Jumat, 30 April 2010

Simple Ideas to Make a Difference

Simple ideas to make a difference, and we all need someone to make a difference in our lives.
1. Give a Helping Hand

2. Smile, Be Polite and Friendly

3. Provide a Meal, or Do an Errand

4. Let Someone Go Ahead of You

5. Welcome Someone New into the Neighborhood

6. Give Praise or a Sincere Compliment

7. Encourage Someone

8. Always Give Your Undivided Attention

9. Be Uplifting and Positive

10. Give Others What They Need, Not What you Want to Give

I would love to make a difference, even online. What's your ideas of making a difference and helping in real life and virtual one ? .
I would love to read your thoughts :)

8 komentar:

  1. You DO make a difference by sharing the kindness and love that is part of you! You make people feel special and truly you don't know how wonderful that is. :)

    Lovely post!

  2. hi my dear

    in my opinion is given as you can and always keeping in touch with your fmily

  3. I loved this post. A reminder to be a good person and a great Muslim. Thanks ya batta for all the inspiration that you put in my life. You are unforgettable.

  4. Susanne,

    Great idea and i think that's something we all can share and enjoy.

    Thanks dear :)

  5. White,

    How about forthe rest of the world?
    cuz we always do keep in tocuh with our families in good or bad :)

  6. Dr.N,

    saying lovely and beautiful things to people are a huge uplifiting to souls and minds and that's what you always manage to give me.

    you are amazing :)

  7. this is an amazing post, i love it! thanks for sharing such wonderful things on your blog!

  8. texan, you are welcome dear. we need to help each other and find ways to do so. and if i can do even the slightest of that, that would be good. i love to hear your ideas about helping :)
