Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

Paranormal Activity

i just finished watching the movie "paranormal activity" and i loved it a lot, it's a horror movie, and i am crazy in love with horror movies, especially ghosts, spirits, demons and evil. and this one is all about that. it's shot to appear is it's based on a true story and shot by the couples themselves.
have anyone seen a ghost before? a real one? or Jin ? . my mother can sense them sometimes , i remember when i was young i saw one. not recently though. wished to see one but don't want my wish to be echoed in my brain in case one of them read my mind and be gentle enough and show himself, lool, joking. but really do you believe in them ?
if you love such movies, go ahead and see it, amazing.

9 komentar:

  1. I can sense their presence, I have these experiences several times and the serious one was I was suffocated twice in my campus apartment, once I was pushed to the wall and I heard screams in my ears and the second time, I felt my soul was lifted and float in the air, I saw myself on my bed and I couldn't reach the light. My sister saw them, several times at school and in our garden and my mom dream of them. well, our family encountered this several times. It happened to us twice during vacations.

  2. it seems we have some real cases of x-files in our hands here!
    i don't remember seeing any for real and i am quite happy with that!

  3. Seeing as it's seeing no, but I hear sometimes voices around, but I say to myself" it might be a voice coming from outside". Also, sometimes you feel someone walks in front of you, but once you blink, it disappears....

  4. c, it's so scary what you have experienced. i don't want to be in your shoes dear.

    mossquestions, lool wanna jump in and solve the cases.

    whispering thoughts, voices as people talk or a crack in the wall ...etc. ? . and yea i have seen things walking in front of me and then poof, it think it's them.

  5. Hehe yea it is but like we all get used to it so its really fine but when I'm in the situation, I'm still scared.

  6. I know a house in a near by town where they say it is occupied by a jinni. The construction in house was not completed and no matter how they try, they couldn't because of that.

  7. Hopeless Poet, i love to go inside such houses, just to see what's inside there and what it feels.

  8. i seen this movie to...it was soooo scarey! i didnt sleep for a few days.haha

  9. angie, i checked the movie after i read about it in your blog, and it was scary one indeed
