Kamis, 25 November 2010

Friday Good Reads (11/ 26/10)

Survival :-
-No ones knows what's life holding for us, good or bad, don't think it wont hit you. Read these Ultimate Survivor Stories1, 2, 3, 4  just in case.

-how did the 33 Chilean miners survive ? a glimpse into that with Mario Sepulveda's first interview.

- A look at the life inside Gaza. Inside Gaza – The Contradictions of Determination.

-Seven years after the invasion of Iraq, two opposite stories. Bittersweet memories of life in Iraq during invasion.

- we spend our times doing millions of things, but life can be a lot easier if we decide what is worthy of our time and not. Attention. 

- what it means to be a partially blind. Amazing look into this in If bridges look like this, you could be going blind

-Four million children are wearing the wrong-size shoes, according to new research. Why don't children's shoes fit? an important article for parents.

- the United Nations' cultural organization (UNESCO) is worried about historical and traditional sites. But here are some of traditions that might need protection !!  . 10 Traditions You Never Thought Needed Protecting

Religious issues:-
-Pakistan's treatment of minority is taking attention because of the death sentence issued against a Christian, but what was happening before that sentence.Sentenced to death: On Pakistan’s minorities

- How does Saudi Arabia trying to improve its image during the Hajj. Saudi Arabia less rigid with Muslims during haj

-It's never in my head when i talk period's pain. Can Menstrual Cramps Change Your Brain?

- This one pain can not be identified easily and it's the worst during the period. "Living" With Endometriosis

- Some pains need to be paid attention to. Here are 10 Mysterious Pains You Shouldn't Ignore

Women's issues:-
- It is more dangerous to be a woman than to a soldier in modern war. Scary, right? then read this article Women, War, and Peacebuilding, D’OH!  

-Great idea from an Israeli activist campaign to raise awareness about human trafficking. ‘Women for Sale’: An Israeli Campaign Against Trafficking

- an interview with four young Muslims ladies and their fashionable Hijab. Four hip hijabis talk about their relationship to the headscarf and fashion 

- Nearly half of London men aged 18–25 think sex with women too drunk to know what is going on is not rape. Mona Altahawy and  Why Are We Still Blaming Women For Rape?

-Liu said he wanted to show how city surroundings affected people living in them.
He added that the inspiration behind his work was a sense of not fitting in to modern society and was a silent protest against the persecution of artists.A look at the invisible man artist. I'm just trying to blend in: Can YOU spot the 'invisible man' artist

-All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.- Leo Tolstoy. Check this beautiful Family Love: Oil, Cement, Music gallery.

- Great collection from this year National Geographic's Photography Contest 2010 from the Boston Globe's /The Big picture. 

- Children should care about nothing, have fun and just play but not all are that lucky. Sad pictures in Children of the Mines

- Afghanistan in the past, a lively country. Once Upon a Time in Afghanistan...

-It's maybe too early but Reuters have issued some of the year's best in pictures. Best of the year

Arabic Articles:- 
كيف يتفاعل الصحافي مع قراءه  حينما يرفض المسؤول التجاوب, هالة الدوسري تروي ذلك في من أطفأ الضوء

2 komentar:

  1. Thank you for sharing! Really looking forward to reading the Survival stories - I have a thing for survival, dystopia and post-apocalypse stories, movies and books!

    Always great to see you enjoyed some of my links too ;)

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Becky,

    It's good to read other stories in surviving disasters in any kinds, i guess. it will give us a huge lessons to learn in case.

    i always liked your links, plus you are the inspiration for these posts :)

    And you are welcome :)
