cry and get my heart broken over them. But then there is this beautiful things coming to this girl and you know it and you know she knows it and i was just waiting for.

If you have the chance to see it , don't hesitate to do so :)

Kamis, 26 November 2009

Sad Days for the People of Jeddah :(

We all know that Jeddah is bad in the time of rains but not this bad !!! . It has been raining for the last three days at the western province of Saudi Arabia, here in Medina it was beautiful and lovely -thank god no accidents were recorded- a bit worse in Mecca but the worst was in Jeddah where between 77 and 83 have been dead . Ironically most of the dead were non-Saudis and the poor, even death know how to discriminate. lots of head should be rolling the following days , lots of unfaithful and corrupted officials, but i am not optimistic about that, they keep gambling on our forgetting nature. There are some warning today that more rain will fall on Jeddah,Mecca and Medina. Allah yestor . May Allah protect the people of Jeddah and take care of them . Ameen.

and watch this videos

And Happy Eid :)

It's been almost two years where a groups of celebrations from different religions occur at the same time !! great timing to learn how to coexist and live happy and move on to take care of the things happening around us, is not it ?
Well, tomorrow , Friday the 27th of November, is Eid AlAdha for Muslims, so whether you celebrate it or not , eat meat or not , it's a beautiful time for families and loved ones and......... Happy Eid :)

Rabu, 25 November 2009

Happy ThanksGiving :)

Thanksgiving Day is a day celebrated mostly by Americans and Canadians, started as a religious celebration to thank God , although now it's a secular holiday. It's a celebration that should be celebrated everywhere at least to show thanks and gratitude to things we are thankful for.
It's the last Thursday of the month of November, which is today , So to anyone celebrating this day,Happy Thanksgiving and may your life and the life of your loved ones filled with love, health,prosperity and happiness always :)

so in this day or any other day, what are the things you are grateful and thankful for ?

Selasa, 24 November 2009

Religious Leaders

I meant to write about this for sometime now. So around the beginning of this month a sheik who is also a judge was complimenting the new university in SA , KAUST, and among the things he said that that mingling between men and women is not forbidden in Islam !!!!
I wonder if he knew that from the beginning, then a lot of these called sheiks know that as well, then why the hell they were keeping it a secret !!. We all read the Quran and Hadith but there are so many explanations that an average person can not get or understand easily so they usually tend to follow the words of the sheiks in their everyday life's things and stuff, plus a huge percent of Arabs and Muslims, and Saudi Arabia is not different , are illiterate and religious - a dangerous mix-.
Anyhow, back to the sheik, why did they keep things like that confidential as if they were military secrets and why they only reveal such information because the king was attacked from others for sponsoring this mixed university.!!! , didn't he know this before or he just discovered it !!
For some this is nothing, but it's and we are talking about Saudi Arabia where lots of women couldn't work in mixed places because their guardians wont let , the reason? it's 7aram as they have heard from their sheiks!! . The unemployed rate in Saudi Arabia is 12%, unfortunately there are no numbers as to the rate for women, but get this : the rate for employed women is 5% !!!! that means millions of women are without work cuz women can only work as doctors, nurses and we have few Saudis among them as it's a mixed places !!and teachers -we are not discussing some of the jobs women get in firms which mostly are not Saudi firms and they are few- , i have a sister who is unemployed and she is in her 40's !! .If they reveal such information or fatwa earlier , if they stop this stupidity about women and men mixing together and how it's the work of Satan and how cursed it's , if they stop preaching this, making it their number one priority, that might change the lives of thousands of women around the kingdom.
Is not that consider as holding out religious information which is 7aram btw in Islam !!
Shame on you SHEIK , and all religious leader who is not working for people , are not religions supposed to be about making people's life easier !!

