Jumat, 19 November 2010

Maids Again !!

What's the hell is wrong with Saudi women and men !! .

A women in her fifties have hit her 23 years old Indonesian maid, leaving her with a burn in the stomach- using an iron- and a scald in the head !!!. The maid is at the general hospital in Medina. 

The case has made even the Indonesian president  to ask for a quick investigation.  The woman is under arrest and the investigation is under going with two of the member of her family. 

What's wrong with these people ? What's wrong with that woman ?. She is 54 years old for god's sake, she must be wiser and calmer . 
No one deserves such horrible treatments .

And now reports say that the body of an Indonesian maid has been found in the dumpster !!

Why? just why ?

Are we this evil people who still can not see that others are also people? no matter where they come from or their "class". 
If you don't need her, then don't bring her. don't torture her, don't insult her. DON'T KILL HER.

honestly , words can not describe the whole situation. it's so sad and sick.

check the link to see a video in Indonesian about the maid Sumiati Disiksa, there are horrific photos of the young girl. 
Please if someone knows the language and can translate the whole video, i would be deeply thankful. 

Thanks to Hajar and Farsilla for providing these translations to the video :-

Hajar wrote : The indonesian news were saying how most family back in indonesia wants all the domestic helper which are related to them who works in saudi to come back. They're afraid of the treatment, and fear that any of their family member would be treated as Sumiati. It said more, the Saudi and Indonesian government are treating this case seriously and Saudi promised to give justice. The indonesian news commentor said, we would see if they keep their promise. And there was a short interview between the news & sumiati, which she was asked who did the beating on her. Sumiati told, it was the female of the house (I'm not too sure i heard the other things she said, it was not clear). The news commentor also elaborated how sumiati looked like before leaving for saudi, and after weeks, her mouth are ribbed because it was cut off by the employer, and her body had been bruised and scarred. I hope i translated it okay, to those who could correct me if i said it wrong are welcome to do so) 
Farsilla wrote: ( well they said they wana knw the result of the investigation of sumiati who was been tortured in saudi arabia by her employer. n also she mentioned dat the saudi gov had made a promise to investigate about this but hoping its not just only words from their mouth
when they showed a village, they said dat most of the villagers are very poor n become a fishermen, but since sumiati knew dat working in saudi she can earned more money, but after the incident her mum is really upset about it. n another lady said she didnt mind to become poor n will never become a maid in saudi arabia bcoz she doesnt want to b tortured by the employee
when her picture been showed,
only for few weeks in saudi,this beautiful lady change completely, her face has been destroyed n her lips has been ripped off (im not sure) bcoz her employee did sumthing to her, n also her employee didnt show any sympathy towards her( dats wat she described)
when a man asked her why did her employee was angry at her, she said she didnt knw (i doubt datn also other things dat she said wasnt clear so i cnt translate dat)
n da men asked whether who hit her, her employer or her employer's children, she replied him the the female employer
n they said sumiati suffered a lot n so on , n the indo gov will do anything to protect them.)

what's going on with us? 
why are we turning into this brutal society that kills the domestic workers and rarely moves !!

We are very good in telling of haram and halal but never of the good way of treating a help.

Maid should stop coming to Saudi Arabia, period. 


Indonesian president condemns Saudi torture of maid

This stupid ad is about an exchange
a 1991 car for a "new" Indian or Sri Lankan maid .

the idea that such an ad can be posted on a local newspaper is beyond ..."i can not even find the words".

36 komentar:

  1. salam,
    thank you for sharing this news. The indonesian news were saying how most family back in indonesia wants all the domestic helper which are related to them who works in saudi to come back. They're afraid of the treatment, and fear that any of their family member would be treated as Sumiati. It said more, the Saudi and Indonesian government are treating this case seriously and Saudi promised to give justice. The indonesian news commentor said, we would see if they keep their promise. And there was a short interview between the news & sumiati, which she was asked who did the beating on her. Sumiati told, it was the female of the house (I'm not too sure i heard the other things she said, it was not clear). The news commentor also elaborated how sumiati looked like before leaving for saudi, and after weeks, her mouth are ribbed because it was cut off by the employer, and her body had been bruised and scarred. I hope i translated it okay, to those who could correct me if i said it wrong are welcome to do so. this is so sad...Although just to find a clearer news, is Sumiati killed after the news? or was it another indonesian maid?

