What is being human mean? . Does it mean eating, living and cooperate with others. Does it mean taking care of your environment ? Does it mean caring about others , love them and respect them? . Is it one of the important qualities of being a human is to think you are better than anyone else? That your race or religion or society is better? .
I kept thinking all the above and more today cuz the same topic as the one i talked about
here happened again. The same favorite topic for so many these days, to dish against Shia' and this time i didn't say A THING, i know i am a COWARD. Because more than ever i was thinking what's wrong with you people? why do these topics pop up from no where ?. An insult from here and a curse from these was blowing all over the place . The poor lady who started the topic couldn't catch her breath from the insults coming out of her mouth, those are sitting around share and those coming for a quick thing share and leave "you have to share ".
That's why i hate exams time where you have to meet with a lot of the ignorant.
The conversation ended with the most shocking remark "God bless Saddam Husein's soul for he was the one keeping the shia' -the meant the one in Iraq- in order " !!!. unbelievable, i was so shocked that i didn't raise my head for about ten minutes, but still i was coward enough to speak up.
What even sadden me more is that my best friend joined in the "god bless Saddam Husein 's soul", i mean ? WHAT ? you !!! . Now this is a lady i know who doesn't follow the rules of Islam by the book ,which is a grave for those lunatics who insisted that you are a sinned person if you didn't follow it properly , and that's OK for her but the Shia' not following what you believe is not OK so you have to call them non Muslims .
We are all going to hell in the eyes of the sheiks who keep preaching hate.
How can i be friend with someone who thinks it's OK for people to be killed because they have another belief? because they believe something else? .
So if i preach the equality for all and someone said i should be killed , she might be the first to throw a stone , is this going to be OK for her ? for all those lunatics at school who think i am a nice lady and respected ?
How can someone be nice and lovely and then hate others based on their beliefs and life style?
Is this what being human mean ? to be nice and a lovely person with people who believe what you believe and hate the rest ?
And you know what it's everywhere? i was checking some blogs lately and landed on one where it's completely dedicated in preaching hate against Islam !!! .
Why would anyone thinks they are better than me cuz they live in the west and are not Muslims?
Why would i think i am better than anyone because i am a Muslims from the land of Islam- as they call Saudi Arabia- and Sunni ? .
And we want hate to end and that this world to live in peace and harmony !!! . Hell if it's ever gonna happen.