Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

7 turns 19

Angie has tagged me, which is a first for me and it really made me think. You think you knew yourself easily but try to write 7 things about you and it's not easy.

Here are the 7 things turned 19 :),
it's your fault angie, lol

1-i don't hate or love anything or anyone 100%, there is always a chance for a change of feelings.

2-I used to be very angry person and very sensitive. I am way better now and can control my anger and sensitivity though i still think being sensitive makes you more closer to the world around you.

3- I would love nothing more than to quit it all and travel the world all by myself, starting with New York and Rio Di Janeiro.

4-I can be very happy and comfortable being all alone and with myself. I am more of a loner.

5- I am very much loved and respected by the majority of my students and i love and respect them no less.

6- I am a mixture of a shy and a daring person .

7-Loves to watch movies endlessly and by my self.

8-Want to be a volunteer with all kind of humanitarian cases all around the world very much .

9- Has my own bedroom about 10 years ago and loved it a LOT.

10- Would love to adapt a child one day.

11- Loves small animals and want to have a kitten one day.

12-15 years ago , i cut my waist long hair like this

and kept it this way till these year when suddenly i am eager to let it grow, and right now it's this tall and i look strange to myself !!

13-I am not romantic at all but romantic movies always made me cry :(

14- Love to laugh and make fun of myself

15- Loves loves loves all kinds and colors of roses .

16- I am 36 and a happy spinster, lol. seriously i don't mind being single at all in a world where being single is wrong. I don't think i will change my ideas unless a miracle happens and i don't
believe in miracles.

17-Love being old , i am more reasonable and wise and cute, lol. Is not this what being old ??

18- right now, i am waiting eagerly for lost. I hated the show when it started but now i am a huge fan and my best scene in the whole 5 seasons was when Juliet was about to fall and Sawyer was holding her hand telling her "don't leave me " . "sigh" , i think i am romantic after all, lol.

19- number one person in my life is my mother :)

the same way i broke the rule, i might break the rule of tagging so here are i love to tag :-

and anyone who would love to talk more about him/her self is welcomed :)

15 komentar:

  1. nice to meet u love :D
    it feels good to know things about ppl u like :D

  2. nosa, how are you ba6a :) it's been a long time. i agree too that it's cool knowing things about people you like and i am waiting for your seven :)

  3. Aw, you did a really good job with this! I love all the pictures you added... especially the kittens. (You can't go wrong with kittens!) I was happy being single, too. The right person is worth waiting for, and being alone is always better than being in a bad relationship! I'm a bit of a loner, too. I am not normally ever alone, anymore, though, since I have a husband and kids. But I'm definitely a homebody... I need a lot of quiet time!

    Take care! It was nice to learn about you!

  4. eyes, thanx for your nice words. you are wrong you can not go wrong with kittens. and quiet time is a must for women i guess :)

    thanx for passing by, it was lovely having you :)

  5. Aww, you are just LOVELY!

    Jasmine xxxx

  6. I really enjoyed this! It's always fun to read these things and get to better know the people I'm talking to on these blogs. :) And I see I am tagged so I'll work on writing things..maybe not 19 though I'm glad YOU wrote that many! More for me to learn about you, right? :-D

  7. Wow, you don't hear the word spinster much anymore!

    Pretty nice blog there ma'am -- though I have to take the hot pink colors in small doses.

    Since I've been in the KSA I've come to appreciate the beauty of watching movies by myself. :>)

  8. Jasmine, thank you dear :)

    Susanne, you have been missed dear. i am glad you liked the post and hope to read your soon and to know more about you :)

    Veeds,lol i know but it's still used a lot in Arabic, so i used it to mock it.
    i am glad you like the blog and you inspire me to do what i was holding for days quickly, hope you will like the new one :)

  9. Wafa' -- well it's nice to be an inspiration but I'm not sure what I inspired...the new pink-free blog template or the posting about long-married couples. By the way, I liked the Sedona, Ariz. picture. It's one of my favorite places.

  10. Veeds, welcome back. the inspiration was about the template :). I am glad you liked the picture though it seems a bit desert. the couple are lovely but the desert i am not fan of it.

  11. ah, but the desert around Sedona is really "high desert"; it's filled with lush greenery and magnificent canyon views that rival the Grand Canyon.

  12. veeds, woow rival the grand canyon !! i love that and i don't think anything is like it at all.

  13. Of course nothing quite beats the Grand Canyon for sheer depth (no pun intended) of vistas, Wa'fa, but the country roads leading in and out of Sedona are justifiably famed and it's quite an airplane ride if you can find a private plane to take you through. Unfortunately, some would say, the Sedona/Oak Creek Canyon area has been somewhat over-run by tourists. But it's still great hiking with red rock formations, ice-cold streams and warm ledges for sunning, forest paths and high canyon walls.

  14. Veeds, you really describe it greatly and it sure sounded like a good place to visit.

  15. Recently I've been hiking out in the desert northwest and northeast of Riyadh. After you get through the desolate areas there is breathtaking beauty. Ironically, much of it reminds me of the lower mountains and canyons of New Mexico and Arizona. Sometimes all you see is a single shrub in the middle of vast flatness.
