Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

My Anniversary

So it's been a year.  

One year since i started this blog !!! i actually didn't thought it will last that long, but now i am intending to make it last for a while :)

I used to read so many Arabic and a bit English blogs before and i wanted to have one too. 
first, i didn't know how. Second, i am not good in writing, in expressing myself , in any language -Arabic or English-. I am not a talkative lady , i am boring and not an interested person at all. I don't like to talk and don't know how to argue so how am i going to write. I like to read but how am i going to make a blog about reading without writing anything about it. video myself reading for example ?? lol. 

Anyway, previous days before i decided to DO IT and have a blog, i kept going from blog spot to word press and vice versa. Though a lot praise word press but i couldn't work it out and i guess there maybe an abandon blog out there in the word press world in my name !! . So i finally started it here. It was easy as simple as that. 

I needed it, first i thought to share stuff with people and since i love pictures i thought maybe a blog about pictures, remember i am not good in expressing things so posting just pictures with no words seems a good idea. And maybe a bit about movies since i am crazy about movies. But i was all alone in here and since no one is around, i dumped it for a few days . 
Then i needed it , i have a lovely family who liked to have fights and screams and all kinds of trouble and since i mostly hid in my room afraid, i thought maybe i need to vent out a bit here and  i didn't stop , lol. 

I never thought i would last a whole year but i am glad i did it. 
I am more open now, yet still not good with expressing in good writing-you noticed that-.
I have met people -online- that i wouldn't have the chance to know and meet otherwise.

There was not a bad experience here like the ones some blogger talk about such as hateful emails and stuff and i am lucky in that i guess. 

Now i am addicted but at least it's the good addiction- i came from a family known of their various kind of addictions- . I loved to write, i love to read what other say and think. 

Writing is a therapy and since it's not common in here to see a shrink, i guess i found my shrink, there are lots and lots of things i want  to do and get rid of and i hope that it will be here. 

No one would believe how i felt when i talked about my brothers. That post, admitting i was sexually abused was something kept inside of me for a long time. No other place in my city would allow me to talk about such incidents. But now i do without troubling my mother with sad feelings. 

Just wanted to say thank you -everyone- for being here, 
for listening and reading, 
for your prayers ,
 for your simple love and acceptance. 

Thanks all :)

28 komentar:

  1. I love blogger for the same reasons as you, i love having a place where i can write my thoughts and beleifs, and get genuine advice from kind people, without worrying about what other people think, i think you are very brave because you wrote about something very major, and although its nice to get it off your chest i cant imagine it was easy for you to admit, and type and share
    naz @
    salaamz sis

  2. the truth is i always think your blog is older than you :) that's my opinion ,because you shared with us many stories and opinions
    i love this kind of blogs not the one which it talk about accessorize or fashion with all my respect to them :)
    your blog talked about our society here , some people think the people here are open-minded .?
    it's obviously you are now bitter than before , you can write and talk in anything inside your heart you want to get rid of problems by talking

    however , happy birthday to you and your blog :)

  3. congrats wafa :D
    i hope u will keep on blogging because i love u n ur blog


    Silla ;)

  4. heeeey! Happy anniversary :)

    Wordpress is neat -in my opinion- , the many options makes it overwhelming at 1st may be.

    I wanted to shift there and delete my blogpost but finally kept both :)

    way to go :))


  5. Happy anniversary! I didn't realize you had only been blogging a year. I'm so happy God brought us together! I find it wonderful to have met such a lovely lady named Wafa'! :)

  6. Hey Wafa'a :)
    I'm Sara/Rain..I've been following your blog for a couple of days now and allow me to say that you are are a very interesting person and you're very very good at expressing yourself!!..if you weren't i wouldn't have read those really long posts of yours lol!
    anyway i just wanna say i really enjoy reading your blog,it really ACTUALLY inspires me because you're such a positive person with a special point of view to everything
    i loved this post in particular because I'm about to have my anniversary with my blog too(soon in September) and i was thinking i should write about how i started it and why and how it helped me and gave me opportunities to observe my feelings(and others' feelings) and write..JUST WRITE! and enjoy writing and preserve what i learn everyday of life
    and here i read your post and i was like:this is exactly what i was thinking!this is what i wanted to write about!!to solve your own problems and to be your self's own shrink
    i loved every word you wrote and I'll stick around following!!
    best regards

