Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Burger King's Commercial

Have you seen the Burger King's commercial where they have two guys who supposed to be Saudis and the usual stereotype conversation ?
To me, it was not offencive and if any thought it was , then it would be for both cultures.
It was funny.

* i don't know if it has aried already or would soon.

5 komentar:

  1. Cute! :) I'm glad you were not offended. Actually you seem the kind who doesn't let things easily offend you. I love that trait about you!

  2. hilarious, i'd only seen the oil one before thanx for sharing Wafa :-)

  3. hehehe, I like Burger King ... it actually seemed to me that the American girls were portrayed as being stupid. The guys were just cute. :))

  4. Salam Wafa!!! LOOOOOOOL i laughed so hard! The funny thing is, it's true! Thanks for visiting and replying to my blog. :)))) happy blogging. :))) ((((hugs))))

  5. Susanne, thanx dear and i don't think of pride and stuff like that a lot :)

    melicieuse, you are welcome dear :)

    Aynur, yes as i said it goes both ways, lol

    Texan, you are welcome dear :) and glad you liked it .
