Kamis, 23 September 2010


lately blogspot has added a "Stats" button. I found it just recently and it is fun to watch.

What interests me most was the "audience"
Usually you will find only where do most people come from in " All Time". But if you check on "now ,day,week and month " you will find interesting places where people come from . 
They probably were  passers by who didn't stay for a minute.

Right now as i am writing , i checked and found the following " United States, United Kingdom, Bangladesh, PakistanLatvia" . On the Day tab there were people from " United States, United Kingdom,Saudi Arabia,  Jordan, Canada, Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, SerbiaTurkey ". The Week Tab shows people fromUnited States, United Kingdom,Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Jordan, India,Australia, Iran,Canada".

Now, here is what i was thinking when i saw the names i underlined and in red. I am not so familiar with the daily life of people from these countries.  I actually can not find a lot of information about these countries beside the typical stereotype which the worldwide media likes to highlight . Some of them like " Serbia, Turkey , Latvia and Iran"  are not easy to find good sources about  in English or even Arabic . 

So.... Whether you like this blog or not and if you only stays for a second or an hour and you happen to be from any country beside " Saudi Arabia, United States and Jordan", Can you please leave a simple comment suggesting some good sites about the life in your country and even better if you could add some links for blogs of people with different interests , they only have to be in English since Arabic is probably not an option here. 
( if you wonder why not Saudi Arabia, USA and Jordan ? it's because most of my blog links are from these 3 lovely countries )

I love to know a lot about other countries and cultures and know more about the life of ordinary people. People like me and you who just happen to be in different countries. I honestly wish that I know different languages to be able to know more, cuz it happen that i believe "another tongue is another life". 

If you are not from any of these countries but you know good blogs and sites, then i would really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance :) 

P.S: it would even be better if you leave a link to your site or blog, unless you are a Japanese spam then those  links are not appreciated  :P

26 komentar:

  1. no i'm offended from google. because ze2red is from cairo :)

  2. loooooool @ Japanese spam!HAHA
    I feel exactly the same!every time i see a strange country in my feed jet curiosity kills me to know how they stumbled into my blog and what they saw in it
    some times they come back,i see that there is more than one visit

    and another curious thing,is that when I see visits from these strange countries they always seem to visit the entry I wrote about Ramadan 0_O dunno why!
    but I love your idea,cause I always wish I could run into an interesting blog from another country,but when I do they're always abandoned long time ago
    so thumbs up :)

  3. Well I'm from Denmark :)good links good links..... hmmmmm


  4. Ha! I loved that last line! :-D Maybe when you learn more about these countries, you can educate us through your posts. :) This was an interesting post. It's cool to see where people visiting your blog come from!

  5. Ze2red,

    actually Egypt comes with big numbers. Though i only have your blog from Egypt. But it's easier to find good sites about and from Egypt " Um Aldonya" :)

  6. Rain,

    Read Saleh 's comment, it's kinda depressing cuz most are not people, but let's hang on the people visits, lol

    But if i find any interesting blogs or sites from other countries, i would post them.
    You know what? you just inspired me to look and find good sites about each country in the world.i will start it right now and when it's full, i will publish the post :)

  7. Becky,

    yes Denmark is on the list, but not much visits. anyway, i rarelt find news about Denmark so thanks A LOT for the links :)

  8. Susanne,

    i wish i learn more about the whole world. Anyway, i am starting dear :)

  9. Saleh,

    first of all thanks for your depressing comment, lol, i am just kidding.
    I know a bit about the not human search. But as long as they are partly, let's count on the human ones. I just want to know more about different places.

    And i understand that you can be a Jordanian or Palestinian but what do you mean "any other Arab country"? . i love to know more about the life of ordinary people from Syria,Lebanon,Palestine,Iraq,Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Libya,Tunisia,Algeria,Morocco,Sudan,Mauritania,Somalia, And Yemen.

    Now, off to your blog for a visit :)

  10. ohh lovely post- i can help you with Somalia Saudi Arabia as u knw bt u dont need and United Kingdom haha UK and Somalia Posts r on my blog a bit older entries http://somalianarab.blogspot.com/2010/06/take-me-home-somalia.html
    http://somalianarab.blogspot.com/2010/04/elections-and-london-love.html ill come back with links of cool blogs

  11. That would be really awesome :D
    Can't wait for the post!
    w she3arona: Rain & Wafa'a...invading the world's blogs :D

  12. just checked my stats now,,,

    mostly from:
    saudia arabia,
    and canada

    nothing from ur red list except for uk
    i guess you get all these "exotic" visitors cause most of ur posts are in english and thats got to have something with keywords in search engines , don't be mad now i'll fix it>>>>once they discover how great ur posts are ...they keep coming back again and again

    have a nice day wafa'
    جمعه مباركه

  13. Yes, Stats is cool and I like to check time to time regardless how accurate it is :)

    How are you dear Wafa'? Hope all is well. I misses your posts!

  14. I love what you did to this place, love the blog renovations. It has so much of your personality. :) Well done, lady!
    PS. Now you know what it's like to get comments from Indonesia, no?

  15. that's really cool hahahah i like it

    thanks to you i will always go to this button haha :)

    see later my friend :)

  16. Naz,

    checking the mentioned posts on your blog dear.
    And waiting for more links :)

    Thanks a lot :)

  17. Rain,

    that's what i will call the post then
    "Rain & Wafa' ..Invading The World's blogs " :)

  18. nissan,

    lol i didn't get mad ya ba6a <<<< i know i have an awesome blog, lol

    Thanks a lot dear :)

  19. Susu,

    they are very cool indeed :)

    I am good sweetie, and things inshAllah will be good , been busy a bit with school and preparation to move. Da3watek dear :)

  20. Hning,

    well hello nice lady.And thanks for your kind words :)

    Your blog has always been giving me a sense of what real life is in Indonesia.

    Thanks for your visit and comment :)

  21. Haitham,

    numbers are magical :)

  22. Saleh,

    well welcome back Ustaz Saleh :)

    naa i am a strong lady, don't get depressed for a long time :)

    And i wish you hadn't deleted that beautiful line. Cuz like you i believe we are one. Not into politics and all that stupidity "to me", but we have a lot in common, and if you have read some of my posts, you would know that "me" have no problem with such "sensitivity" .

    And thanks a lot for the link,i really appreciate it :)

    btw, the depression part was because of the search robot, not the Arab unity. i know you got it but want it to be clearer :)

  23. Freedom,

    don't forget to tell us about the places people come from to visit.

    Take care dear :)

  24. really cool button...

    Thank you teacher...

  25. Visible,

    it is very cool indeed.

    And you are welcome :)
