Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010

For " I am Visible "

My beautiful fellow Saudi blogger " I am visible" have this beautiful post ,

and since she believes in the power of words and quotes, 

i gather some for her, hope she will like them :)

16 komentar:

  1. this is the one i loved the most:

    We must be willing to let go of the life we have planer so as to have the life that is waiting for us.

  2. Aynur,

    Thank you and glad you like them :)

  3. Ze2red,

    we do have a lot in common, that saying kept me thinking a lot since i read it first.

  4. Actually, i've been on and off that state of mind for the past 2 weeks. and reading it again today juggled back my thoughts... i wonder where am i heading next!

  5. Dear Teacher Wafa,

    Exactly in the right time...
    You can't imagine how much I love and enjoy reading the post...

    I was searching for quotes like this to write & put it in my desk... All what I found about relations and loves..
    You really save my time ..
    I won't find quotes better than this...

    I appreciate your surprise...
    Never thought some one will do a special post for me ...
    You have an unlimited love...
    May Allah bless you and your family you love..

    I'm writing them right now..

    Thank you dear me.. ^_^

  6. Ze2red,

    maybe you are heading towards the life that is meant for you :)

  7. angie,

    glad you like them :)

    you are welcome .

  8. Visible,

    you deserve much more dear :). These are nothing wallahi. I have huge ones so send me your email-if you wish-to my email so i can send you more :)
    this is my email:

  9. Haitham,

    I am glad you like them, too :)

  10. i really hope i'm one step close :D

  11. Amazing quotes, really inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing them. :)

  12. Zainab,

    you are welcome, Glad that you enjoyed them :)
