Senin, 22 Maret 2010

8:30 P.M. Saturday 27 March 2010

And it didn't take us long to participate this time :)
Saudi Arabia is officially involved in Earth Hour 2010 .

Earth Hour is a movement that started in 2007, i remember watching the news last year and with all the coverage about Earth Hour from around the world, i wondered when will my country be one. This year it's :)

8:30 P.M. Saturday 27 March 2010 , the world will turn it's light for one hour. Don't forget to do so , too . Please be part of this campaign.
You can know more about it from here .
This is the Earth Hour video

And another video about Global Warning

Earth Hour

This' s the Arabic banner for Earth Hour
You can make your own lantern on Earth Hour's Make Lantern . This is mine :)

These are important videos about Global Warming you must watch

and check this one on you tube

Don't think that one person can not make a difference, you can .

12 komentar:

  1. My family and I will participate. Thanks for posting this, we all should not save any chance to save our lovely earth.

  2. It is a cool idea but they should have done it a month ago or so when the weather was cooler!

  3. Dr.N,
    I agree completely . we all should do what we can to help our earth.

  4. Poet, It's a universal idea and the fact that we are headed into hotter weather is a very significant point to why this day is important. who would bleieve that March is gonna be this hot here, Spring just started !!!

  5. I think it's really neat. I saw photographs and the media coverage one year. I don't even know if the US participates... Off to find out!

  6. eyes, i think the US is participating. But even if it's not you can participate yourself.

  7. Saturday, March 27, 8:30. I really must set alarms, this time.

  8. dad, you must do it, it's in less than two days .

  9. very informative post.

  10. Prometheus, you are welcome. And don't forget to participate, it's just one hour :)

  11. sure i ll do wafa'. promise.

  12. Prometheus, Thanks a lot. It's less than half an hour now :)
