Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

It's Painful

I am sorry but i got to delete the whole post. After writing it and i really do needed to write that, i felt so ashamed of my self for giving up. For complaining when millions of other people have worse life than me and can not even complain. Maybe it was too much for me but i shouldn't have lost faith in God . I am really sick and maybe that's what 's making me can not see clearly.
I don't aythat what i have wrote earlier here is false or false feelings. They were the truth, the whole truth and i stand by it. But i guess it's still too early for me to give up.

14 komentar:

  1. ya ukhti Allah give you strength ameen

    I'm feeling so helpless... I want to do something for you but feel I am so far away...

    Is there anything I can do? You have my du'a but is there anything else?

    suicide is definitely not the answer. if you take the "easy way" in this life, nothing stops. You keep getting the bad all through eternity. At least if you have patience, inshaAllah there will be a true end to the suffering.

    may Allah take away every sin and give you the highest jannah for your patience in this life ameen

    wa alhamdulillah 3la kul shay'

  2. Assalamualaikum sweetie,

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    Verily, with every difficulty there is relief. Therefore, when thou art free, still labour hard, And to thy Lord turn (all) thy attention. [Quran 94:5-8]

    Thy Guardian-Lord hath not forsaken thee, nor is He displeased. And verily the Hereafter will be better for thee than the present. And soon will thy Guardian-Lord give thee (that wherewith) thou shalt be well-pleased. [Quran 93:3-5]

    Verily, (the ends) ye strive for are diverse. So he who gives (in charity) and fears (Allah), And (in all sincerity) testifies to the best,- We will indeed make smooth for him the path to Bliss [Quran 92:4-7]

    Have faith! ♥

  3. ah I didn't see your earlier post ... but if it was about suicide I'm very sorry you're feeling so low. :(

  4. Wafa, I didn't read the other post. But, now that I read what neverever said, I am scared. I will have you in my duas. If you need anyone to talk to? I am here! I'll call you... I am here for you and most importantly, Allah is always there. ((((hugs))))) I am so sorry! email me! and let me know if i can help! really, i'll call you.

  5. NeverEver & Anonymous:-

    your lovely words have touched me so deep. you are the ones who read the previous post. and as i said i felt ashamed for being so sad and down when others have worse things to complain about . at least i stilll have many things in my life.And you wouldn't believe how things might turn this very morning.I guess your prayers have been heard. Thanks a lot. I love you :). Anonymous, i wish i know who you are, the verses was a needed reminder :)

  6. Aynur & Texan,

    You are so sweet ladies. the previous post was painful and i complain a lot. was not suicidal but there was great wish for death. yesterday i hit the bottom. But the words i recieved and the prayers all made me ashamed of my depression when millions are facing worse situations. As i said, this morning was a different morning. who would say that YOU can change this quickly. or your feelings switch? i am sure i have a great God who help me. the problem is with people and society. i was ashamed and complained to have been in such miserable life all this time and forget to see how my mother have suffered and still endure all of the stupidity in the world .
    I can describe how grateful i am about all your beautiful words and prayers.
    Thank you and sorry for troubling you :)

  7. Sweet Wafa,

    There will ALWAYS be worse situations than yours.You are right in that and also very wise of you to see it. Every one is the same way too. There is no perfection in this life and there will always be struggles. Plain and simple.

    Don't feel bad that you "complain". We all need to vent every now and then. In fact, if you keep it all boggled up inside it can literally destroy you.

    I did not read the previous post but I feel that you have every right to write what ever you want for this is your blog. You should never feel ashamed for feeling the way you do for any reason at all.

    We are human beings and we are weak and we will always encounter problems in our lives. You are a strong girl, I just know it! By your writing it shows and even by the topics you choose to write about.

    All I can tell you is to never ever give up hope and trust me, well don't even trust me per say, trust in Allah, that things will ALWAYS get better. Nothing ever stays the same! NOTHINGGGGG!

    Take care and may Allah give you patience, strength and lift your sadness away........Ameen!:)

    BTW...when I feel really really low I recite suraht al-shirh A LOT and it really helps in making me feel better knowing that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.:)

  8. Manal, I keep thinking i must of have done something good to recieve such support and amazing words from all of you. Your words make me cry and i know you have struggle a lot, but it's amazing how you continue your journey with strength and faith.
    as i said this morning was a new morning, as i kept thinking and wondering but fianlly i just depend on Allah and know that He will help me and turn things around . AlhamduliAllah the moment i think of that , i started smiling and thinking positivly. I know i will fall through the roads but inshAllah i will stand up again.
    I can not thank you enough Manal for your lovely words :)

  9. Salam Wafa',

    I'm so sorry for your pain, but believe me dear no one's life is perfect! Everyone has to go through some pain in this life. But at some point afterward we realize that Allah has done this to us for a reason. So hang on there and be patient, and the “Faraj” will be soon inshallah. I know it's easy for us to talk and give you advises as long as we are not in your shoes, but I wish that our words will be helpful to pull you from this.

    Try to think about the bright sides in your life, and I'm sure there are many. For example, you have an awesome mother. I lost my parents when I was young, so I know the value of having a mother. I remember how I felt when I lost my mom. I thought like my life has stopped and that there is no way that I will live. But life continues, actually I feel my life has started after that when I met my husband and made my family. So dear, be optimistic, the day that you will feel relieved is coming and soon inshallah.

    One last thing, no matter how bad the things you're going through now, doing something that will make Allah angry at you will not be the right thing at all. I read some of the comments, and I'm not sure if you mentioned suicide in your previous post or not, but please sister be strong and don't even think about such things. You're stronger than that.

    Take care sweet Wafa'. We all love you!

  10. أبو سنان5 Mei 2010 pukul 21.18


    Manal told me about your post. I am sorry things are so rough. Others have said it, but the fact that some might have a plight worse than yours does not minimise what you are going through.

    You have proven yourself here to be a lovely and caring lady. I hold out hope that things can and will get better for you. Often just when things seem the worse is when Allah makes them better.

    You know our situation and we have been at rock bottom many times, and often still are regularly, but Allah ALWAYS provides somehow. Often it is at the last minute just when you think you cannot take it anymore or from a direct you never thought.

    If you ever need anything, to chat or otherwise, we are here for you. You can e-mail Manal and we'll be there for you in whatever way we can.

    Allah Ma3aki.

  11. Susu, thanks a lot for your beautiful emotions. And i do have great things in life and that's what made me ashamed after i wrote the first time. Millions of people have nothing and i have a lot so i should thank Allah instead :)

    As for the sucide, it was not actually but i talked about death and how it's comfort sometimes. And that people killed themsleves when they had it. I really wished it then but won't do it, i tried it before long time ago and i know the consequences. Thanks for your advice dear, i love you so much and i apperciate every single word you and the rest have said :)

  12. ابوسنان
    you and Manal are great brother and sister to me.
    Your words and hers means a lot to me.
    It's true that someone's problems doesn't mean yours is less but sometimes you wish you have a wider prospective and see life in a different angle. It's just i have been keeping it inside for a long time and last time i couldn't and all i wished and prayed for is it to end. I just wake up and decided to put my faith back in Allah and inshaAllah things will turn around one day for me and for you.
    i owe you so much and everyone else for all your amazing words and support :)
    Thank you brother and inshAllah things will be better at your side soon :)
    let's be optimistic .


    alhamdulillah I am so glad that you are feeling more positive ya ukhti. You are on my mind and in my prayers.



  14. Never,
    Thanks a lot for all your prayers and support dear :)
