Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

YouTube 50's Best Videos have an article about YouTube 50's Best Videos. Beautiful one.

These are my favorite videos.
Ranging from mostly funny to inspiring.

Enjoy them :)

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

A Reminder

Maybe we need to read this again .

It was all over the web lately, but it was like an ordinary topic and didn't get its share of the important cover. Known but unknown.

This one is from

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Help :)

Does anyone knows how to stop cerain people from commenting on my blog.
I don't want to use moderation . And there are some who keep leaving ads or just nonesence comments and everytime i delete them, they come back again.
I read that there are something that can be done if i know their IP's and since i don't know how to get the IP's then i can not block them.

Can anyone Help, please ?

Jumat, 26 Maret 2010

What Happened to " Happily Ever After" ??

Remember all these kids stories where the prince marry the beautiful girl and they live
" Happily Ever After ". Ever wonder wheat happened to them after a year of marriage ?

Here is what happened :-

Cinderella got caught in her troubles and turned to drink to forget, poor she :(

Snow White was stuck with babies and a prince who do nothing but watch TV .

Sleeping beauty is still sleeping and the poor prince is still waiting through age and nursing homes.

Jasmine get involved in the wars of the middle east. Thanx to Aladdin.

Here are more unhappy endings to other stories.

Little Red Riding Hood is still lost in the jungle , eating the food her mother sent to her grandmother. I guess a few rounds in the jungle and she will lose all that extra weight .

The Beauty from Beauty and the Beast can not stop her ongoing plastic surgery .

The Moral of the Story:-

Don't believe everything you read.
There is no Happy Endings.
Fight the obstacles of life so you won't end like one of the above lovely ladies.
Maybe the one who made those stories is a jealous one.
Don't take life too seriously.

Here is something for your smile

Senin, 22 Maret 2010

8:30 P.M. Saturday 27 March 2010

And it didn't take us long to participate this time :)
Saudi Arabia is officially involved in Earth Hour 2010 .

Earth Hour is a movement that started in 2007, i remember watching the news last year and with all the coverage about Earth Hour from around the world, i wondered when will my country be one. This year it's :)

8:30 P.M. Saturday 27 March 2010 , the world will turn it's light for one hour. Don't forget to do so , too . Please be part of this campaign.
You can know more about it from here .
This is the Earth Hour video

And another video about Global Warning

Earth Hour

This' s the Arabic banner for Earth Hour
You can make your own lantern on Earth Hour's Make Lantern . This is mine :)

These are important videos about Global Warming you must watch

and check this one on you tube

Don't think that one person can not make a difference, you can .

Sabtu, 20 Maret 2010

A Letter to my mother

Dear Mother,
Tomorrow is the beginning of the Spring season and we Arabs couldn't find a better day to celebrate your day . Arabs are geniuses :) .

You were there in the heat of the summer when we had no extra money to pay for the coolness of the air conditioner but you never mind working, cleaning and sleeping in the heat so we would enjoy the cold breeze. And when we had a bit of extra money , you still wouldn't use the air conditioner so we can save that extra money .

And you were there in the winter when we couldn't pay for the heater , you borrowed money so we would be warm. You didn't stop cooking hot meals so we won't feel cold, they have to be hot all the time as you say.

You were there in the fall when no one cares. I was born in the fall , do you remember that ?, did you know that our life will be like the naked merciless trees in the fall . Facing the world alone. Is that why you stay ? , is that why you kept having faith in your sons and daughters?

Mother, i know that i was born when you were only thirty. What were your dreams back then? .
Did you dream of a better husband? . Did you wish you had the opportunity to study and work so you can count on no one ? . Did you have any dreams at all ? . Mother, Can you believe that i do not know of any of your dreams !!!

Mother, Did you have a choice when your family refused to take us in when you wanted to leave my father? Did you think for a second that you shouldn't stay with him and leave us ? or did you turn around and go back with him ? . I know that you never regret it because you didn't want to leave us .

Mother, how did you feel knowing that you were married to a bad man, a man who would beat you, harm you and your kids, put your kids in harm's way, do the unthinkable ? . Mother, how do you feel right now when he is sick and still calls you name yet you still help him and clean him ? . Mother, have you ever thought of revenge especially that now you can ?

Mother, how did you feel being hopeless and in need ? How did you feel asking people for money to help the six you have at home ? .

Mother, how did you feel when you grow up finding ungrateful kids around you. How did you feel when they hit you ? call you bitch and adulteress ? call you money seeker ?

Mother, how did you feel knowing that your younger son have turned into a drunken young man? . How did you feel when he beat you and throw things at you ? How did you feel when everyone blames you for his problems? .
Mother, did you know that i used to sleep peacefully at night while his drunken friend were at home because i know you wouldn't sleep afraid he and his friends might harm your two daughters ?

Mother, how did you feel having to let him leave your side for good to protect the rest of us ? How did you feel knowing that he is going from prison to prison?, I know and i have heard you crying too many times missing him but you refused to let me feel it's our fault , the way others make you feel .

Mother, I love you wouldn't describe how i feel towards you. I am sorry wouldn't express my regrets towards the life you have to endure because of us.

Mother, remember when i was younger and stupid and always take my father side without understanding and realizing what's going on !! . Believe me when i swear that i regret each seconds i spend being ungrateful .

Mother, i wish i own the world , i wouldn't think twice to hand it to you.

Mother, all i want from Allah is to reward you with heaven .

Mother,e my life is worthless without you.

Happy mothers day to you and to all mothers of the world :)

* Mother Day is celeberated in the 21st of March in the Arab world .
A worth reading article : Mum and me : what does mother day means to you ?

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Rebuild the Holy Mosque to stop mixing between men and women

wow, Saudi sheiks never stop to amazes me and the world with their ideas.

Since a very important sheik take back their old fatwa that mixing between men and women is t forbidden and they can not seem to settle, it's like they are about to lose their thrones and they are willings to kill not to lose it. So another sheik, Youseff Al-Ahmad said that to stop the mixing in the Holy mosque at Mecca , yes this one in the picture ,

that we should destroy it all , yup, DESTROY IT, and rebuild it again . But this time with 10 stores probably so some of these stores will be for men and some for women to circle around the Kaaba without mixing. Wow, that must top suggestions in 2010.

Let's wait and see what will the governments do about this new suggestion, cuz lots of lunatics will follow their sheiks's sayings to the heart .

This is the sheik's talk to a group of sheiks and young men- and no one was wise enough to argue with him -

you can read more about it in Arabic here

Update: He is not only stupid but also a liar. According to alwatan newspaper, AlAhmad claimed that he didn't ask for the demolish of the Holy Mosque at Mecca, but for expanding it.

Stop Cyber Censorship

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