  7. Happy one year to you :) And I find you express yourself very well. Love your blog, and your writing actually makes the reader really feel what you're feeling :)

    Take care.. oo oghbal many more year of blogging to come :D

  8. Happy anniversary :D

    I think the blog world is better now that your blog lives in it :D

  9. Happy anniversary! Well I'm glad that you couldn't work out word press :P Wallah I really love your blog, from the name you have given it to every post you've written. :D

  10. Hijabis,

    i guess we all owe it to Google for giving us the space, lol.
    But honestly it's an amazing idea and i am glad i have my space.
    God, how much i need it :)

  11. Freedom,

    I am like you, i like personal blogs with spotlights on issues and societies. I am actually looking for more blogs from different countries now, i want to learn and know more.

    I am way better now and it's all due to having my small place in here :)

    Thanks a lot dear :)

  12. Silla,

    Thanks a lot dear :)

    And i love you too and love your blog a lot, let's keep blogging :)

  13. Haitham,

    WordPress dashboard looks amazing and i feel like a kid happy with its new toy around it, but a kid who doesn't know how to work it sadly, lol :(

    i love both your blogs , keep them working :)

  14. Susanne,

    you are one of the people who have changed my view to so many things in the blogsphere , i told you that last time :)

    I am so proud to know and meet you dear :)

  15. Rain,

    So my posts are long, huh? lool. i always look at them and wonder if they are long or short, hmmm but then hit the publish button anyway, lol

    Thanks a lot for your beautiful words. You know how much inspiring they are :)

    And looking forward to your anniversary :)

  16. Om Lujain,

    Thank you and i bet you many more years as long as my family are around, lool.

    Thanks a lot for your support and kind words :)

  17. Poet,

    Ahleen Mr. How are you and how is America treating you :)

    Thanks a lot for your beautiful words and continuous support :)

  18. My Sky,

    awww you are so sweet.

    Thank you so much for every single word you said here and before. You wouldn't believe how much they help :)

  19. Happy anniversary!

    I'm glad I found your blog. It's pleasure reading for you. Keep blogging :)

  20. Happy anniversary, and to years and years to come :)

  21. Salaam teacher,

    Happy anniversary ..
    Wish you all the best all the time..

    First, I didn't expect this is first year for you with blogging...
    I love your way with writing...
    I'm always say she has to write in famous magazine or newspaper...
    I'm not compliment...

    Even me I was hesitating between blogger and WordPress, but I figured the positive things in blogger more than WordPress...

    I agree with you this is the place that we can talk about our thoughts, opinions, ...etc..
    Every time when I sign in blogger I said I'm happy and proud of myself..


    Happy anniversary :)

  22. Susu,

    Thanks a lot dear :)

    And i am happy to have found your lovely blog. hope you wont stop after giving birth, maybe you should post about your daily life with your new baby so it will be a venting for you to let go of all feelings mother had after birth, what do you think? So at least some of us would be thankful for their mothers even more :)

  23. Ze3red,

    Thanks a lot :)

    and i hope so inshAllah :)

  24. Visible,

    Thanks a lot dear :)

    And thanks even more for all your nice and kind words, your supports and prayers all the time :)

    Yea i guess blogspot is easier and more convenient for me too.

    You should be very proud of yourself, you are amazing, nice and ambitious young lady and you deserve the best :)

  25. ze3red is a typo or you write it like that on purpose. i have friends calling me that :D... 3refty mennne :p

  26. Ze2red,

    lol sorry but it's a typo wallhi, lol

    btw, what does it mean? i am trying to get my tongue around it but can not :( . if you don't mind me asking of course.

  27. Happy blogging anniversary Wafa'...sorry for being late :(

    Thank u for sharing ur thoughts with us :)

  28. Whisper,

    Thanks a lot dear :)

    no worries, mashallah 3aleeke busy doing great things :)
