Senin, 24 Oktober 2011

Who Do We Hate ? And Why ?

A very interesting discussion about why does Arab have the well known bad image in the world in a post by a friend . 
Muslims too have a bad image everywhere but the Islam of the south eastern Asia is much more respected than the Islam of the Middle East. All of that is known. 

Here is something I want to know and I honestly wish that you will answer it , even those of you who read and leave, try to answer the question. 

Who do you hate ? and why? 

And I am not talking about individual, I am talking about a whole ethnicity, country, religion, people...etc. 
 if you don't hate anyone then explain why, please? 

You can answer anonymously, I am just interested to know why and who do we hate. 

23 komentar:

  1. this is a really good question to pose, i'm sure if you were to ask someone why they hate Muslims they would answer back "9/11", if you were to ask someone why they hate Arabs it would be "they oppress their women" and if you ask someone why they hate the Chinese, they would answer "greed". People hate because they easy fall into believing in stereotypes. It's ironic that most of the religions out there esp Christianity teaches to "love thy neighbour" and "if a foreigner comes into your land you must not oppress him" (hate is oppression). A lot of people just don't know and don't want to know about people who look or believe something different than them.

  2. honestly i don't hate anyone or any country ...etc

    why ?
    due to my parents
    when i was kid my mother didn't allow us to disrespectful anyone 16 or 17 years ago when we were kids we used to have maid from SriLanka my parents treat her like one of the family , and she IS like a second mother to me and she IS like a sister to my mother

    she was very nice and kind .and due to of my parents i learned not to hate anyone and never judge them due to their religions or colors .

    even now my mom and dad still remind us not to hate anyone
    also the countries , why do people hate some country ? if something bad came from that country they will curse it !! why some people don't blame the bad behavior of people ?

    i don't hate anyone , if i said i hate this person i mean the way they do it , to take the benefit for themselves like the presidents and the kings all around the world

    nice post Wafa' , I'm gonna see all the comments , i want to know their opinion too

  3. wafa,,, it`s 8.30!
    I can`t answer such Q.`s after8! lol

    sorry :P

  4. interesting and weird question!!

    I hate no specific ethnicity because I lived in different multi-cultural environments. As a child in Kuwait and saudi around lots of different arabs, african and asian nationalities, and european and american nationalities as well. then when I moved to Jordan I lived among westerners and western people who chose to live in Jordan and many asian and arabs of other nationalities during my education. I'm grateful for my uprising because it made me ethnic blind if that term is used, tolerant and flexible in accepting others norms and beliefs .

    On the side, after writing all this and reading it, i realized that a society that does not have that ethnic richness or dealing with people who have ethnic related issues or never lived with different ethnicity and learned from them or at least never went out of their country and lived in another makes me uncomfortable. I dont know but i feel that they tend to be fixed and rigid and so sure that they are the best kind of all people. any difference would be unacceptable. Trust me I have met people like that!

    I guess I can say that a society with no diversity is the type of society I hate!

  5. I don't hate! I know many who do, including members of my own family. I can never understand how people can do it. I beleive Allah makes his decision as to what will happen to those who have wronged. Many muslims hate the jews, however Mohammad (pbuh) even communicated with jews, so it is not for us to judge a whole race. I am a revert so don't know if that makes it different for me, many muslims learn to hate the jews from a very young age, and many sunni muslims hate the shia and vice versa from a young age. I try not to listen to this kind of talk. Karima

  6. Well hate is a very strong word.If not for individuals then I'd say it's racial hatred and of course ego!Why? do I have to say? :D

    If not for this hatred,we can appreciate the difference and just love simply the way we are.

  7. Let me first explain, that my goal in life is to know more about life itself and things that drive us.

    so this is the first time, I am not going to reply to these beautiful comments, not out of respects. but because these are your OWN opinion and whether I agree or disagree my goals was never to change people's opinion. I believe people change their views on something when they see different than what they believe. Unless then they still refuse to change their views which is still their rights.

    I am thankful for everyone who comment and love to read more. The only comment I wont publish are the attacking ones.

    Thank you all, I learn a lot from you :)

  8. Haitham,

    it's 8:04 now, answer quickly now before it's 8:30 :P

    What are you a chicken who sleeps at 8 ? lol j/k

    Honestly I am interested in your view, chip in.

  9. Jay,

    moderation has been enabled long time ago because of the Japanese spams.

    I respect your opinion and understand it. And you are not the first to feel that way. It's your own opinion and you are entitled to it. I am sure that you have your reasons to believe this and who am I to judge you. The world is full of hateful Muslims.
    I remember a saying by Reza Aslan-an American Muslim author- who talks about that before-can not's remember it to the context- but it's about Islam is not a peaceful religion, no religion is. It's actually the people of that religion who are either this or that.
    So probably we the Muslims who failed Islam or maybe not, honestly I don't know.
    again, I wont advice you to change your opinion or any of that, but I will invite you to check some beautiful and peaceful blogs that runs by Muslims, so maybe ?

    Thanks a lot for your comment, i appreciate it and wont delete it at all. I never did and never will :)

  10. Hate comes from ignorance, from an unwillingness to know, to learn that one *is* wrong. Hate comes from fear.

  11. Jay, Wafa' is a beautiful soul. Seriously she a Saudi woman, a Muslim by birth yet she is nothing as you described. I'm sure there are many more like her. :)

    Wafa', sometimes I am angry at certain countries and will say "I hate ____" but in reality that doesn't mean I hate the people of those countries. I may be irritated at their practices, their misogyny, their unfairness to minorities, etc, but I truly do love people for the most part. I don't always care for what they do, but I don't always like what I do every second of every day. So I try to keep that in mind.

