Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Being Human.. rambling about hate.

What is being human mean? . Does it mean eating, living and cooperate with others. Does it mean taking care of your environment ? Does it mean caring about others , love them and respect them? . Is it one of the important qualities of being a human is to think you are better than anyone else? That your race or religion or society is better? .

I kept thinking all the above and more today cuz the same topic as the one i talked about here happened again. The same favorite topic for so many these days, to dish against Shia' and this time i didn't say A THING, i know i am a COWARD. Because more than ever i was thinking what's wrong with you people? why do these topics pop up from no where ?. An insult from here and a curse from these was blowing all over the place . The poor lady who started the topic couldn't catch her breath from the insults coming out of her mouth, those are sitting around share and those coming for a quick thing share and leave "you have to share ".

That's why i hate exams time where you have to meet with a lot of the ignorant.

The conversation ended with the most shocking remark "God bless Saddam Husein's soul for he was the one keeping the shia' -the meant the one in Iraq- in order " !!!. unbelievable, i was so shocked that i didn't raise my head for about ten minutes, but still i was coward enough to speak up.

What even sadden me more is that my best friend joined in the "god bless Saddam Husein 's soul", i mean ? WHAT ? you !!! . Now this is a lady i know who doesn't follow the rules of Islam by the book ,which is a grave for those lunatics who insisted that you are a sinned person if you didn't follow it properly , and that's OK for her but the Shia' not following what you believe is not OK so you have to call them non Muslims .
We are all going to hell in the eyes of the sheiks who keep preaching hate.

How can i be friend with someone who thinks it's OK for people to be killed because they have another belief? because they believe something else? .
So if i preach the equality for all and someone said i should be killed , she might be the first to throw a stone , is this going to be OK for her ? for all those lunatics at school who think i am a nice lady and respected ?

How can someone be nice and lovely and then hate others based on their beliefs and life style?
Is this what being human mean ? to be nice and a lovely person with people who believe what you believe and hate the rest ?

And you know what it's everywhere? i was checking some blogs lately and landed on one where it's completely dedicated in preaching hate against Islam !!! .

Why would anyone thinks they are better than me cuz they live in the west and are not Muslims?

Why would i think i am better than anyone because i am a Muslims from the land of Islam- as they call Saudi Arabia- and Sunni ? .

And we want hate to end and that this world to live in peace and harmony !!! . Hell if it's ever gonna happen.

7 komentar:

  1. sad but true, it is human nature to try and degrade and diminish the "other" in order to feel better about oneself. these days seems that religion is a fashionable topic so alas we fall in the shia/sunni sterile battle. I just wonder why there isn't a sunni/sufi debate? or a shia/sufi debate or hell why not a threeway sunni/shia/sufi it that it becomes too complicated and that ignorants would have to actually know something about what it means to be a sunni and shia or a sufi to be able to say anything that makes sense.... not trying to find any excuses for anyone of these ignorants, I deplore their faithless debates but I think suck talks will never finish they will just pick something else to nag about. I am all for constructive debates, everyone has the right to express themselves as long as they know what they are talking about and as long as they keep within the limits of politeness and decency and most of all as long as they can handle the fact that the person they are talking to might have a radically different opinion than their own. I'll stop blabbing :-p

  2. What a thought-provoking post. It seems hatefulness prevails. :(

  3. Someone who thinks this way isnt nice and decent. The "nice and decent" part of them is the deception.

    Someone who is nice and decent doesnt, cannot, think things like this.

    As to being a coward, dont get too hard on yourself. It is very hard to speak out when you know everyone will stand against you or remain silent.

    What you can do is to decide not to have such people as friends. If anyone felt this way they'd be excluded from my circle VERY quickly.

  4. Well, a certain individual admonished his disciples to be as "subtle as serpents." I think in circumstances like yours, the way you live your life and teach your children is testimony enough.

  5. Wow !!!
    So people like you do exist?! Walla I’m so grateful don’t know how to thank God after reading this post.

  6. wafa'
    the most important is that you know that we are all created by the same...and we are all human.
    you have compassion for other, whether or not they are the same religion as you...that is beautiful!
    hate seems to be on the rise. but i dont think god wants us to fight each other in his name. we have to accept each other. he made us all.
    it must be so hard for you not to voice your opinion in this situation...
    but you know what...who cares? god knows your heart...and thats the most important! your an amazing woman :)

  7. melicieuse, sad but true. btw, Sunni-and i mention them cuz i am one and i know my kind better- have spoken against suffi for so many time, so who knows maybe they will be next.

    Susanne, but we will try our best, right :)

    ابوسنان,thanx for the encouragement and i have decided to stop being her friend at all or even being close to such people.

    dad,i hope that this would do it. cuz we had enough of the whole hate thing.

    faith, ya 3omrei, there are lots of people like me who loves everyone and hate no one, but ...i want to find them in our society. i know about your wonder and i understand it. and thank you so much for your lovely words :)

    angie, thanx for your nice words. and yes we are all equal and loved the same way :)
