Kamis, 27 Mei 2010

MTV's True Life: Resist the Power ! Saudi Arabia

From the MTV's True Life's Programme. This one is from Saudi Arabia.
It follows four young Saudis from the city of Jeddah -three males and a female- .
You will hear their opinions about different matters that may not matter to other youths in the world, but are still issues here in Saudi Arabia.
Most of the discussions are in English or translated to English.
Watch it if you have 1 hour . And make up your own opinion .
I have read so many comments about this video at Saudi sites and there is not 100 % approval or disapproval. There is always the with or against.

14 komentar:

  1. I commented in both Samaher and Fadiosis blogs, hehe and I just copy and paste my comment, LOOOL, lazy to type again. Hope no one is offended, its purely opinion from my side.

    Well I love Fatima’s idea! Everyone has the rights to choose what color they wanna wear, its her expression :) I wish to see more girls like Fatima in the future :) Fatima is really dressing in a decent way and she look awesome. I guess people need time to accept, just let the time prove everything. Even my mother was agreed with the idea of color 3abaya hehe :P Fatima’s 3abaya is so pretty and she is so beautiful :) I love her courage to have the color 3abaya!

    There’s always two side of a coin, the authority is there to protect the people and the people always striving for freedom.

    But there is always no such thing as absolute freedom, first, its hard to change the mentality of the people and the tradition in a society because its a practice that reflect the real identity of that particular group of people. A person, the way he/she is carrying out themselves, are carrying their family honour.

    Second, like i said there is no absolute freedom because absolute freedom means you can do anything and people could also do anything to you. Maybe one should ask themselves this :) Do they really want absolute freedom. Take an example of freedom of speech. In Western country there’s freedom of speech and expression. You could say, do anything to express yourself. Remember the drawing of Prophet Mohammad in Denmark? This is freedom of speech but does he realized that the freedom of speech that he has, had affected many people and relations between countries? Freedom should be restricted and there should be no absolute freedom.

    Being a woman, well, I agree of letting woman drive, but I’m not sure if anyone wanna drive on a crazy road in Jeddah haha :P I don’t agree with the idea of feminism but I thankful to them for fight our rights for women. But do they realized that not every woman wants the same thing. How could they consider women as kind of class and represent the whole class. Does every woman need the same thing? Well do some women even want that? How could they be the spokesperson for all women?

    In my opinion, as a woman, the way we want people to respect us and give us equal opportunity is how we carry ourselves, NOT because we are the INFERIOR being and we should be given more special rights. If you carry yourself as a whore, people will look at you at that way BUT if you carry yourself as a respectable person, people will give you the right you deserve.You should earned the respect by yourself and NOT because you are a woman.

    Opps, I think I got carried away. Hope no one got offended :P Oppps, its just a pure simple opinions. LOOOL I sound like an antagonist.

  2. C,
    you are indeed a lazy girl :P , lol.
    It's your opinion and as i always believe we all entitled to our own opinions.
    Thanks for sharing your views :)

  3. Salaam teacher,

    honestly, I just watched only 5 minutes..

    I hate program like this talks about people in Saudi Arabia..
    No fair at all...

    Everywhere there is a good things and bad things..
    we still have freedom here..

    For me.. I love a lot things here..
    but unfortunately some people had changed, because they look at other culture..
    we can be better in everything if we don't compare us with other culture...

    about driving... The life never stop at this things..
    Why they focus on it.. Now the roads crowded what will happen if they allow ( women can drive ) !!!!!

    our hijab... I hate every women does not care about it...
    I'm younger women and I feel bad when I saw some girls make hijab as fashion !!!!!

    I don't say nothing bad here.. There is, but a good thing is better than the bad things
    If we didn't make the bad things a big deal...

    I hope you understood my point...

    Thank you teacher...

  4. salam

    the saudi girl, she has blue eyes! i love the part where she befriends the palestinian. & yeah, in my place it's OK to wear colored hijab. so yeah, she looks more beautiful in colored hijab - i wonder if every ladies wears like that then she wouldn't seem attention seeking.

    though sorry i don't support the rock band part & the dating. i live where both is OK - but sorry, no. well, mixing is OK here so people may know, work with the girl without dating & decided she's the one. Like Khadija ♥ Muhammad. I love that way. والله أعلم

    i hope saudis would spread the light of islam like how your ancestors did. i read reverts in places like France is struggling to wear the hijab. yet i read muslim who seem to make a change for women to wear bikini. do you see the contrast & how non muslim will perceive the hijabis now? i seek to support for the reverts, so i'm sorry i can't support the bikinis. i'm sorry, if i support that then how do i explain that reverts are obligated to hijab in France. i got deleted for saying something like this.

    dear saudis, if you want change - in my best wish i hope it is for the better. Amen. Salam!

  5. hey there.. I watched the video of course and my review is posted on my blog if u wish 2 check it...


    however, i wanted 2 comment on Strawberry's comment :)

    Dear, i seriously don't know if ure really living here..!!

    ok so once upon a time.. i believed that driving wasn't an issue..!!

    but apparently i was wrong..!!

    i've been suffering from this for a year now and u can see my point on my blog..!!

    however, if they don't support driving, they should provide a secured public transportation at least..!!

    and that's it :# i'm cutting it short :P so God bless us all (A)

  6. Strawberry,
    i do understand your point dear :)
    (we can be better in everything if we don't compare us with other culture...) i love what you said here. And i know that some want freedom the way other cultures have it. But there are some who wants to have the basic rights and freedom without comparing it to other countires or cultures. I know there are still good things here and it's not exactly what the media portrait, but we still MISSING a lot.
    focusing on the bad thing is how the media works and as they say "good news is not news" so...