  2. more here; http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/7348775-sumiati-tortured-by-her-employer-in-medina-her-lips-cut-off-and-nearly-paralyzed

  3. hey dear, i will try to translate it tho not all bcoz its a bit different from malay, but i will do my best okey :)


  4. well they said they wana knw the result of the investigation of sumiati who was been tortured in saudi arabia by her employer. n also she mentioned dat the saudi gov had made a promise to investigate about this but hoping its not just only words from their mouth

    when they showed a village, they said dat most of the villagers are very poor n become a fishermen, but since sumiati knew dat working in saudi she can earned more money, but after the incident her mum is really upset about it. n another lady said she didnt mind to become poor n will never become a maid in saudi arabia bcoz she doesnt want to b tortured by the employee

    when her picture been showed,

    only for few weeks in saudi,this beautiful lady change completely, her face has been destroyed n her lips has been ripped off (im not sure) bcoz her employee did sumthing to her, n also her employee didnt show any sympathy towards her( dats wat she described)

    when a man asked her why did her employee was angry at her, she said she didnt knw (i doubt datn also other things dat she said wasnt clear so i cnt translate dat)

    n da men asked whether who hit her, her employer or her employer's children, she replied him the the female employer

    n they said sumiati suffered a lot n so on , n the indo gov will do anything to protect them.

  5. well to b honest wafa i dnt trust 100% about this, okey maybe her employer did beat her but sumtimes she might hurt herself purposely so dat ppl will see her as the victim n will b on her side where she will get reparations payment . this incident happened in Malaysia before, chinese employer n indonesian maid, im not saying all the indonesian maid are like this but some yes. the old generation of indo maid were better but the next generation were worst, my family used to hve indo maid since both my parents are working, so they r responsible to clean the house n took care of use when we finished school, n me n my 2nd sister had bad experience with indo maids when we were young,we were been hit by them n when we told my mum , she denied n the next day they ran away from home, but once im 12 yo, my mum stopped hiring indo maids bcoz they create a lot of prob, they ran away from home, 1 of them accused my dad raped her (dat time she was working with sum1 else but she called my house n her employer was angry about it bcoz she used the phone to call sum1 else so she create this s2pid story to cover her) n all of us know my dad is alwys away n my siblings are alwys at home, so we no my dad never do such thing.

    to b honest i just dnt trust indo maids -_-


  6. Horrible. It's just horrible! People being that evil, especially ones that share the same nationality as you, makes you want to weep for humanity.
    In the army, soldiers are taught to look at the "enemy" as an "object" so they can be able to kill them. I think there is a correlation here where some Saudi people think maids are "objects" and therefore, it is ok to torture them because they aren't "equal."
    Thank you for this awareness, Wafa'. This is simply unacceptable!

  7. Thank you for speaking up against this, Wafa. I am in the process of writing on this same issue. I hope that more and more people stand up against this kind of barbaric nonsense. I am really disturbed. Really hurt and saddened.

    You said, "She is a help not a slave." The thing is they shouldn't even be doing this to a slave! Not even to an animal. I don't even let my children destroy their toys like this.

  8. I understand your frustration, and get tears in my eyes every time I read such news. I pray that the people responsible for this, get s swift and just punishment. They are not above the law, as the maids are not below the law! A human being is just that.. no difference.

    I would like to add though, that although such SICK things are happening, we can not generalize. For every one maid that is suffering, I am sure there are thousands that are rather happy with their position and treatment in their sponsor homes. In many homes I have seen, the maid has become part of the family, and is treated with dignity and respect.

    I understand that people are frustrated, but what is needed is that people receive SEVERE punishment for their actions, that way others will be sure NOT to do the same. Their names should be published in full for all to see, as in Saudi one of the best ways to expose one another and bring shame, is to expose the name. In this case the woman should also be thrown in jail and the key thrown away, so that she may rot in there till her times comes to rot in HELL!

  9. OMG,,,, I just noticed the swap add at the bottom... a new indian or sri lanken maid to be traded in for a 91 model dodge.. OMG.. I can hardly believe I just read that!!

  10. Hajar,

    Thanks a lot for the translating, it was very welcomed and Farsilla gave the same translation .

    Amen, let's hope that this case will be punished as it should be, severely.

    As for the murder, what i have read is that it's another maid not Sumiati. will wait for more news about this second one. very sad :(

    And thanks for the link Hajar.

  11. Farsilla,

    thanks a lot for the translating.

    dear , believe me when i say things like this happen all the time, i have seen it with my own eyes. Yes, some do lie, but not to this extent, plus the woman is in jail, she wont be if she didn't do it.

    i am so sorry about what you and your family, especially your father gone through with some maids, it was awful.

  12. Athoug,

    there are wide hostility towards maids and the media is not doing enough to help. They are seen as object indeed and treated as if they are not human, even animals don't deserve this.

    You are welcome dear, and please let's help and shed light into the abuse of maids and spread the word.

  13. Om Lujain,

    thanks a lot for your kind words. what really frustrates me is that there are a lot of the help is treated this way. i am glad that what you see is the opposite which means that there are a lot who do care too.

    yes, no to generalizing but sometimes it's needed to point out the problem and make it seen, other wise we will keep saying that's the action of minority. unless we generalize, no good actions will be taken.

    and yes, i honestly hope that this woman be thrown in jail for good.