Minggu, 22 November 2009

Saudi Soldiers

i don't care about wars and their reasons, i think whatever they are, they are still stupid . all i care about are the soldiers, and right now "the Saudi soldiers". unfortunately, i don't know the exact numbers of the ones that has been killed or their names, i am trying to know but can not find the right information and i know it's not easy to get them from the Saudi newspaper cuz they are used on secrecy and being hush hush about everything ,let alone war information.
Islam says that those who die fighting for their countries are martyrs, but it's not about labeling, it's about young lives cut short, families' pains and sufferings of losing lost ones, children growing up without their fathers, parents who have to bury their sons. i know that the government will take care of their families but nothing will bring loved ones. i keep wondering if they are scared of being there, missing their loved ones, thinking that this might be their last day, cursing the day they decided to join the army, wanting to just be normal guys.
some say it's not a big war , so why is it still on?
there are no excuses for wars or lost souls, but maybe knowing that they die for their country worth it ? inshallah .
May Allah bless their souls and send blessing and comfort to their loved ones
now why does not the government built a Memorial for them with their names on it. they die for their country , didn't they ?

p.s: if anyone knows the names of the dead Saudi soldiers, plz forward them. this is first name i got :-
الرقيب مظلي أحمد سعيد العمري
update:-( i found more names )

متعب بن ساعد بن جار النبي المالكي

عبدالرحمن بن محمد الاحمري

محمد سعد المالكي

update ( 23/11/2009):-

جندي اول: فيصل عبدالرحمن عبدالله الخيبري
update: (24/11/2009) :-
النقيب مظلي خالد بن عبدالرحمن الزاحم
ماجد بن حايف الشمري
مرعي محمد احمد الاسمري
update :(25/11/2009)
جندي اول عيسى يحي عامر البناوي

جندي اول عوض بن حسين الشمراني
رقيب اول هادي معيض سعد الغوازي
العريف سعيد احمد الزهراني
update:( 27/11/2009 ) : 9 soldiers are missing and here are their names
المقدم سعيد محمد معتوق العمري
العريف عائض علي سعيد الشهري
وكيل رقيب أحمد علي علي مدادي
رقيب محمد محسن سلطان العمري
رقيب أحمد عبدالله محمد العمري
رقيب مفلح جمعان مفلح الشهراني
عريف علي سلمان علي الحقوي
وكيل رقيب خالد صالح عمر العودة
جندي أول يحي عبدالله عامر الخزاعي
update: ( 6/12/209):-
جندي محمد احمد حسن الهاشمي
طلال آل صياد الاحمري
update: (8/12/2009) :-
ملازم اول مهند صالح العويد
العريف علي محمد جابر آل مغابرة الالمعي
حسين محمد نصفان
جندي مبارك سعد آل طربوش الشهراني
نايف الجعيد
جندي عبدالرحمن خلف حمود البلوي
Update: 13/12/2009:-
العريف علي قاسم العمري
صالح عبده المرحبي
أحمد عبدالله الشطيري
وكيل رقيب جابر يحي حسن المالكي
وكيل رقيب محمد الفارسي
جندي مظلي عبدالله السعن
Update: 17/12/2009:-
ملازم اول نواف سعد العبيد
وكيل رقيب مظلي عمر بن علي محمد الشهري
موسى سعد الناشبي
Update: 26/12/2009:-
إبراهيم حسن عون الشهري

Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Tired and Lazy

i am a lazy person, and active at the same time. can this happen? sometimes, i can not move from my place, especially at home, but at work i am always this hyper person who achieve a lot .right now, i am bored though i have a lot to do, i can read books and i have many of them unread yet . i can watch movies which i also have so many ,. i can do a lot, but i have this tend to just lay there or sit without doing anything, sometimes i spend hours going from sites to sites online for no particular reason!! .
i wonder if i got this lazy behavior from my father, because my mother is a hyper person and though she is in her 60's but can not stay doing nothing ,mashallah , . i wish i can be more like her . i know that by more disciplines i could be what i want and do what i want and achieve more. ''sigh''. like last year i started learning French online and it was fun and i was good, but then stopped for no reason but tiresome, or laziness. i only works for 6 to 7 hours a day, so if i spend 8 hours sleeping, that's would be 15 hours , where does the rest 9 go ?? . do being sick make you tend to be lazy or always tired , could it be my diabetes ?? dunno. but i need to do something about it .

Jumat, 20 November 2009

My Resort OnLine :)

when i am tired and sad, this is one of the places that i log on to online , it's a peaceful place and amazing.
This nice guy has two wonderful blogs this one and this one about art, blogs that you don't get bored or tired reading , so amazing . i know that a lot of bloggers knew about him cuz i have seen his blog spots on many lists. each time i log on to his sites , his play list is so amazing and calming and so soft, things i like to listen to and seems unable to locate or too lazy to look for . today, i listened to a beautiful piece in his list and it's so beautiful i looked for it and thankfully i found it . i'm jealous of his intelligent , of his ability to write both perfectly in Arabic and English, of his taste in music and art in general.
thank you, Prometheus , your sites always makes me happy, they are a resort to me, a beautiful one :)
this is the piece it's called Lysistrata by Giovanni Marradi

and more from the same musician

do you have places online and in reality which can be your resorts from all , and that makes you happy :)

A Saudi "Super Bad"

a Saudi "Super Bad" !!

