Rabu, 17 Februari 2010

The problem of youth in Saudi Arabia

The teacher is asking the student :- Do you play football?
The student: No
The teacher : Do You write Poem ?
The student : No
The teacher : Then you has no Future.

This caricature is from Alwatan newspaper , Monday's issue, which really represent a huge problem for youths and children in Saudi Arabia and i guess the whole world nowadays.

If you are not a footballer, a singer, a poet or a movie star then you are nothing. They receive a huge amount of money , much more than what a scientist or an activist have, some even more than presidents . Have more fame than someone who is fighting for human rights.

More youth now wanted to follow in the footsteps of singers and actors and footballers than one else. There is nothing wrong in being a singer or a footballer ,of course ,but it's a problem when the whole world wants to follow in their footsteps.

8 komentar:

  1. Poets don't get a lot of money unless they win 1 of those crappy competitions on TV!

  2. it's all about the 15 minutes of fame, a lot of them just want to be famous it doesn't matter if they have to sing dance or juggle to make it happen

  3. Money is not everything, we only need a certain amount, fame quickly wears thin too I think as you loose your privacy. I am happy with my life, I have worked hard for all I have, it has not just been given to me, so I appreciate and value it greatly.

  4. Sadly Saudi Arabia is far from unique in this respect.

  5. Yeah, it's amazing how much people make for playing sports or singing songs, huh? I've pondered this in regards to American life as well.


  6. Poet, maybe you don't :P , but definitely lots of poets do and yes mostly those in TV shows .

    Melicieuse, these 15 minutes of fame used to be an american thing and now it's all over the world !!!

    Glennis, if one can understand what you say !!. it's amazing the way you think and i appreciate it a lot.

    Robin, it's sad situation and it's spreading in the whole world .

    Susanne, while those who really deserve it, don't get a thing.

  7. On the one hand, it's spreading, it's a degenerate kind of culture. On the other, most of the people who work for me are young, have just finished university and when I say they work, I mean it! They put in the hours, the effort and they take pride in what they do. And they don't expect something for nothing. I'm sure there are plenty of young people like them in Saudi Arabia too, if you look in the right place.

  8. dad, i agree with you that they are many young people who works so hard for their money, on the other hand, many wanted to be famous by being singers and actors and have it easy. i think even most real singers and actors, the one we respect most, work very hard for their fame and money. but today's generation !!!
