Senin, 01 Februari 2010

How can you go against the forces of Society ?

Lots of discussion happens here and there in my society, such as today when out of nowhere a group of teachers started talking about shia' and how non-Muslims they are and things they do, things they have not witnessed themselves but hear other talk about like -the usual- Sheiks. At first i ignored the whole stupid thing and kept telling my colleague to finish grading the exams and tell a joke here or there but didn't talk about or defend anyone. I wanted to yell at them to have a mind of their own, to think and to stop the hatred but i didn't , i just sat there silently.

After, two hours when we finshed grading , my collegue and her friends started the topic again but this time cursing two of our other Shia' collegues, so i simply said don't do that, they have done nothing to you when one of them started by saying that they are the enemy of the prophet and blah blah blah, and the only thing i could say was that i have not heard them saying anything about Islam which lead them to another laugh and scorning labeling me the uneducated because it's everywhere, everywhere and everyone talking about how the Shia are the enemy of Islam !!. so i just stopped and move on to another topic. I hated the whole situation but saying the opposite to what everyone believe was scary to me and this is not the first time, i didn't wanted to be labled anything and i know that by going against what everyone believe ,which is a lot, is going to lable you.

So what do we do when the forces of society are very strong ? how can you go against them? how do you say what you beleive in without being outcast ?.

I have always been on the outcast side for a huge part of my life so in a way i don't care what other thinks of me or my opinions and i was being called non-muslim so many time, so i guess i grow some thick skin. But on the other hand being the outcast makes me wanna be loved and understood so i got to agree with what others believe cuz people like those who agree with them , those who doesn't argue all the time, those who don't bring strange idea like accpeting into a soceity which is very good at shidding the other, right? .

And i was thinking the whole day of what can i do to stop this? how can i be myself who i know is almost 90% against the common idea of my society ? how can i be loved and accepted with my different ideas ? how can i not be a hypocrite ? .

A double-faced society makes me 100% sure that there are lots and lots like me hiding and afraid to be the outcast. Is it the time to reveal the masks and face whatever happened even being an outcast again no matter how painful that is ?. Seems so cuz i hated myself today and i am willing to lose the world but not myself.

8 komentar:

  1. It is sad how many people think in this country! It makes you worry about the future. We see advancements in technology but nothing in the way of thinking or accepting the others.

  2. its so sad that some people are so negative.
    no matter what one belives, they belive that god created everything....i dont think god will leave a group out of his love.
    we are all equal to him...and god knows whats in your heart :)

  3. :( well I think you tried to speak up - it's hard when it's just you against the majority. What can you do to stop it? Maybe just try little by little, stick in words here and there in conversations if it comes up. If someone is blind to see the truth then they won't listen no matter what you say anyway.

    It's not just in your country, I've heard from non-Saudi Muslims the idea that Shias are not Muslim, blah blah blah ... the guy we get our meat from is Iraqi Shia - I had said to my husband that he seems nice, and he said 'yeah he's *Shia*' in a dismissive tone of voice ... I said 'so what, he's still Muslim.'

  4. At least you tried, think about how many stay silent or even join in to become "one of the group".

    The problem is that Saudi society does not foster independent thought and does not value the individual. So everything does anything they can to fit in and to not stick out.

    Ever get the feeling that you were born in the wrong country?

    Good luck! If I was in Saudi I'd be locked up by now. I have too big of a mouth and too little patience for idiots like you describe.

  5. Poet, you said it all. and i join you in the fear of the future. unless we have progress of mind nothing will change.

    angie, the problem is that there are a lot of them in here. how can one compete with all of those !!!

    Aynur, i believe the same, who cares if they are a shia or sunni, if people are muslims or non. there is a god in this world so why are we trying to take his rule and judge. why can't we stikc on being people, loving ones. cuz there is always someone else who thinks we are the worst.

    ابوسنان, i deifinetly think i was born in the wrong place, but what can i do? sometimes you love the place and the people here and a lot are sweet but are not loving towards others who is different.
    oh and you are for sure will be locked for years for speaking up. thank god you are born in America. i guess god has a reason for us born in the places we are born into.

  6. The good people are always the minority and yes, you can go against society - what is the point of life otherwise?

    Each generation that suffers a wrong has a brn duty to make it right for the next, and then those for the next and so on and so forth so that with every generation we reach a higher state, a better state and a happier state. That's a mission and a duty we are all born with, and that's what we got to do sister!

    And we start in the home - then stretch out to the area, then stretch out to the country and GOd willing get loud enough so that the world can hear us and God willing - things get better and better.

    And its the minority, the quiet ones, the hidden people who are working, working, working around the clock to make changes.

    And thats what we just got to do.

    Peace and blessings, Jasmine xxx

  7. I think God put you in Saudi for a reason. You are a sweet person who wants to fight these silly people who talk badly about others. You can make a difference in society even if it's just in small ways.

  8. Jasmine, you know i think i might go ahead and fight silly things by my self and slowly. i know there are a lot outthere, but i just want to find them so we can be stronger together. and i mean around me around my work places and so on, cuz i know there are a lot out there in Saudia :)

    Susanne, words like yours always give me the courage to talk more and do better. thank you sweetie :)
