Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Is it the end for child marriages in Saudi Arabia ?

(scary picture, is not it ?)

For years that what has been happening in here, young girls at the age of 17 and younger - 9 sometimes- are forced to marry old men, some of them are 60 or 80 years old. The society back then took that as a normal thing, most claims that this is an Islamic thing like the time when the prophet married Aisha when she was 9 -or 12 as some claim-.

Anyhow, things seems to be changing lately here in the good way and mothers appear to have their voices heard everywhere to stop their greedy husbands from forcing their young girls to marry at that tender age to old men . Fathers claimed to do so to protect their daughters, some are honest and confess that it's because they were offered huge amount of money.

Lots of people still believe that girls are shame and could bring trouble to their family so to get rid of them is the easiest thing to do, it won't be their problems but the husband's.

Lately an 80 year old man married a 12 year old child , the sheik who approved the marriage say that there are " no clear law against the marriage of any girl younger than 18 " , and that he
" talked to the girl , asking for her approval and that she said yes " , so if a 12 year old said she wanted to kill herself or take drugs we just accept saying that she is mature enough to decide !!!
The husband said that what he did was "legal and was not against the Islamic law" .

Thanks to the mother ,who went to court to revoke the marriage, now the Ministry of Justice is involved . Sources saying that there might be a trail for the shikh and the father and that the marriage might be stopped.

Could this be the end for such horrible marriages ?? Are we going to have a law against minor marriages ??

10 komentar:

  1. امر مرعب

    هذا ما يمكن ان يلخص كل هذه الاعتدءات على الطفوله

    ليذهب الى الجحيم كل من يؤمن يؤمنبهكذا جرائم

    انقذنا يارب منهم


  2. Yeah, just what I wanted at age 12 -- an 80-year old husband!!!! >>>:-( How sad!

    Thanks for sharing this.

  3. that is a very scarey picture! children should be able to be kids...and have fun. not be married off once they can wash a dish.

  4. موفق, Amen :)

    Susanne, very very sad indeed but let's hope that the best is coming and children will be protected.

    angie, i wish they listen but !!, hopefully this time changes will come.

  5. ouch! 12 o 80!! no way!!

    u c.. ppl misuse islamic rules o then tetshawah 9orat elislam 3ala e7saab hal muta5alefeeen!

    y3ni okay fe znm our grandmas kaan time chaged..


  6. nosa, it was acceptable in the past because people have no knowledge of the bad effects on the child's life and health but nowadays there are no excuses.

  7. Thanks Wafa'
    I could not believe my eyes when I saw this picture.
    what is in the body of this little innocent child in order for her to get married?
    Are we human beings? Do we have minds? Hearts? feelings!
    We need to search our souls and check our beliefs to know what went wrong with our human sense.

  8. Prometheus, go ahead and read the next post and you will so mad and so sad :(


    السعودية: اسقاط دعوى لإبطال زواج طفلة برجل ثمانيني

  10. Dr.Emad, yes. that's what her mother is trying to do and hopefully she will win the case.
