Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Really Depressed

I guess i have been ignoring lots of things lately. Maybe that's why, maybe not. But i am really depressed lately. 
Life is depressing and i am losing faith in  lots of things. I thought i could do something but i barely did the smallest. And i guess technology is adding more to the mix. 

I have so much to say but could utter nothing, so i decided to go off and being silent for a while. Here and in real life. 

I am taking a break for a while, short or long, only God knows. But i hope when i am back- if i got back. i would be a better me. 

Thanks for your time, visit and lovely comments :) 

35 komentar:

  1. Talk to us? What are you thinking and feeling? Why these feelings of depression?


  2. Email me! at chezchiara2 AT yahoo DOT com

    That's a regular reader's order! :D

    Checking emails shortly!!!!

  3. I will miss you and be praying for you. May God give you peace. Hugs! Love you, Wafa'!

  4. 7bebti Wafa'
    With different circumstances we all went through and some still facing such a feelings

    We will give u a week and after that we want u to get bake as active and fresh as usual :)

  5. Salaam Teacher :D
    How are you?
    I came and you go... What a life!!!
    sorry to hear this... I'm gonna miss you...

  6. Well...we all feel like that every once in a while I guess,take your time Foof,I hope you'll feel better sooner not later,I'll pray for you

  7. sho wafa`2?
    going through a lot lately, who isn`t :( "sorry my words offer no help"

    Wishing u a gr8 year ahead, I hope the break is a short one!

  8. Awwww sweetheart I'm sorry :( I know what it's like to battle depression, and since I'm still sort of stuck in it myself I don't have much advice. My doctor has prescribed daily (mild) exercise (such as walks or yoga) and being social (with good friends that make you feel better, not worse). InshAllah you'll start to feel better soon and if there's anything I can do, don't hesitate to let me know.

  9. سلامتك من كل شر
    ربنا يذهب عنك الهم والغم
    و ترجعيلنا بأحسن حال ان شاء الله

  10. Wafa' sometimes we do need a break. life can be crazy. sometimes we just need to take time for ourselves :)
    your an amazing woman, and i hope that you feel better soon.....HUGS!

  11. خير إن شا الله
    عسى الأمور تنفرج، و الهمة ترد
    و ما يطول غيابج :)
    في انتظارك ..

  12. silence is always a way to hear things...insyaAllah, May God brings what you need most right now. My best prayer for you my dear...Be strong~

  13. When you feel down and depressed, don't run away. Face your problems and get everything done :)

    I hop you feel better soon.

  14. Thinking about you, dear heart. I have tried to email you a couple of times but don't get a reply. Hope you are well. I miss you.

  15. Hala 7abeebti, I hope your OK. And I hope you don't go away for too long, as I truly find that your blog is somewhat of a therapeutic outlet for you. I don't personally know you, but from what I have read, you are indeed a sweet person, that has had a hard life. But remember this, you survived all that, and you are a surviver. So try stay positive, and try to look at the positive you may have in your life enshallah. Take care dear

  16. I hope you feel better soon. I will miss you blogging!

  17. hi sweety i hope u will b fine. just tyt time ok :) will alwys love u


  18. Thank you all for your kind words and support :)
    Chiara sorry have not seen your comment earlier, i did send you an email though.
    Achelois, i didn't receive any email from you dear but i did send you one :)

  19. US,
    so many downs hurts so ...
    Thanks a lot for your kind words and support :)

  20. Chiara,

    still reading and re-reading your email, an amazing one. You are such a great lady :)

  21. Susanne,

    thanks a lot dear for the kind words and prayers, i guess they have been answered :)

  22. Whisper,

    see how nice girl i am, lol. Just one week and i am back :)

    Thanks for the kind words and support my dear :)

  23. Visible,

    seems like i am not going anywhere after all. At least, that's what i hope :)

    Thanks for the kind words :)

  24. Rain,

    thanks my dear a lot for all the kind words you keep sending my way, you are an amazing young lady :)

  25. Haitham,

    wallah life is tough but the problem is that i feel ashamed saying that seeing how others suffer hardly :(

    Thanks bro, the break was short indeed :)

  26. Becky,

    have i told you that i am so pleased to have known you this year :)

    Thanks for the great support and wish that life will be great on all of us :)

  27. naysan,

    آمين يارب

    تسلمي على الكلام الحلو و الدعم ياحلى نيسانه
    الله يخليك لنا يارب و يسعدك دنيا و اخرة

  28. angie,

    you are right, it's hectic out there and in here, but...
    Thanks for the prayer and wishes my dear :)

  29. H.,

    كلامك دايما يبرد قلبي

    و يسعد روحي

    تسليم اختى و ان شاءالله ماتشوفي شر ابدا يارب

  30. hajar,

    what an amazing words "silence is always a way to hear things" :)

    thanks for your prayers and support my dear :)

  31. symphony,

    it was not a runaway but more like a complete down and i just couldn't stand up. But i need to be strong ...

    Thanks a lot for the kind words :)

  32. Achelois,

    you have done wonders in my life, have i told you that :) well, now you know :)

  33. Susu,

    inshAllah things will be fine ya rab so soon my dear :)

    Thanks a lot for the kind words and support :)

  34. Farsilla,

    love you so much and in debt always to your kindness and support :)

  35. Om Lujain,

    i kept reading and reading your comment and praying that God will reward you enough for the support you show me and the kindness of heart you posted :)
