Senin, 10 Oktober 2011

World Food Day,16 October:"Food prices - from crisis to stability".

Can you believe that there is enough food in the world for everyone !!. 
Then why there is famine in Somalia!!
Why so many people die because of shortage of food !!

Famine should be a Crime Against Humanity. 

World Food Day, 16 October 2011

This year theme is 
 "Food prices - from crisis to stability".

Food prices - from crisis to stability

Price swings, upswings in particular, represent a major threat to food security in developing countries. Hardest-hit are the poor. According to the World Bank, in 2010-2011 rising food costs pushed nearly 70 million people into extreme poverty.

“FOOD PRICES – FROM CRISIS TO STABILITY” has been chosen as this year’s World Food Day theme to shed some light on this trend and what can be done to mitigate its impact on the most vulnerable.

On World Food Day 2011, let us look seriously at what causes swings in food prices, and do what needs to be done to reduce their impact on the weakest members of global society. (source)

You have to see this interactive map, please click.

You Against Hunger 

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