Senin, 10 Mei 2010

Are You Happy ?

Are You Happy ?

Are you ?
How do you define your happiness?.
I know that happiness is a subjective matter but what do you think the things that may make people happy ?
Love to hear your thoughts :)

18 komentar:

  1. Ya wafa' what a great question... I honestly have never thought about it before. InshaAllah I will think about it and let you know what I come up with :-)

  2. u know somwhow just to think about it is hard!
    i guess having a family n some1 to count on is happiness...
    but deeep down.. i know having a strong faith is the real sourse of happiness.. theres this magical happiness n glide feeling that u get when u pray.. when u cry asking for something.. when u leave something u love doing and do it for Allah coz u have faith ul get something better in return.. that happiness.. coz all about how comfortable u r with urself.. ra7at elbaal.. n it dosnt come unless ur faith is strong..

    do i make sense ?

  3. Accepting themselves + others 4 whom they r is a mAjor ingredient of happiness -in my book- :)


  4. i hope someone puts some good answers here...because i kind of feel sometimes i forgot how to be happy.

  5. Happiness when your heart is content and passionate about the things u do..I'm happy a certain point :)

  6. صباح الخير وفاء
    البعض ظن أن السعادة في المال، ولما وصل ما كان يصبو اليه خابت ظنونه، والبعض ظن أن السعادة في الشهرة، فلما وصلها خابت طنونه أيضا
    أنا لا أعرف أين تكمن السعادة
    ولكن أثناء فرأتي لسطورك تذكرت العالم "ابن تيمية" عندما اعتقل
    تسأل يومها قائلا
    ما ذا يفعل اعدائي بي؟
    أما سجني فهو عزلة أقضيها في الطاعات
    وأما نفيي وإخراجي من بلدي فهو سياحة
    وأما موتي فهو شهادة
    ثم قال كلمته الشهيرة
    أنا جنتي في صدري
    وهذا يعني أن السعادة هي السلام الداخلي والتصالح مع الذات
    أعتقد أن السعادة داخلية، لا علاقة لها بالمؤثرات الخارجية من مال وخلافه
    كل الود وفاء

  7. زي ما حكى نادر السعادة اشي داخلي
    و اكيد اللي بكون قنوع و راضي بحكم الله بكون سعيد
    و برضو زي ما حكى حمدان
    انك تساوي الاشي اللي بتحبو
    واتوقع اللي بكون قنوع رح يحب الاشي اللي بعملوا ولا لأ ؟
    وللأسف صعب الواحد يوصل لهاي المرحلة
    ان شاء الله بيوصلها بعدين
    تقبلي مروري وتحياتي :)

  8. NeverEver, i always think about it and wonder if i am happy or not and how can i be happier . I will wait for your answer dear :)

  9. nosa, you do make huge sense and i guess all that you have mentioned : the family, the faith and the content are all causes to being Happy. But do they go together ? what if someone misses one of them. but i guess you have great ingredint of happiness.
    i wish you great happiness, nosa. you deserve it sweetie :)

  10. Haitham,
    what do you do if you have a mind who looks for faults in others and yourself ? it's tough then.
    but i love your ingredints a lot.

  11. angie,
    read through the comments, everyone got a beautiful and insightful thing. i am learning here. cuz like you it's been a while for me since i felt happy .

  12. hamdanism,
    i remember the saying " if you didn't do what you love then love what you do " when i read what you wrote cuz i don't like what i do but i don't complain. content, i guess i am one of those who have it .
    And inshAllah your happiness will last forever :)

  13. نادر
    اهلين :)
    عجبني كتير كلام ابن تيمية فهو رأي الشيء الجميل بكل الاحوال. لكن اعتقد انه الوصول لهذه الحالة يحتاج وقت طويل و تفكير و خبرة و اشياء لااعرف ان كنت املكها
    لكني املك الرضا والقناعة , اغضب احيانا او كثيرا و لكن اعود للرضا لاني مقتنعة انه مريح حتى لو لم يوصلني للسعادة

    دائما اسعد بتعليقاتك اخي :)

  14. Sh3rawi
    هو الوصول لها صعب بس داشما نتمنى انه نوصلها , احيانا نتمنى يكون بشكل سريع لانه بنكون تعبنا و نبغى نرتاح بس يمكن الاستعجال هو اللي بيضيعها علينا

    شاكرة مرورك الجميل :)

  15. Happiness for me is being content with life and being thankful for the wonderful blessings in life. When I start focusing on my problems, the happiness flees. But when I focus on God and His goodness to me, I am joyful.

  16. Susanne,
    it seems everyone agrees on being content and close to God.
    I wish you an everlasting happiness sweetie :)

  17. It IS hard that way but (alwAys the but!) also realistic with the demands of our time! Won`t u think?


  18. Haitham,
    it's hard but we have to change ourselves, is not that another happy thing ?.
    And yes i think so.
