Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Banishing People From Your Life

Life has its funny way of teaching us lessons. 

here is a question: 
If you could banish any one person from your life who would it be ? Why? 

If you ask me this a few years or months ago, I would name some, mostly my male siblings. For a lot of reasons...
but who knows that things could change in a strange way !! not in a movie-like-ways, but in a slow motion that when you realize it, you could do nothing but wondering how did WE are here after we were there !!

The day my father passed away, we all cried and hugged. I even hugged my youngest brother, remember him? The violent alcoholic one !!. He came to the house for two days but then it was sure to him and to all -who are campaigning for him- that in no way he would be back to live with us again. 

After that, he was arrested-still- ,and in his own unique and funny way with the help of life, he got into our life again. 
He started calling and calling and calling every single one of us in a weekly basis. Mostly he doesn't want anything, just to say hi and to check on us. Then the caller got longer and after that, he asked for favors as to ask me to enroll him into something or send him something as silly as the names of horror movies...etc.

We started to care. Yes, it's still a noway for him to come back to live with us but we care that my mother went to visit him in prison this Sunday just to please him cuz he complained that no one ever come to see him !!

He is still a drunk criminal but who would guess that he would he have a spot back in our hearts, especially mine and my mother.

I don't know how this will end for any of us, he is still violent and so dangerous to be around when he is drunk, we wont let him be back, we will always suffer the consequences of his drinkings cuz people can not see the difference between us and him and i dont' blame them. 
But I know for sure that what your heart set on today might not what you end up with tomorrow. 
Just leave a room in your heart for forgiveness and accept life lessons . 
You may end up in a better place or the least with a better feelings :)

10 komentar:

  1. Sorry to hear this. I hope things get better for you and your family. x

  2. I guess you can't banish a family member ,even if you wanted to.

  3. Haifa,

    Amen my dear :)

    inshAllah things will get better for everyone ya rab.

  4. نيسان,

    In our Arabic cultures that's impossible, once a blood is always a blood. But sometimes you can and have to when your hands are tied up.

  5. Strange the places life takes you too at times. I hope things will continue to get better for you IA.

  6. Becky,

    very strange, and we need to open our hearts so we can accept the changes when it comes.

  7. Very touchy... I've tried to banish several people, but life frequently force them back into my heart and sometimes against my will. Strange, and still I can't figure how..

    [I'm catching up with your writings that's why I'm commenting at all at once ^^"...]

  8. Samaa,

    maybe because they supposed to be in our hearts and lives, but their actions took them away a bit. Maybe it's for our own or their good. Or maybe because you have simply open your heart for them :)
