Sabtu, 25 September 2010

The Survivor's Psalm

For all of you out there who has been a victim, 
gone through it all and still there,  
you are a survivor :) 

The Survivor’s Psalm

I have been victimized.
 I was in a fight that was not a fair fight.
 I did not ask for the fight.
 I lost.
 There is no shame in losing such fights.
 I have reached the stage of survivor.
 And am no longer a slave of victim status.
 I look back with sadness.
 Rather than hate.
 I look forward with hope rather than despair.
 I may never forget but I need not constantly remember.
 I was a victim.
 I am a survivor.

* i found this beautiful piece in a site which i forgot but thanks to whoever wrote it . 

17 komentar:

  1. i like it very much in every word whoever wrote it , made me feel that no one alone we all the same in our problems but still we can handle it :)

    thanks for sharing

  2. Thank you,
    It's really good,
    Especially the last couple of lines.

  3. Freedom,

    well said dear :)

    and you are welcome :)

  4. Doomish,

    it's really impressive indeed .

    And you are welcome :)

  5. very touching words...
    everyone is a victim in this life...

    Thank you teacher....

  6. Very true. One must make a choice to move from victim to survivor. Thanks for posing Wafa :)

  7. "look back with sadness.
    Rather than hate.
    I look forward with hope rather than despair."

    this is really great,i loved it!
    i hate people who live in despair their whole life just because they had one bad experience
    they are just drama queens :/
    people like this,people who go through so much and still look at things with positivity and genuine faith in everything good in life...these are heroes!!

  8. great attitude,i think survivors embrace life stronger,because they have been so close of losing it,so they appreciate it more.

  9. Visible,

    You are welcome dear :)

  10. kinzi,

    It's a choice, so let's pick up the right path :)

    And you are welcome :)

  11. Rain,

    it's a choice but sometimes it takes a lot of strength to be able to move forward.
    And as for those who being drama queen out of one bad experience, sometimes it's simply a lack of strength to be able to move away. Some people are only weaker than others.

  12. nissan,

    life is beautiful i keep saying and every big problem makes me realize that even better.

  13. Very very nice..
    I really love it :)

    Can I copy it, I want to put it in my facebook wall, I'll refer to ur blog as the source :)
