Selasa, 14 September 2010

Life Learnt Lessons

Saying that i have not learned a THING from life previously was/is a big lie . I did learn a lot. And i like to think of myself as a good learner , most of the times actually.

Simple things i have learned from life so far. 

So what has life taught you , go on and share "your lessons" either in the comment section or if you prefer in a post in your blog.

-Dictatorships (in any forms) is one of the few things in life that can take away your pleasures and leave you in pain and alone for the rest of your life. 
-Applying YOUR rules to everything around you can damage people's lives.
-It's easy to judge people's actions , choices of works or behaviors as long as we aren't  in their shoes.
-Poverty is and will always be the number one enemy to human being.
-Mother's love is not always unique and unconditional.
-Desperation is very dangerous and can lead to an awful choices.
-YOUR wrong and right doesn't apply to me and mine doesn't apply to you.
-Love can be found in the strangest places.
-Labeling and trashing people is the easiest thing to do and it always comes from self hatred and vanity.
-Ideas can be planted in people's mind so easily even with the smartest of us. 
-Sometimes sticking to that final straw is a sign of weakness, and the only way to get out of that situations is to face your problems.
-Lots of people depend on paranormal activities to explain unfortunate incidents in their lives.
-One shoe, one bag or one anything can mean nothing to you but the whole world to someone else.
-Children should only be children , nothing more or less.
-Imagine having the luxury of losing nothing !! some don't even have that luxury.
-When parents force their kids to work at an early age, it doesn't mean that they don't love them. It's simply is wrong.
-Poverty can take away your happiness and it might not. Happiness doesn't necessarily mean lots of money.
-Money might help you to achieve happiness but it's not happiness.
-Don't give someone more than what they have asked for , sometimes it's messy and they can not do anything with it.
-Hating someone because of their religion or sect is the most dangerous , it will escalate to hating and discriminating against anyone who is different than you in anything. Think twice. 

15 komentar:

  1. This what I have so far..and some of the things you've mentioned but I didn't wanna repeat them
    -you can only be miserable when counting your problems,it's better if you start solving them instead
    -Don't give anyone more than the credit they deserve,you'll end up disappointed
    -It might be fun to complain all the time,but when you REALLY lose something you'll find that complaining has become cheesy and over-used,so just shut up and thank god!
    -FORGIVE & matter what,nothing's worth it.
    -YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL,and don't let anyone tell you you're not
    -almost everything in life is a "give and take" deal..never ever take without any giving!
    -judging people is very fun and easy when it's not YOU who is being out cause your turn is coming
    -Don't give up your manners even if others do,you'll end up feeling horrible
    -revenge is a bad me!
    -stop waiting for happiness to come around,you go and get it!
    -have patience,nothing great comes without some waiting :)

  2. I can't agree more. All the lessons that you've learned Wafa' conclude mine as well. Well said, dear!!

  3. Wow, I wholeheartedly agree :) This is going on my next 'Link Love' (if you don't mind).

    Also, one of the things I've learnt over the past couple of years is "this too shall pass", I know that's an old saying, but it is so true. I deal with a lot of pain, but it helps me to remember that I'm still blessed enough to have good days with no pain, and no matter how bad it feels right then and there, it will pass.
    I'm also (still) learning to 'let go and let God', I've had/have such a big need to control everything in my life, and I'm (slowly) learning that it's impossible to control everything. Einstein said the only question that really matters is whether the universe is essentially good or essentially bad (forgive me for paraphrasing), and frankly, if you choose to see the universe (or as I see it, God) as essentially good, this world is a much much better place to me.

    Once again, thank you for sharing!

  4. السلام عليكم

    ومنكم نستفيد...

    فعلا الحياه كل يوم تعلمنا عن نفسي
    كل سنة احس تطور في شخصيتي
    وقدراتي ... في اشياء قدرت اعملها الان لكن قبل لا ...

    يعطيك العافيه استاذة

  5. great list of lessons learned! I like this idea of recording them. Been missing you the last few days and hope you are doing well. Maybe enjoying a nice break and hope you are not sick!


  6. I hope you are fine teacher ..!!!!

  7. Rain,
    what an amazing learnt lessons. you really are a wise young lady dear :)

  8. Dr.N,

    And if i only can apply them and make them rules then it would be more interesting, right :)

    Thanks a lot dear :)

  9. Becky,

    of course i don't mind, i would love to be in your "link love", i actually enjoy the ones i already read a lot :)

    i love "let go and let God" very inspiring indeed :)

    you are welcome and thanks you a lot for sharing :)

  10. Visible,

    و عليكم السلام

    الله يعافيك عزيزتي و فعلا الحياة بترمي في طريقنا دروس كتيرة بس الاهم نستفيد و لا لا


  11. Susanne,

    thanks a lot dear :)

    I was sick a bit then school start and then being busy with some final touches to our movement so..


  12. Naz,

    thanks so much for your kind words sweetie :)

    blogs is being known for it's missed up "almost everything".

  13. Visible,

    i am good AlhamudliAllah, i was just a bit sick then you know school starts and million things to do.

    Thanks a lot for your concern :)

  14. Haitham,

    Thanks a lot :)

    And glad that you are back to comments now .
