Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

The Death Of Qaddafi

Death is a natural end for all of us. There is no happiness in death, no gloating, nothing at all. Death should be observed with silence and silence alone. No matter who died, what is their relation to you and how badly they hurt you. 

The funny thing is that we got so happy when someone who hurt us die thinking that his/her death is an end to our sufferings. But it never is, the end to our sufferings comes from within us. And their death might be their end to their own sufferings. Believing in the hereafter,a God who is just, hell and heaven might help a lot but what if you don't believe in that , how is it going to help you ? 

Those two days were so upsetting to me not because Qaddafi is my favorite president -or whatever title he has-.The news of his death after being captured was so bad because of the way he was killed -the way the rebels killed him . The Libyan council really need a PR company to make them know how and when to spread a lie. They should of have lied about his death, claimed it to be during battles. But to claim to be pious and then kill a man after his surrender, a prisoner of war is beyond imagination. Not only its against any religion rules, it's against all human rights and mostly humanity. What difference does that make us from those who have tortured us ?. If Qaddafi was a teacher he would be the best, making his student follow his rules. 

The funny thing is that-as always-when you raise your voice against brutality and dignity then you are with someone. Damn you Bush you made people believe so much in with/against policy !!. But when you treat your POW with dignity, when you treat your enemy with dignity, when you allow them the fair trials and treatments they didn't allow you then you are a better human. Claiming that they are only human being and acted upon their  anger and emotions is a problem because someone only lives once and when you kill someone after being your prisoner there is no chance in a second chance, in him/her being raised from the dead and being treated better the next time. It's now or never. 

The worst thing is those how call them "sheikhs" and starting issuing fatwas about the death of Qaddafi. you shouldn't say these nice things about him or that because he is a dictatorship !!! really? wasn't he for over 40 years? weren't you his guests in someone of these years? . Wonder where did your condemnation against his brutality were all these years ? " Gone with the wind" !! . If you have the power to speak and didn't then it's better to shut up now. 

Humanity needs a huge lesson in humanity.

P.S: I don't judge anyone, I don't dare. I only condemned their actions. 

13 komentar:

  1. "..the end to our sufferings comes from within us" You said it well! And so are our happiness!

  2. totally agree ,,,

    if you don't want to be like him ,,,stop being worse than him !!!

  3. Agreed! I am still sick to my stomach at the events that unfolded :s

  4. Lat,

    exactly. it's all from and by us and us only :)

  5. نيسان ,

    I like it so much

    "stop being worse than him" and sadly they failed this time and seems on the step down all the way :(

  6. Om Lugain,

    And i keep wondering how there are people still thinks that it's ok and even celebrating. I hop I wont be sick again from similar events for a long time. Hope they will do better next time !!

  7. "Death should be observed with silence and silence alone" .. You've simply summarised it. [Reading the first part of the post, I felt like reading a book.. (which I strongly believe you should write one day!!)]

  8. i agree with u. to b honest, death isnt suppose to be a HAPPY thing or sumthing ppl should enjoy n especially if dat person was muslim. i knw he was an evil man, but those who still live should at least show some respect bcoz he was a muslim. n also who are we to judge him. we r only human n every1 do MISTAKE


  9. Samaa,

    first of all welcome back, you have been missed greatly :)

    second, please don't put these evil idea "writing a book" into my head or i should believe you, but thanks a lot for your kind words my dear :)

    And I truly believe that to just be silent in front of death and death of this kind thought i couldn't 100%.

  10. Farsilla,

    Death and killing are some of the scariest things on earth but probably because we have seen a lot of it, it matters no more to us and we starting to find excuses for it, so sad !!

  11. I really enjoyed this post Wafa'.
