Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

What would diabetes do to you and how can you prevent it ?

This whole week i was sick and didn't know if it was the back to school that made me so tired and have huge headache. It was not, it was my diabetes .

I kept checking my blog and comment and have a lot to write about but was a bit concerned because this time it was mostly my sight that was concerning the doctor and i had to use a drop at the doctor's office more than 7 times over two days, each time for half an hour, to check the Retinal. It supposed to widen after 15 to 30 minutes . But nothing happened to me for two days and 7 time.

Today , the doctor was able to check and told me that my retinal is not affected but the blood vessels are a bit affected and that i need to take "Disprin", or baby aspirin , for good , along with my other medicine i have for the diabetes.

I hate medicines and mostly pills, which is why i always stop having them for sometime until i got really sick and had to take them back :( .

Well, at least i am lucky to be good now and that my eyes are fine but i sure need to take more care.

another grave problem is that the doctor asks me to stop eating "rice, pasta,bread" !!! . how can i live without these three lovers :) . hell, no. I care less about the rest of don't have , which i have known for ages, but no one can separate me from my lovers :)

These are some information about Diabetes, type 2- grown up type -like me, :) -
and please be careful, nothing worse losing some part of you :)

Diabetes is a chronic (lifelong) disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood.

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes:
  • Blurred vision
  • Fatigue
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination
The long-term goals of treatment are to:
  • Prolong life
  • Reduce symptoms
  • Prevent diabetes-related complications such as blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, and amputation of limbs
These goals are accomplished through:
  • Blood pressure and cholesterol control
  • Careful self testing of blood glucose levels
  • Education
  • Exercise
  • Foot care
  • Meal planning and weight control
  • Medication or insulin use
There is no cure for diabetes. Treatment involves medicines, diet, and exercise to control blood sugar and prevent symptoms.
People with type 2 diabetes should follow a well-balanced and low-fat diet
type 2 diabetes may respond to treatment with exercise, diet, and medicines taken by mouth. There are several types of medicines used to lower blood glucose in type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is far more common than type 1. It makes up most of diabetes cases. It usually occurs in adulthood, but young people are increasingly being diagnosed with this disease. The pancreas does not make enough insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal, often because the body does not respond well to insulin. Many people with type 2 diabetes do not know they have it, although it is a serious condition. Type 2 diabetes is becoming more common due to increasing obesity and failure to exercise.
you can ,also, check Google health for more information
and again please take care :)

10 komentar:

  1. Wow, I'm glad you are OK now. How scary to have your vision blur like that. You take care of yourself! :)

  2. not that it's a consolation, but you can try low carb Tofu noodles, spaghetti squash (not sure what's the sugar content of it)
    if your supposed to cut out pasta, bread and rice I'm not going to suggest quinoa, bulgor, wheat or couscous
    allah m3aaki

  3. Susanne, thanx for your feelings :) and it was so scary, for two days i was scared that my eyes was affected, but thank god not too much :) .

    melicieuse, you know i never thought of the different kinds of my fav food, but i will check for that for sure. thank you dear :)

  4. i have been reading your blog (backward)after i discovered it by chance two or three weeks back. u are a strong lady and i admire your candidness. your struggle growing up is one-of-a-kind-story to me. please, please, please be strong and watch your diet. u need to be well physically in order to be mentally.

  5. Alhamdulillah, you are okay. The typical Saudi diet is VERY bad for your blood sugar. I understand, I LOVE bread, and since being married to a Saudi, we eat far too much rice as well.

  6. Anonymous, thanx for your lovely words :) And inshallah will take more care. you are right , mental and physical are all connected.

    ابوسنان, Alhamduliallah :)
    and Yes our food is very bad yet delicious :) Ask Manal, she knows best, lol , even in America, she can not escape the rice and the doctor want me to quit it !!!

  7. Thank you for spelling this out so clearly.

    I am very scared about getting diabetes (my mom and my grandmother both got diabetes as adults).

    When I was diagnosed with mets (cancer that has spread), my oncologist said "we now think of cancer as a 'chronic illness,' like diabetes." (apparently, that is a common line that oncologists use).

    I do not really know how true it is. My mom's controls her diabetes just by watching what she eats (and constantly monitoring her insulin).

    As an adult, living with diabetes, I'm curious what you think.

    You can email me at:

  8. RivkA , because diabets is a disease that's last for ever, as they say, they call it a chronic illness.
    It's not hard to live with it if you control it like your mom, the problem is that i am trying hard to do so with pills and all but nothing seems to be able to stop it being so high most times. Is it my diet ?? , probably and i am trying to control this , too. it's that just it's a silent killer and comes along with lots of diseases through the years like high blood pressure. and then, you should take more care about your foot, you tend to lose sense in your foot and fingers with diabets.Your eyes could be a big problem. It's a nasty disease and when you have it, you should play along with it or else. But don't be afraid and because your mom and grandmom got it, does not mean you will.

  9. Wafa - thanks for such a detailed response.

    The ironic thing about the cancer is that at first I was really afraid that I would end up with both cancer and diabetes, because the steroids caused me to gain even more weight.

    But now the chemo I'm on has made me lose a lot of my appetite, so I have lost a lot of weight. So, I am less at risk, unless I gain all that weight back.

    The way you describe constantly having to deal with it (and the threat of the consequences, such as losing a limb) makes it seem much more similar to my experiences than I had previously thought.

  10. RivkA, You are welcome :)
    I think all chronical diseases are the same in their results and what their causes to the body. Of course, some are gravier . The good thing about diabetes in your case that it's not genetic so you have to be realxed from this side. To prevent it you may need to follow a strict schedule regarding your wieght and food mostly.
    I have read about your cancer in your blog and you know what it's scary to me, too. My grandmother had it so i keep wondering about IF we gonna get it ? if it's genetic ? and so on ...
    I will keep follwoing your journey dear . It's the first time i heard about your kind of cancer.
    But to fight any disease i think we need to be optimistic , open mind and love to help us got throught it or maybe live with it:)