    I am told to love people, even my enemies so I try to put this into practice and God helps me do this when I look at "the other" through HIS eyes. It's only when I start letting my evil side color my views of others that I feel the bitterness/hate rise.

    But I pray sometimes for God to help me see people as He does. And I often find much tenderness and even love for others when He does this for me.

    OK, so now you answer the questions! :) Who do you hate and why? Of if you don't hate, why don't you? :)

  12. koko rokooooooooooooooooooo


    bak bak bakeeeek

    :haitham`s chickenY version: :P

  13. Susanne,
    Thanks a lot for your kind words about me :)

    I will be very honest, I grow up in a place where it's normal to hate, hate based on religion, based on ethnicity, based on behavior based on looks..etc. Yes there were some advice to love but it's kinda of tricky.
    I grow up in the 80's ,a time when extremism was a trend. And to go against those around you was not welcome. I grow up in a dysfunctional family where another kind of hate is common. I heard about those people called "liberal" but never met one, growing up i was more into hate as a message of love, ironical but true.
    I wrote some about it in my post about "Islam".

    In the last 15 years, I was starting to change in all ways. more and more I started to see people in different eyes and I am still learning.
    I goes from hating everyone to loving everyone. The only ones I hate are "haters themselves" but it's been over a year of long process to accept even them.
    Today, I was in a big debate against three who call for the hate of shia, I know that they wont love them now and I already have been labeled but it's ok, cuz I will spread "love" and fight against "hate" as much as i can.
    So i guess that's my answer to not why i don't hate anymore :)

    "Hate is a waste of emotion"

  14. Haitham,

    wow that's reveals a lot about who you hate and why ? lol :P

  15. Decided to at least be polite and thank people for their comment.

    Lat,Chick,jay, Guyana, Susanne.

    Thank you all for your comment, I honestly learned a lot from each one :)

  16. Jay pointed me to this blog. It is quite a nice one!!!
    I don't 'hate' anything or anybody. I was raised up that way. I live in Canada which is very multi-cultural and I enjoy that very much! We are all different/we are all the same.I love your comment - "Hate is a waste of emotion" - it is so true!

    What I don't like is any organized religion but I don't hate. I think people can be very good and wonderful people without the interference of an organization telling them how to behave and in some cases I think people would behave much, much better without the 'telling' them how to do it. :)

  17. I hate on smaller scales; a certain person for instance and not on the bigger scale; an entire ethnicity/ country/ religion..etc. I would hate a person due to their acts which I personally may not find appealing!!
    I would also hate a specific mentality when I would find it illogical.That kills me and boils the blood in my veins!!

  18. Wendy,

    glad that Jay send you this way and thanks for your kind words :)
    You have a very interesting point of view here, thanks for sharing it with us.

    like you, i hate some mentalities but when i got so frustrated with them, i just sigh a big one and let it go cuz that exact one is the thing mostly we can not change, i guess. Thanks for your opinion my dear :)

  19. Great Question... I don't think I hate any nation or people as a whole (Not even Israeli's- as I went to school with several that were great people).. at the heat of the moment... i may say 'I hate those bloody _____ (insert country name there)... but deep inside.. I know I don't hate the people as a whole.. I may hate the actions of some... but it would be unfair to say I hate them all.

    Let me give you an example...

    I have had problems with Indonesian Maids b4, and after the last one left... I sat there and said, I HATE INDONESIANS.... I really didn't mean it... it was in the heat of the moment, I have met many Indonesians I liked. So although I have made wide generalization due to the actions of a few.. i know that this is not the way it should be.. and moments later correct myself...

    Thank you for the question... you made me do a bit of thinking.. <3

  20. Om Lujain,

    I agree with you on saying things "on the heat of the moment", i do that too when i am angry, i just hope that to not say them even when i am angry and i am working on that.

    Enjoyed your comment and you are welcome :)

  21. observant observer2 November 2011 pukul 00.37

    hi Wafa, searching through the blog sphere, I finally find yours and interestingly, you're talking about something that I thought referring somehow to my comment on Sarah's blog.
    I actually didn't mean to critic strongly on or hate the Arabs, certainly not. But I assume that people do have very different culture that makes people tend to be acting on different behaviour. I also tend to see that there is perhaps the background of nature/the natural environment that shapes Arabs to be more tough and so is their carrying on the type of Islam they practice. You know the Asians live in a more friendly natural environment with lots of natural resources. They still even have or keep some of the ritual or views that might seem to be unislamic perhaps due to their adorationn to the nature and the invinsible world, inherited from their ancestors. Perhaps the key word for this approach is looking for harmony in the manmade and natural world. So that tells a lot of difference towards the pratical and conceptual views in religion as well.
    I hope this can answer a little to your question. As for Indonesian maids, I know some of them are not ready to work overseas. But though, the mutual system of both countries should make them able to be sent away home instead of being treated badly there. And that's what I don't see is happening there. And that it happens in so many many cases makes me question why?? Why things can't get better. I also blame the Indonesian government who is also known to be very corrupt.

    I hope your doing well!!

  22. Observant,

    glad you have found your way :)

    Yes, the question was based on the comments there, but was not a blame or anything. I actually heard that a lot about Arabs and honestly I don't blame anyone, I understand where it comes from, I don't like a lot of our behaviors but I can not hate it cuz I know where it comes from.
    You know what, though I honestly want to travel the world and live everywhere but deep down I want to end up in a country in South East Asia, I love the tranquility they have, the harmony within themselves and with the people and the atmosphere around them. I love how peaceful they are :)

    As for maids, I don't blame them, I actually wrote some in the blog about that. They are rarely been treated fairly which is completely wrong.

    Thank you so much for stopping by and hope to see more of you :)
