Jumat, 08 Juli 2011

So The Question Becomes

So the question becomes, or should be all along,

what would you do if you know you only have one day

or one week, or one month to live?

What life boat would you grab onto?

What secret would you tell?

What band would you see?

What person would you declare your love to?

What wish would you fulfill?

What exotic locale would you fly to for a coffee?

What book would you write?

(To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield)

from the movie "One Week". 

6 komentar:

  1. Susanne,

    They are indeed :)

  2. It reminds me of a song by my 'love-to-hate' Danish rapper-band Nik & Jay "What would you do if you had just one day to live"... it's good questions, but I just hate the band :P they're just so wannabe and annoying


  3. Becky,

    I never heard of the band, my musical knowledge is still stuck at the 80's, lol.
    Checking the link :)

  4. Well, like I said, not that I like them, it just reminded me ;)

    They're very pop-wanna-be-rapper kinda thing, and I'm not a fan. This is one of their better songs (if I had to pick though) as it actually has a good message. Most of their songs are about hot girls and how many they're sleeping with.

  5. Becky,

    they are the worst kind of musician then .
