Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

The Italian

This is a movie that you can see when you are so down and I promise you that it will cheer you up and lift your spirit.
I noticed that during the whole 1 and a half hour -the length of the movie- the smile didn't leave my face

Though the name of the movie is "the Italian" but it's actually a Russian one.

The movie about an orphanage home where kids living chaotic lives and waiting for couples to adapt them. The call the chosen one " the lucky ones".

And one day an Italian couple came to the place to chose a boy and they decided to have 6 year old Vanya Solntsev. The hero of the movie.

He was happy and everyone envied him . That's where the name of the movie came from " The Italian "
Everything changed when the mother of his old friend who was adopted previously came looking for her son. That will change the young boy's mind and he kept wondering
" what if my mother come to look for me ?" and he wanted to have a change of mind afraid that if he left with the Italian , she couldn't find him.

the mother of his friend
These questions and much more will change the sweetheart boy 's life and even at that young age he has a decision and stick to it no matter what.

the older girl who decided to help him.

Through the whole movie i was thinking of the blessing of having a family and someone who loves you especially a mother.
Years ago i thought of fostering a kid and it's still there. I was about to take that step a few months ago and then thought i will be able to by the end of the year if I was able financially , but now we have all these things about leaving the flat and the evacuation threat will still be hanging around our heads, I think it's the wrong time. Maybe in a few years inshAllah.

Being an orphan is not an easy thing. And i keep wondering why would people pay thousands of dollars to conceive a child -those with troubles- when you can adapt a child or foster them in easier ways. Happiness will go both ways.

It's sad knowing that what we see as an artistic work is the reflection of reality. The eagerness orphans have to be adapted by anyone, just to have a home,loving parents and being loved.

If you have the chance to see the movie go ahead and do it . And if you have some extra time read this article .

Watch the trailer- it has English subtitles-

8 komentar:

  1. i seen this movie a while back. i loved it. it touched my heart so deeply. i had to remind myself after that it was a movie and the boy was fine...but still breaks my heart knowing that other children live this type of life.

    i think it was called the italian because someone italian wanted to adopt him

  2. good evening,
    i sure need anything to lift my spirit,i hope this will help.
    thanks for the review.

  3. Salaam..
    I'm excited to watch it...
    I want watch any film cheer me up..

    Thank you...

  4. Sounds gr8! havn`t seen t, gonna chk t hopfuly.

    Like "story" movies :)


  5. angie, yea that's why the call him the Italian. it's amazing movie.And like you, i kept thinking about other orphan children. it's really devestating.

  6. nissan,
    it will leave you sad and happy at the same time, but the whole journey is beautiful and uplifting :)

  7. Strawberry,
    this one will make you feel blessed and happy, believe me :)

  8. Haitham,

    you are going to like it H. , check it out .