    And the picture shows that not only there are people who don't care and it's ok to swamp people for cars but also it's ok for a newspaper to publish such an ad, just awful :(

  14. I'm absolutely horrified and appalled. Thank you for sharing such an important issue and bringing attention to it.

  15. I read your essay, and comments. I agree with you. I am still shocked with the manner of deal with maids till killing them as done with Indonesian one. I think we have to ask for Hudud now.

  16. yup but sumtimes it better not to hire a maid just to prevent this thing to happen, but wat happen to this unfortunate lady its really awful. i hope she wont b traumatize n get better n return back to her family inshaallah. no mother wants to see her daughter suffer like this :(


  17. It's such a shame that people feel comfortable treating another human being like trash. :( My MIL's maid is like a member of the family. She talks to me and my husband on skype and has "met" our son through skype, and you can tell by the way she and my MIL interact that they are true friends and enjoy each others company. My MIL has two children abroad, one away at college within KSA, and one child still at home. Her husband has a second wife so is often not at home (every other night, of course). I think she likes having the maid more for company at times than for the work she does.

    I grew up in a town where maids are rare, or not used at all. Wealthier families from larger cities often have hispanic maids, though. I was opposed to the idea of maids until I met my MILs. She seems to truly enjoy her living arrangements and is able to support her family back home.

    I do find it very confusing that a society that promotes (or supposedly promotes) Islamic values like women staying home with the family also have such a high percentage of families with maids. I stay home with my son, and I truly believe if I had a maid to help with dishes, laundry, cooking, and cleaning...I'd find myself bored and feeling useless. Sometimes I do get overwhelmed with the dishes stacked up in the sink, but I'd rather have that than feel I am not contributing to the household.

  18. Are they animals???

    I can't believe it
    How they feel if it happened to their children!!!

  19. الخبر مهم
    لكن غريبة جدا التعليقات عليه

  20. Kindly PLS Read these news, esp the COMMENTS

  21. Becky,

    it's just so sad and sick and something big need to be done about it.

  22. Sonnet,

    that's exactly what should happen. these people wont stop until something is done.

  23. Nikki,

    I know of some women who are angels to their help. But you know i don't think we should thank such people, because that's what everyone should treat anyone working at their house or help them in anyway.

    i can guarantee to you that more than half of the people with help don't need them.and i think the situation in your town is the right one.

  24. Visible,

    even animals wont do that to their kind.

    And their kids are different kind of species from the "maids", they are way better, there is not any kind of comparison.

  25. Sonnet,

    خبر مهم جدا بالفعل

    والتعليقات ليست غريبة, نحن نسمعها دائما على ارض الواقع و لو تكلمنا قالوا انتم لستم بوطنين
    من جميع التعليقات هناك -حتى الان-هناك 7 فقط عقلانية و تتحدث برحمة عن الخادمات
    و اثنان فقط تتحدث بشكل موضوعي
    اما الباقي فمن نوع, نحن في غني و فكة و سحر و شعودذة
    انتظري نتائج القرار و سترين العجب العجاب

  26. Sonnet,

    Indeed an important article but the comments are not new, we hear them all the time around.and if we just talk about the wrong things happening they claim we are not a REAL Saudis and all that stupidity.
    Out of all the comment, there are only 7-so far- with the maid. And 2 rational. The rest is the typical "great and they are witches"

    Wait for the result and you will hear something else.

  27. On no, please don't! I didn't mean to point it out like that. I'm so sorry. I meant to say that Islam teaches us even to be kind to slaves. Maids are free people - our employees. Sorry if it came out wrongly.

    I have publicised this post on my blog and people have been giving you their thumbs up for bringing this to our attention. Thank you! I wish there were more people like you.

  28. Metis,

    no it's ok dear and you know what? i hate the word slave and i can not understand the concept of a human being owning another. it's just so wrong.

    on the contrary, i thank you for pointing out the line. i want to be more respectful to everyone .

    i am off to read the last post, btw, i am still reading despite the lack of comment, and i think you are doing great enlightenment there :)

    You are welcome my dear and thanks for the nice words:)

  29. I just love you, Wafa'! Thanks for pointing out such things and working to correct them.

  30. Susanne,


    thanks a lot for your kind words, i just hope these words will make a different and even if it's not then at least people need to know.

  31. It is 100% true .And I reckon most of the far east Asian don't believe that because they also want to make it to the Saudi Arabia, or any middle East country ...for money .That is why they are quite .

    I have written the same thing.


  32. Izdiher,

    the problem is-and I can not blame them- is that people want to live, get a job, help their families so they will endure a huge lots of things to help their families including these fu*ked up life, so sad :(

    Thanks for the link, checking it right now :)
