Senin, 06 September 2010

Watch If You Dare

Video of the Conditions of a Pediatric Ward in Shikarpur, Pakistan.

Please donate if you can.

Chiara have this beautiful post ,one of many actually, and how we might help with Zakat and Sadaqa .

This site is filled with day to day posts about the situation in Pakistan.
We need to remember them all the time.

More on the Aftermath of the floods in Pakistan

A town is split in half by flood waters in late July. The number of people thought to be affected by the disaster has soared to nearly 14 million, according to an estimate provided by the Pakistani government to the U.N.

Men gather to cross a collapsed bridge with the help of the Pakistan Army. Although its response has been limited, the Pakistani army at least has been visible. 

Improvised Conveyance
The Pakistan Army created a lift to shuttle people across the Swat River after floodwaters destroyed a bridge.

A man gathers what remains of his belongings in Nowshera.

Washed Away
The village of Bara Banadai, in the Swat Valley, was devastated by the floodwaters. A special session of the U.N. General Assembly last week saw the international community nearly quadruple its support to date. Still, the sums could fall short of what will be required. By some estimates, the cost of the flooding could reach up to $15 billion.

Nearly a month since heavy monsoons caused the worst flooding in Pakistan's history, one-fifth of its territory is now enveloped in a sheet of water. Residents gather near a flooded bridge in Punjab last weekend. 

Displaced people look for transportation in Chakdara. 

A local organization distributes food to people who have not found placement in camps. Standing to benefit from the disaster are Pakistan's hard-line Islamist groups, who have been pushed to the sidelines by elections and weakened by military offensives. 

This girl was injured afte becoming tangled in wires stretching from a distribution truck in Punjab.

Displaced residents of villages surrounding Punjab gather as aid is distributed. The total number of people displaced has risen to nearly 5 million, the largest movement of people in the region since the subcontinent's partition in 1947.

Off the Grid
Families displaced by the flood, but unable to find a place in refugee camps live beside Sananawa Road near a power plant.

On the Move
Families travel on a flooded road in Multan. The waters have snaked down the length of the country, headed toward the Arabian Sea, submerging 17 million acres of agricultural land in their wake. 

An eighty-year-old woman stands where her house, destroyed by floodwaters, once stood in Mehmood Kot, a village in southern Pakistan near Punjab. The floods, which killed 1500 and left more than 4 million without homes, may be the worst in Pakistan's history. 

A child with cholera is carried by her father to the emergency room at a hospital in Sukkur. Outbreaks of cholera and dysentery have heightened fears of a wider spread of deadly water-borne diseases.

Darkness Falls
Families unable to find placement in refugee camps live near a canal in Punjab. In the towns and villages where people now shelter — in tented camps, cramped school and government buildings and even on roadsides — the price of food and other basic needs has soared.

6 komentar:

  1. An excellent post Wafa', and thank you very much for the kind words and the link!

    That video is raw, but spontaneous, and sadly those children appear very ill despite re-hydration and nutritional efforts.

    Diarrhea, cholera, and dysentery are a big part of why relief aid is so immediately necessary.

    Thanks for your excellent post, and thanks again for the link and the kind words about mine.

  2. Haitham,

    it's very sad indeed :(

    May Allah protect them and save them ya rab :)

  3. Chiara,

    The video is so scary, i have no medical knowledge but the look of that hospital and the images of those children is so scary and sad.So sad that people especially children have to go through all of this and we are watching :(

    You are welcome Chiara and you have done great posts for the people of Pakistan and being calling for help a lot, you are amazing. Thank you :)

  4. يا الله

    اوضاعهم صعبة جدا جدا
    والمستشفى ان شاء الله الوضع يتغير فيه في اسرع مايمكن

    جزاك الله خير استاذة

  5. visible,

    فعلا شيء يقطع القلب

    الله يعينهم على مصيبتهم و يؤجرهم فيها يارب

    و اياك ان شاءالله عزيزتي