    As for Hijab, it's not a problem if it's colored or black , it had to be a hijab mostly. and yes some like to make it into fashion but are not they in everything nowadays??

    About the driving matter, i don't agree with you. Maybe driving is not that of a big deal to some but to others it's.And for so many reasons. some don't think it's a big issue, i do believe it's a very important issue that could solve a lot of the problems.As for the crowded streets ... who says that every woman will drive once they allow it ?? so it's won't be a problem after all.

    And because you are young, don't only listen or read to those whom you agree with. try to listen to the other's point of view. You will still have your own ideas and thoughts but know more about why and how other's thinks and it's not bad at all :)

    Thanks for sharing your views dear, i apperciate it :)

  7. anisa,
    yea there are Saudis with colored eyes like everyone.
    she was doing good job by going to the poor parts of Jeddah and being nice to all. That's amazing :)
    as for the colored hijab, it's not that wide spread yet but some add some colors to their black ones or wear colored scarf, so they are trying to got some colors slowly.

    as for the rock band and the dating- and most people didn't like these two parts a lot-. all i can say is that they are young and that's what they like.they are deprived from the rights to love and dance and singing so they will look for it.

    I am against baning the burqa in France and Belguim. But as i want my rights ro wear my hijab and the rigths to worship my Allah, then i should that whatever anyone else wanted they should get it. And bikini is a problem is most Arab and Islamic countries, most not all, it's not part of the traditions. so whoever call for that will be shut down by the soceity.

    Inshalla one day ALL Saudis will have their rights.

    And thanks for passing by and your comments ,Anisa :)

  8. H I N D ,
    i am off to check your view of it at your blog.

    As for Strawberry's comment, i guess it's her right to think whatever she wants. And if she doesn't support the driving issue it's ok. And believe me there are A LOT who don't support that.

    I am with you that it's a big issue and lots of women have been struggling with the issues for years.
    And i love your idea for a better public transportation system, but the problem -i guess- is that we don't know how to think and act in this country. that's why we can get a thing done quickly and in a good way !!!

    Amen and thanks for passing by :)

  9. Dear teacher...
    Thank you... I read your point of view ...

    I read all comment...
    Everyone has his/ her own opinions..
    we are people :)... It's OK for me

    yes we are missing a lot of things more important than driving..

    For me.. I want to come a day everyone see
    our power in this world ( power of Saudi women )...

    We can change the world, but we need a little attention from the men..
    and a little trust with our power...

    That what I want it...

    No destroy our dreams...

    Thank you teacher...


    H I N D...

    Dear, its ok this is your opinion.
    I respect your point of view...

    Thank you sis :)

  10. i watched the show...and i loved it!
    i loved the way people recognize there is a issue..and they are acting on it.
    i wish all the people in the show a successful life! maybe they will be ones who pave the road for the future of saudia....and the goverment will rethink some issues it puts limits on.
    i especially liked the part where the guy was able to get council to listen to the womens concerns.

  11. About the documentary, I think it wasn't bad! In fact, I love it.

    First thing, the show wasn't meant to be watched by Saudis only!

    Second, I live in California, and believe me Americans loved what they watched! I mean they look at Saudis in a better way. Here, they thought that we live a luxurious life of Taliban! which is totally not true

    Third, everyone in the US is concerned about Saudis and how do they live, and that's why MTV did this show ... People here in the US know that women must wear black abayya, know that they don't drive, and of course they know that we don't date. So, this show somehow changed their perception about Saudi

    Fourth, in my opinion, Aziz and the band's issues were bad ... really bad! They don't even have to be mentioned in my comment! Dating and Metal Band?! Anyway, Fatima and Ahmed were amazing ... Fatima is a 20 years old female, and her limitation to change things in Saudi is very tight ... that's why she chose the abbayas. She knows that this is not a major thing to change, but she thinks that what she could do.

    Finally (and sorry for the long comment), the message that was delivered to Americans is "Even though there are so many restrictions, we [saudis] love our country, and it is going to change by its people in its own islamic way not the western way."

  12. Strawberry,

    i pray for that day to come, the day when women here are powerful enough to have control of their lives. the power of Saudi women :)

    as for men , i don't think that they are going to give us what we want, we have to take it. enough of us waiting for them.

  13. angie,
    it will always be the youth of this country who will change it, but always the old to grant a decision.

    Ahmad's part was the best, and he is still fighting :)

  14. rsh-rsh,

    i do think it's ok, but i was afraid of what might happen to the 4 youth and i was right, things are starting to happen.
    you know, i think we are so much concern about how others see us that we are starting to lose our ways. both of us (those who in favor of change and those against it). we need the change and we need it slowly-but not that slowly-. freedom of speech might be the first step and it never hurts anyone.
    as for Aziz and the band, i think that we can not allow only what we like and think right. we can not deny that there are huge numbers like Aziz -male and female- and we see them daily and that's what they wanted , to fall in love, and the way aziz show was the only way they have. whether it's right or wrong, we can not deny it.
    As for the band, i hate their music but again it's their rights to listen and to play whatever they like.
    Remember, what makes us so backward is that we allow only those who think like us to talk and stop the rest.

    thanks for your comment :)