Kamis, 19 November 2009

Right Now ..

we stopped caring about each other long time ago,
each of us thinks the other is thinking of no one but oneself,
when will we see each other is something that will not happen ,
too late means when all is gone and vanish,
and i stopped caring. i am thinking of myself .
and right now i am so scared, pretending not to be, locking the door on myself.
trying to take my mind off what's outside my room, listening to Fairouz to forget ,
and it's so hard to forget, i am afraid .

2012 and The End of the World

i just watched the movie 2012 and it's ok, the special effects made it watchable, other then that it's not that cool. and it's long movie, 2 hours !! why can not they say what they want quick ??
and again like all such movies i kept wondering about the end of the world, i know that some DO believe it's gonna be 2012 but i think it's silly, i dunno if that's cuz i really believe what has been said in the quran and hadith about it or it's just the cynical me !! .
and why do they have to keep implying in movies that things will be good and that good always prevail over bad, when it's not the case in life. right? le't be realistic, good people don't get the final good endings in real life , and life is not always beautiful and right doesn't always win against evil.
what i hate in these movies and horror ones are the cries and screaming of children, i know it's all acting but i think that no matter what kids shouldn't be put into such things even if they are false, i hate seeing kids crying even if it's an act :(

Rabu, 18 November 2009

Another Disappointment.

well today is the first day of a holiday,,
last weekend we decided to go to Jeddah for a few days, just for fun and it was approved, my mother, sister , father and me will go. we had our reservation and all.... but the typical family of me started arguing, my brother who barely could keep a job wanted to go and said that he would definitely going to have 10 days off , why didn't he mention that when the plans were put ?? don't know. we left to the mall, came back and he suddenly come with the news. we knew him, he would sacrifice his job to go have fun, no sense of responsibilities at all. we ignored the news and acted like we didn't hear anything. the next day my father started to complain that we would leave him at the hotel there alone , and that he wanted my brother to come along..we explained to him that we wouldn't do such thing , but he refused to listen and the two of them-brother and father- started to mock us with comments like ''oh you have the money, give it to us instead of spending it on a vacation'' ,''oh you are rich so at least give us half of that money'' ...stupid things were said and we decided to go against it. my mother even said it if my brother is going then she is not. so everything was cancelled and they were happy... our trip should be today at 10:30 :( .
we have not gone anywhere for over 7 years and my mother was looking for this.. a few days of fun gone.
the fun side of the whole thing is that no school for two weeks :) ( i am learning to see the fun and positive side to everything )

i keep visiting this funny site, that keeps you smile and happy all the time and this is one of their videos , don't tell me it didn't draw a smile on your face :)

Selasa, 17 November 2009

More of Fairuz .....

another amazing song from Fairuz, thank you Prometheus for reminding me of this beautiful song ..

and here is another favorite of mine.....

Minggu, 15 November 2009

When I Was in Love ....

it was long time ago, and nothing reminds me of that time and how sweet and painful like this song...

i think it's one of the most beautiful songs for Fairuz, an angelic voice indeed :)

Selasa, 10 November 2009

Helping EachOther :)

This is not for or about me. I read about this in a blog i visit and thought of sharing it, too. who knows, someone may read here and help in anyway. This is a blogger quest for help to help his son in his struggle with Autism. It's a sad journey for parents who have kids with Autism, and very expensive and not all are born with fortune or good money, so if you can please try to help with even the slightest amount of money so they could help their son with his difficult journey. we don't have to know people to help them. Again if you can please help and thanks in advance :)

here is the link to read the story and help if you can.

