Senin, 31 Mei 2010

They were Carrying Aid not Armors

After the death of many civilians in Gaza every day due to the siege, here comes the turn on activists !!!

They were carrying food and medical aids and were on an international water when they were attack . Go read the news all over the international media, Today Israel has no friend.

May All help the people of Gaza . They are victims in a war they got nothing to do with. Not everyone there is Hamas . And may Allah protect the people who are trying to help them from all over the world.

May the 19 dead rest in peace and be awarded in heaven for their great courage.

One prominent member of the convoy is Swedish crime novelist Henning Mankell. Nobel peace laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire from Northern Ireland and the 85-year-old Holocaust survivor and activist Hedy Epstein are also on board. Dozens of European politicians were reported to be on the flotilla, including two members of the German parliament.

"Nothing can justify the use of violence such as this, which we condemn. The circumstances of this drama must be fully brought to light and we wish for a thorough inquiry to be put in place without delay." French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner

"High Representative Catherine Ashton expresses her deep regret at the news of loss of life.... On behalf of the European Union she demands a full enquiry about the circumstances in which this happened.... The continued policy of closure (by Israel) is unacceptable and politically counterproductive." A spokesperson for the European Union's foreign policy chief, High Representative Catherine Ashton

“What Israel has committed on board the Freedom Flotilla was a massacre " Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who declared three days of official mourning for the dead across the West Bank.

"We strongly condemn these inhumane practices of Israel. This deplorable incident, which took place in open seas and constitutes a flagrant breach of international law, may lead to irreparable consequences in our bilateral relations.… Israel will have to bear the consequences of this behavior, which constitutes a violation of international law." The Turkish Foreign Ministry, headed by Ahmet Davutoglu (pictured here), released a statement

It was a death , yes. But an honorable one .

13 komentar:

  1. im so upset about this situation! i wish people around the world open their eyes.

  2. I woke up to this awful news today. I'm so sad for those who lost their lives. :(

  3. I think you mean they were carrying "Aid" not "Aids"! You might want to fix the headline for your post


  4. angie,
    let's hope that this time it's the time people will see the truth.

  5. Susanne,
    it's a very sad day. i hope actions will be taken to stop this stupidity and brutality once and for all.

  6. Maysloon,

    Thanks for the correction, been noted and corrected :)

  7. رحم الله شهداء أسطول الحرية، وأسكنهم فسيح جناته
    أنه عالم ليس للشرفاء

  8. Jazaki Allah for posting this. So important. We need a global out cry!

  9. رحمهم الله ....
    كل يوم نسمع ونرى اشياء تحزن وتؤلم

    رحمهم الله

  10. نادر

    عالم جبان للاسف


  11. Sarira,

    The whole world have been watching and we hope that this time something WILL happen .