Senin, 09 November 2009

i am a Lucky Woman :)

i think i didn't know that i have amazing friends !!!
today while chatting with friends in the first period one of them left the room to come back with a beautiful chocolate cake and an amazing gift for me !! the reason ? my birthday :) . i couldn't but shed some tears and wish her great happiness for that beautiful surprise :)

i was in the best of mood during the whole day and tried my best to spread it around me .

ok that is not my type of songs, but i love this song, it's strange how we listen and laugh at words that we don't like to say personally, are we hypocrite? and i love the way Egyptians enjoy their time with all the depressing around them :)

Minggu, 08 November 2009

Since When Do French Men Become this HOT !!

i love this band, i don't get a word from their songs, so i had to have a translation for each song. lately i have been listening to them even more and more. This member 's name is Sébastien Izambard and he is french, but since when do french men become this hot, i know that they are romantic and all or that's what we have been told but he is so hot and adorable, and married :( . never mind, Allah yerzogna, lol

Sad But Happy :)

i should be still upset and tired and sad, but i'm not. today at work things were right until something happened and upset me and made me angry so much, i really cry a lot there. and my sugar level were so high i hated my self for letting one person upsetting me this much to even hurt my body. yet i'm not mad or angry anymore, yes a bit in resentment for this person, but each second i remember how ONE friend at school hold me tight and wipe those floods of tears, god how much i love my friend so much :) . life can be so easy and adorable when loved ones are there . btw, i told her how much she is amazing, cuz i believe such people need to know so :)

Jumat, 06 November 2009

It's Been 19 Year ( Black Ribbons Campaign)

oh god, it's like yesterday when i heard about the ladies who drove their cars in Riyadh, we got the news from the BBC and it was huge. Today some activist are trying to remember this day to gain more rights for The Saudi Women, what women need here is nothing but to be treated equally and not as second class . These are the demands that the activists are demanding right now and asking women to wear the ribbons today , and i'm quoting from the SaudiWomanBlog Here :-

A) Saudi woman be treated as a citizen just like her male counterpart.
B) Saudi woman enjoys her rights to marry, divorce, inherit, gain custody of children, travel, work, study, drive cars and live on an equal footing with man.
C) Saudi woman gain the legal capacity to represent herself in official and government agencies without the need of a male guardian.

WE just want to be treated equally !!!

and i'm labeling this under Personal because IT'S .

Kamis, 05 November 2009

Life is So UnFair :(

i know that long time ago, but each time i read a story of young children who got sick and die young, it's just hits me even harder. I just read the story of this 6 years old beautiful baby who died of brain cancer- the son of a relative does have brain cancer and i am so afraid to ask about him-, the pain is enough to feel sorry for them , how can they handle it ?? it's so unfair.

( This is the story of a six-year-old girl named Elena. In her last days, she showed a community how to love and how to live. Written through the eyes of her parents, Brooke and Keith Desserich, as a remembrance for her younger sister, her daily story tells one of humility and inspiration as she lives each day, one at a time. In her short time, she painted a masterpiece that would hang in an art museum, accomplished a truly spectacular series of wishes that she alone created and inspired a cause that continues today to help children everywhere in their fight against brain cancer.)

Oh Allah, please don't let anyone suffer such pain and tragedy, i know it's a silly prayer cuz there are millions of people die everyday and suffer from pain, but it's just a wish .

The Sad and Beautiful Picture

Each time i see this pictures, all different emotions rush through me, i am an animal lover, i don't like to keep them around, i like them to be where they supposed to be, probably in another life i would be a Veterinary
I feel so sorry for animals when they get sick, how can they show that they are sick ?? what do they do to stop the pain ?
Now what's wrong with this sweet chimp -in the picture- laying in the cart, covered in blankets , the women holding its head? what is wrong with it ??
what disturbs me even more is the other chimpanzee looking over the fence at their friend with a sad look , the compassion in their eyes, the sadness ,their concern !!! don't know if that's what they feel but that's for sure what i see
I can not express my feelings in the right way, this pictures simply makes me sad and happy at the same time.

Rabu, 04 November 2009

I am Jealous

I do believe that human beings have all kinds of feelings, bad and good. The difference is how we manage them.
ok have said that, i have to confess that i have been jealous of some relatives. In about two weeks it's the Hajj Holiday, so they are going to travel to London to visit a family member :) very nice, indeed. why am i jealous? cuz i want to travel, too but cann't cuz it costs a lot of money and i don't have it. i am not jealous as to wish for them not to go, NOWAY. And i am not jealous to wish that i would go instead ,no. it's only that i wish i had the money to travel all the time. i truly believe that they deserve it, they have not gone anywhere for a long time and they deserve a break. actually the sweetest lady of them just call us to ask if we need anything from there and i wish her the best of luck and i do mean it wallhi.
Does that make me a bad person? Do you feel the same with things you wish and couldn't get ?